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L'eutrophisation des eaux marines et saumâtres en Europe, en particulier en France 5
Menesguen, Alain; Aminot, Alain; Belin, Catherine; Chapelle, Annie; Guillaud, Jean-francois; Joanny, Michel; Lefebvre, Alain; Merceron, Michel; Piriou, Jean-yves; Souchu, Philippe.
In order to be able to count the cases of coastal eutrophication and to propose methods to monitor as well as to reduce these phenomena, first of all it is necessary to precisely define the word eutrophication itself. Instead of the strict etymological definition, that is to say a progression of the enrichment of a medium, we will rather retain the concept of a state enriched at a point such as it causes harmful effects on the ecosystem, and nuisances to man's activities. Based on the average chemical equations of the organic matter synthesis/degradation in the sea, this operational definition thus puts forwards the harmful consequences of enrichment, i.e. the production of an excessive algal biomass, sometimes unbalanced from the point of view of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alexandrium; Phaeocystis; Monostroma; Ulva; Dilution plume; Water trapping; Anoxia; Nitrogen and phosphorus loadings; Red tides; Phytoplankton blooms; Green tides; Eutrophication; Alexandrium; Phaeocystis; Monostroma; Ulva; Panache de dilution; Confinement; Anoxie; Phosphate; Nitrate; Apports terrigènes; Eaux colorées; Blooms phytoplanctoniques; Marées vertes; Eutrophisation.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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