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Improvements of simulated Western North Atlantic current system and impacts on the AMOC 5
Talandier, Claude; Deshayes, Julie; Treguier, Anne-marie; Capet, Xavier; Benshila, Rachid; Debreu, Laurent; Dussin, Raphael; Molines, J. -m.; Madec, Gerard.
Previous studies have shown that low horizontal resolution (of the order of 1°) ocean models, hence climate models, are not able to adequately represent boundary currents nor mesoscale processes which affect the dynamics and thermohaline circulation of the ocean. While the effect of mesoscale eddies can be parameterized in low resolution models, boundary currents require relatively high horizontal resolution. We clarify the impact of increasing the resolution on the North Atlantic circulation, with emphasis on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), by embedding a 1/8° nest covering the North Atlantic into a global 1/2° model. Increasing the resolution in the nest leads to regional improvements of the circulation and thermohaline...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep Western Boundary Current; Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation; North Atlantic Current; Gulf Stream; Subpolar gyre.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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ISOW spreading and mixing as revealed by Deep‐Argo floats launched in the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone 5
Racape, V.; Thierry, Virginie; Mercier, Herle; Cabanes, Cecile.
To improve our understanding of deep circulation, we deployed five Deep‐Argo floats (0–4000 m) in the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone (CGFZ), which channels the flow of Iceland‐Scotland Overflow Water (ISOW), a dense water mass of the North Atlantic Ocean. The floats were programmed to drift at 2750 dbar in the ISOW layer. The floats mainly moved westward in the CGFZ, although some of them followed different routes for few cycles depending on northward intrusions of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) over the CGFZ. One float revealed a direct route for ISOW from CGFZ to the Deep Western Boundary Current at Flemish Cap. In the CGFZ, oxygen data acquired by the floats revealed that the ISOW layer, characterized by salinity higher than 34.94 and density greater...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: North Atlantic Ocean; Deep circulation; Deep-Argo float; Mixing; North Atlantic Current; Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Postglacial paleoceanography of the western Barents Sea: Implications for alkenone-based sea surface temperatures and primary productivity 5
Łącka, Magdalena; Cao, Min; Rosell-melé, Antoni; Pawłowska, Joanna; Kucharska, Małgorzata; Forwick, Matthias; Zajączkowski, Marek.
The increasing influence of Atlantic Water (AW) in the Barents Sea, a process known as “Atlantification”, is gradually decreasing sea ice cover in the region. Ongoing global climate warming is likely to be one of its drivers, but to further understand the role of natural variability and the biogeochemical impacts of the inflow of AW into the western Barents Sea, we reconstructed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and primary productivity in Storfjordrenna, a climatically sensitive area south of Spitsbergen, between approximately 13,950 cal yr BP and 1300 cal yr BP. The alkenone proxy has been applied to reconstruct SSTs, and the alkenone accumulation rate in marine sediments has been used to infer changes in primary productivity. Our data show that the SST...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alkenones; Stratification; Holocene; Sea ice decrease; Global warming; North Atlantic Current; Arctic.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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