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CAMBIOS, Station profiles: CTD and LADCP ArchiMer
Gaillard, Fabienne; Lherminier, Pascale; Lagadec, Catherine; Branellec, Pierre.
The Cambios cruises aimed at studying the variability of the circulation in the Canary basin, specifically: the evolution of the Azores front and the detection of meddies. The dataset includes the vertical profiles collected with the CTD and LADCP equipment.
Tipo: Dataset Palavras-chave: LADCP; CTD; North-East Atlantic; Azores front; Meddies.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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CAMBIOS, Vessel mounted ADCP data (RDI NB-75) ArchiMer
Gaillard, Fabienne; Lherminier, Pascale; Remy, Elisabeth; Abel, Karine.
This dataset includes the VMADCP data from the 3 CAMBIOS cruises (processing level: L2b, sofware: Cascade)
Tipo: Dataset Palavras-chave: VMADCP; SADCP; Canary basin; North-East Atlantic; Azores front.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Do river discharge rates drive the overall functioning of the pelagic ecosystem over the continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay (NE Atlantic)? A comparison of two contrasting years with special reference to anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) nutritional state ArchiMer
Bergeron, Jean-pierre; Delmas, Daniel; Koueta, Noussithe.
In the 2000 and 2001 springtime periods, mesozooplankton samples were systematically taken during research cruises devoted to the study of the distribution and abundance of small pelagic fishes in the French part of the Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic, continental shelf. Simultaneous activities of three enzymes were measured in these mesozooplankton samples, to characterize the main features of ecosystem function at a regional scale. The aim was to assess assimilation rates of carbohydrates, through pyruvate kinase activity, and protein, through trypsin activity, by the mesozooplankton community and the resulting overall productivity, through aspartate transcarbamylase activity. The highest influence on the pelagic environment was the strong difference in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rivers discharge; Phytoplankton distribution; Anchovy; Nutritional state; RNA/DNA ratio; Mesozooplankton; Metabolic descriptors; North-East Atlantic; Bay of Biscay.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Green macroalgae blooms (Ulva spp.) influence trophic ecology of juvenile flatfish differently in sandy beach nurseries ArchiMer
Jones, Auriane; Quillien, Nolwenn; Fabvre, Axel; Grall, Jacques; Schaal, Gauthier; Le Bris, Hervé.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eutrophication; Foraging behavior; Fish diet; Macrobenthic invertebrates; Stable isotopes; Trophic niche; Pegusa lascaris; Pleuronectes platessa; Scoplithalmus maximus; North-East Atlantic.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Modelling secondary production in the Norwegian Sea with a fully coupled physical/primary production/individual-based Calanus finmarchicus model system ArchiMer
Hjøllo, Solfrid Sætre; Huse, Geir; Skogen, Morten D.; Melle, Webjørn.
The copepod Calanus finmarchicus is the dominant species of the meso-zooplankton in the Norwegian Sea, and constitutes an important link between the phytoplankton and the higher trophic levels in the Norwegian Sea food chain. An individual-based model for C. finmarchicus, based on super-individuals and evolving traits for behaviour, stages, etc., is two-way coupled to the NORWegian ECOlogical Model system (NORWECOM). One year of modelled C. finmarchicus spatial distribution, production and biomass are found to represent observations reasonably well. High C. finmarchicus abundance is found along the Norwegian shelf-break in the early summer, while the overwintering population is found along the slope and in the deeper Norwegian Sea basins. The timing of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Calanus finmarchicus; Zooplankton; IBM; NORWECOM; End-to-end modelling; North-East Atlantic.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Reducing marine eutrophication may require a paradigmatic change ArchiMer
Desmit, X.; Thieu, V.; Billen, G.; Campuzano, F.; Duliere, V.; Garnier, J.; Lassaletta, L.; Menesguen, Alain; Neves, R.; Pinto, L.; Silvestre, M.; Sobrinho, J. L.; Lacroix, G..
Marine eutrophication in the North-East Atlantic (NEA) strongly relies on nutrient enrichment at the river outlets, which is linked to human activities and land use in the watersheds. The question is whether human society can reduce its nutrient emissions by changing land use without compromising food security. A new version of Riverstrahler model (pyNuts-Riverstrahler) was designed to estimate the point and diffuse nutrient emissions (N, P, Si) to the rivers depending on land use in the watersheds across a large domain (Western Europe agro-food systems, waste water treatment). The loads from the river model have been used as inputs to three marine ecological models (PCOMS, ECO-MARS3D, MIRO&CO) covering together a large part of the NEA from the Iberian...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: North-East Atlantic; Eutrophication; Model scenarios; Land-sea continuum; Land use; Pristine; Management support.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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