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Adubação em pastagens degradadas de capim-colonião. 14
CARVALHO, E. J. M.; SOUZA, F. R. S. de.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Pastagem degradada; Recuperação de pastagem; Transamazônica; Altamira; Pará; Brasil; Pasture improvement; Adubação; Disponibilidade de Nutriente; Solo; Amazonia; Fertilizer application; Nutrient availability; Soil.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Balanço de nutrientes em capoeiras, agroecossistemas e pastagem no Nordeste do Pará. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Disponibilidade de nutrientes; Castanha-do-brasil; Capim-quicuio; Pará; Brasil; Brasil nuts; Cacau; Capoeira; Consorciação de Cultura; Ecologia Vegetal; Fertilidade do Solo; Seringueira; Solo; Amazonia; Intercropping; Plant ecology; Nutrient availability; Soil fertility; Soil.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Carbohydrase and phytase supplementation in diets for semi-heavy laying hens 2
Geraldo, Adriano; Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais; Gomes, Karina Rodrigues Aurora; Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais; Fassani, Édison José; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Bertechini, Antonio Gilberto; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Simão, Sérgio Domingos; Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais; Nogueira, Filipe Soares; Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais.
This study was conducted in order to evaluate the association of phytase with an enzymatic complex comprised of carbohydrases (α-galactosidase, galactomannan, xylanase and β-glucanase) in nutrition reduction diets for semi-heavy laying hens and its effect on egg performance and egg quality. Four hundred Isa Brown laying hens with 42 to 57 weeks of age were distributed in an entirely random experiment with five treatments and 8 repetitions, during five production periods of 21 days. Variables studied: egg production, feed intake, mean egg weight, feed conversion, Haugh unit, percentage of yolk, egg white and albumen, yolk color, eggshell thickness and specific gravity. There was a significant interaction (p < 0.05) between treatments and experimental...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: enzymes; Monogastrics; Nutrient availability; Performance; Egg quality.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Changes in soil chemical and physical properties in pasture fertilised with liquid swine manure 63
Scheid,Douglas Leandro; Silva,Rodrigo Ferreira da; Silva,Vanderlei Rodrigues da; Ros,Clovis Orlando Da; Pinto,Marlo Adriano Bison; Gabriel,Márcia; Cherubin,Maurício Roberto.
ABSTRACT: Chemical and physical properties of soil can be altered with the successive application of liquid swine manure (LSM), also known as slurry. Therefore, monitoring the impact of LSM is essential to an assessment of the potential agronomic and environmental benefits and risks associated with management practices. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of LSM on the chemical and physical attributes of soil under pasture (Cynodon spp.), located in southern Brazil. Four areas were sampled: three areas cultivated with Cynodon spp. pasture with successive applications of 200 m3 ha–1 y–1 of LSM for three, eight and 15 years; and untreated native forest as a reference. The soil attributes evaluated were: organic carbon (OC), active (pH water)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Management of organic residues; Organic carbon; Nutrient availability; Soil compaction; Soil chemistry.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Defense Compounds Rather Than Nutrient Availability Shape Aggressiveness Trait Variation Along a Leaf Maturity Gradient in a Biotrophic Plant Pathogen 5
Maupetit, Agathe; Larbat, Romain; Pernaci, Michaël; Andrieux, Axelle; Guinet, Cécile; Boutigny, Anne-laure; Fabre, Bénédicte; Frey, Pascal; Halkett, Fabien.
Foliar pathogens face heterogeneous environments depending on the maturity of leaves they interact with. In particular, nutrient availability as well as defense levels may vary significantly, with opposing effects on the success of infection. The present study tested which of these factors have a dominant effect on the pathogen’s development. Poplar leaf disks of eight maturity levels were inoculated with the poplar rust fungus Melampsora larici-populina using an innovative single-spore inoculation procedure. A set of quantitative fungal traits (infection efficiency, latent period, uredinia size, mycelium quantity, sporulation rate, sporulation capacity, and spore volume) was measured on each infected leaf disk. Uninfected parts of the leaves were analyzed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Constitutive defense; Aggressiveness traits; Plasticity; Nutrient availability; Rust fungus.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Efeito de cachos vazios de dendê, com ou sem mesofauna do solo, na disponibilidade de nutrientes e na distribuição das raízes do dendezeiro. 14
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Cacho vazio; Distribuição de raiz; Pará; Brasil; Plant developmental stages; Dendê; Disponibilidade de Nutriente; Elaeis Guineensis; Etapa de Desenvolvimento da Planta; Sistema Radicular; Amazonia; Inflorescences; Nutrient availability; Root systems.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Martins,Vanessa; Silva,Douglas Ramos Guelfi; Marchi,Giuliano; Leite,Maurício Cunha Almeida; Martins,Éder de Souza; Gonçalves,Ana Stella Freire; Guilherme,Luiz Roberto Guimarães.
The current high price of potassium chloride and the dependence of Brazil on imported materials to supply the domestic demand call for studies evaluating the efficiency of alternative sources of nutrients. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of silicate rock powder and a manganese mining by-product, and secondary materials originated from these two materials, on soil chemical properties and on brachiaria production. This greenhouse experiment was conducted in pots with 5 kg of soil (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico - Oxisol). The alternative nutrient sources were: verdete, verdete treated with NH4OH, phonolite, ultramafic rock, mining waste and the proportion of 75 % of these K fertilizers and 25 % lime. Mixtures containing 25 % of lime...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil acidity; Nutrient availability; Rock powder; Multi-nutrient fertilizer.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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This report provides a comprehensive review and synthesis of published research on the impact of USDA's domestic food and nutrition assistance programs on participants' nutrition and health outcomes. The outcome measures reviewed include food expenditures, household nutrient availability, dietary intake, other measures of nutrition status, food security, birth outcomes, breastfeeding behaviors, immunization rates, use and cost of health care services, and selected nonhealth outcomes, such as academic achievement and school performance (children) and social isolation (elderly). The report is one of four volumes produced by a larger study that includes Volume 1, Research Design; Volume 2, Data Sources; Volume 3, Literature Review; and Volume 4, Executive...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Dietary intake; Food expenditures; Nutrient availability; Nutrient intake; Nutritional status; Nutrition and health outcomes; USDA; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Fox, Mary Kay; Hamilton, William L.; Lin, Biing-Hwan.
This report provides a summary of a comprehensive review and synthesis of published research on the impact of USDA's domestic food and nutrition assistance programs on participants' nutrition and health outcomes. The outcome measures reviewed include food expenditures, household nutrient availability, dietary intake, other measures of nutrition status, food security, birth outcomes, breastfeeding behaviors, immunization rates, use and cost of health care services, and selected nonhealth outcomes, such as academic achievement and school performance (children) and social isolation (elderly). The report is one of four volumes produced by a larger study that includes Volume 1, Research Design; Volume 2, Data Sources; Volume 3, Literature Review; and Volume 4,...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Dietary intake; Food expenditures; Nutrient availability; Nutrient intake; Nutritional status; Nutrition and health outcomes; USDAs food assistance and nutrition programs; Food Security and Poverty.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Extended use of poultry manure as a nutrient source for flood-irrigated rice crop 86
Schmidt,Fabiana; Knoblauch,Ronaldir.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate changes in the soil chemical properties, nitrogen use efficiency, and grain yield of flood-irrigated rice fields after the addition of poultry manure during five years. Trials were carried out in a randomized complete block design, with three replicates. The treatments were: chemical fertilizers, N-P2O5-K2O; control, no fertilizers; and poultry manure doses, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 Mg ha-1. Poultry manure increased soil pH, base saturation, and phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and zinc contents more than the chemical fertilizers. Adding poultry manure to the soil increased N ammonification (35 mg kg-1 NH4 +-N) from the first to the fourth week after rice was sown. The exclusive use of poultry manure was not...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oryza sativa; Nutrient availability; Organic fertilization.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Indicações para coleta e avaliação de solos. 14
GAMA, J. R. N. F.; CARVALHO, L. O. D. de M.; COSTA, N. A. da; BRANCO, E. J..
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Amostragem do solo; Propriedade físico-química do solo; Teor de nutriente; Coleta de solo; Soil chemicophisical properties; Soil testing; Análise do Solo; Fertilidade do Solo; Nutrient availability; Sampling; Soil fertility.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Nitrogen Mineralization and Released Nutrients in a Volcanic Soil Amended with Poultry Litter 117
Hirzel,Juan; Undurraga,Pablo; Walter,Ingrid.
Optimum application rates of poultry litter (PL) spread out on the farmer´s field is a valuable source of available plant nutrients. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of two rates of PL and conventional fertilization (CF) on N mineralization and P, K, Zn, and Cu availability in an Andisol from Southern Chile under controlled conditions. Aerobic incubation was carried out for a 16-wk period. N mineralization rates were higher (61.5%) with the two PL treatments than with conventional fertilizer (23%). CF was associated with high N availability prior to the start of incubation and slight immobilization during the first week, perhaps due to a more rapid conversion of urea into NH4 which was then temporarily immobilized by the microbial biomass....
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Aerobic incubation; Poultry litter; Nitrogen mineralization; Nutrient availability; Volcanic soil.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Níveis críticos de fósforo disponível para alguns solos do Acre. 14
PEREIRA, J. B. M.; GOMES, T. C. de A..
Os resultados das análises químicas dos solos necessitam, para atender a um programa global de avaliação da fertilidade, estar relacionadas com níveis críticos e recomendações de adubação. Neste trabalho, serão definidos os níveis críticos de P disponível pelos extratores químicos Mehlich I e III, e Bray I em 11 amostras de solos coletadas em regiões de importância agrícola do estado do Acre e que apresentam ampla variabilidade física e química.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Nível crítico; Fertilidad del suelo; Análisis del suelo; Rio Branco (AC); Disponibilidad de nutrientes; Deficiencias de nutrientes; Experimentación en invernadero; Maíz; Rendimiento de los cultivos; Embrapa Acre; Acre; Amazônia Ocidental; Western Amazon; Amazonia Occidental; Fertilidade do Solo; Análise do Solo; Análise Química; Estufa; Fósforo; Milho; Zea Mays; Rendimento; Disponibilidade de Nutriente; Deficiência Nutricional; Soil fertility; Soil analysis; Chemical analysis; Nutrient availability; Nutrient deficiencies; Phosphorus; Greenhouse experimentation; Corn; Crop yield.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Solubility and availability of micronutrients extracted from silicate agrominerals 86
Marchi,Giuliano; Guelfi-Silva,Douglas Ramos; Malaquias,Juaci Vitória; Guilherme,Luiz Roberto Guimarães; Spehar,Carlos Roberto; Martins,Eder de Souza.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the solubility of the micronutrients copper, nickel, and zinc, chemically extracted from silicate agrominerals, as alternative sources of potassium for lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and rice (Oryza sativa) cultures, as well as their availability to the plants. The micronutrient contents of five agrominerals (alkaline ultramafic, biotite schist, volcanic breccia, phlogopite schist, and mining by-product from Chapada) were evaluated, after being extracted by the citric acid, hydrochloric acid, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, 3051A, neutral ammonium citrate, and Mehlich-3 methods. The agrominerals, at the doses of 0 (control), 200, 400, and 600 kg ha-1 K, were mixed to soil where lettuce and rice were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Copper; Mining by-product; Nickel; Nutrient availability; Zinc.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Uso de biomassa residual de usinas de óleo essencial na adubação de pimenta longa. 14
Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar os teores de nutrientes na biomassa residual de usinas e em plantas inteiras de pimenta longa, no momento do corte, visando estimar o que pode ser reciclado da biomassa total retirada pelas colheitas.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Safrol; Biomasa; Disponibilidad de nutrientes; Fertilizantes; Aceites essenciales; Pimenta Longa; Piper Hispidinervum; Óleo Essencial; Biomassa; Disponibilidade de Nutriente; Adubação; Nutrient availability; Biomass; Safrole; Piper longum; Essential oils; Fertilizers.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Validation of a methodology for measuring nutrient digestibility and evaluation of commercial feeds for channel catfish 63
Kitagima,Renato Eiji; Fracalossi,Débora Machado.
Channel catfish, a major freshwater aquaculture species in the US, is also farmed in Southern Brazil. However, apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of nutrients in commercial feeds available in Brazil for the species are not known. This study aimed at optimizing a methodology for fecal collection and determination of apparent nutrient digestibility for catfish. Pilot trials were carried out to establish gastrointestinal transit, fish density, and time interval between fecal collections. Gastrointestinal transit of dry feed for catfish varied from 11h30 to 10h30 for 100 and 172-g fish, respectively. Average dry weight of feces produced along a six day period by 99-g fish was 0.54 g, regardless of stocking density (10, 15 or 20 fish per 98-L cage; p...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nutrient availability; Fish nutrition; Siluriform fish; Channel catfish.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Valorisataion de l’apport nutritionel d’un mollusque bivalve "Mactra corallina" des côtes tunisiennes (Kalaât El Andalous) 20
Chetoui, I.; Rabeh, I.; Telahigue, K.; Ghazali, N.; Boussoufa, D.; El Cafsi, M..
L’analyse des composés biochimiques d’un bivalve marin Mactra corallina récolté, pendant le mois de Mars 2009, des plages de Kalaât El Andalous (Ka) du Golfe de Tunis, nous a permis de relever une quantité relativement importante de l’acide palmitique (C16 :0), de l’acide eicosapentaénoîque (EPA, C20 : 5n-3) et de l’acide docosahexaénoîque (DHA C22 : 6 n-3). La teneur en glycogène est plus élevée au niveau des muscles adducteurs (22,15mg/g MF) qu’au niveau de l’ensemble glande digestive-gonade (2,57mg/g MF). Ce dernier ensemble présente cependant une quantité plus importante en protéines totales.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Molluscs; Nutrient availability.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Velocidade de decomposição e liberação de nutrientes da biomassa de diferentes espécies de leguminosas em um sistema agroflorestal no Acre. 14
GOMES, T. C. de A.; LOPES, V. M. B..
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar a velocidade de decomposição da biomassa de diferentes espécies leguminosas na superfície do solo de um sistema agroflorestal, bem como estudar o padrão de liberação de seus nutrientes.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Sistema agroflorestal (SAF); Agroforestería; Legumbres; Degradación; Amazonia Occidental; Western Amazon; Amazônia Ocidental; Disponibilidad de nutrientes; Acumulación de materia seca; Rondônia; Nova Califórnia (RO); Projeto Reca; Leguminosa; Biomassa; Decomposição; Disponibilidade de Nutriente; Agroforestry; Nutrient availability; Legumes; Degradation; Dry matter accumulation.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Water magnetization and phosphorus transport parameters in the soil 91
Generoso,Tarcila N.; Martinez,Mauro A.; Rocha,Genelício C.; Hamakawa,Paulo J..
ABSTRACT There are scientific studies describing changes in properties of the water when subjected to the action of a magnetic field, which may favor the availability of some nutrients in the soil solution. Some nutrients, although they are essential to the process of crop development, can be sources of pollution for watercourses and soil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of water magnetization on transport parameters of the phosphate ion in a Red Latosol (RL) and in a Quartzarenic Neosol (QN). Saturated leaching columns were connected to bottles containing KH2PO4 solutions. In RL, there were significant differences in phosphorus (P) transport parameters, related to the retardation factor (R) and distribution coefficient (Kd). For the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Magnetized water; Ion movement; Nutrient availability; Fertigation.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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