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The influence of N and P supply and genotype on N remobilization in containerized Pinus radiata plants 118
Bown,Horacio E; Watt,Michael S; Clinton,Peter W; Mason,Euan G.
A large proportion of the nitrogen (N) used in the current-year growth of the widely grown plantation species Pinus radiata D. Don is N that was stored in plant tissues the previous year. However, the extent to which an imbalance between levels of phosphorus (P) and N may change the capacity of plants to remobilize N is unknown. In this study, the N remobilization responses of four P. radiata genotypes to a factorial combination of N and P additions were assessed in containerized plants in a two-year greenhouse experiment. N supply was enriched with 15N at 2.5%o(labeled N) during the first year. Plants were then transferred to clean sand and grown for another year with 15N at levels close to natural levels (0.3664899 atom percent 15N, δ15N...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Genotypes; Nitrogen; Nutrient remobilization; Phosphorus; Pinus radiata.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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