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Variabilité des manifestations hydrothermales actuelles le long d'une dorsale ultra rapide. Dorsale Est Pacifique entre 17° et 19° S (campagne NAUDUR). 5
Fouquet, Yves; Auzende, Jean-marie; Ballu, V; Batiza, R; Bideau, Daniel; Cormier, Mh; Geistdoerfer, P; Lagabrielle, Yves; Sinton, J; Spadea, P.
69 new hydrothermal sites were discovered during the Naudur diving cruise. Dives were conducted between 17 degrees 5 and 18 degrees 40'5 on four segments showing marked contrast in morphology, volcanic, tectonic and hydrothermal activity. At 17 degrees 10'5, 17 degrees 25'5 and 18 degrees 37'5 the ridge has a dome shaped cross-section and is dominated by very active volcanic activity. Early widespread low temperature (<50 degrees C) diffuse hydrothermal discharge is followed by focused high temperature black smokers. At 18 degrees 15'S tectonic activity is dominant, no recent lava was observed, and only two of the 20 hydrothermal sites are active. At 18 degrees 32'5 recent lava representing a new volcanic episode partly covers the bottom of the graben....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrothermalisme; Océan; Dorsales rapides; Min6ralisations sulfurées.; HYDROTHERMAL ACTIVITY; OCEAN; FAST SPREADING RIDGES; SULFIDES.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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