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Effect of subjective choices on the objective analysis of sea surface temperature data in the tropical Atlantic and Pacific oceans 5
Molinari, Rl; Festa, Jf.
Many subjective choices are required to perform an objective interpolation (OI) analysis of environmental variables. Herein, we consider the effects on the statistical analysis of sea surface temperature (SST) using (1) a structure function or covariance analysis, (2) different analytical expressions to represent the statistics of the raw data, and (3) different historical SST data sets. The historical data sets are the well-sampled Comprehensive Ocean-Atmospheric Data Set (COADS) and the poorly sampled historical expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data set. Results from these analyses are used to generate error maps for a poorly-sampled, two month XBT array and a proposed well-sampled profiling float array. For the relatively data-rich GOADS analysis,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Analyse objective; Température superficielle; Fonction de structure; Analyse statistique; Interpolation objective; Objective analysis; Sea surface temperature; Structure function; Statistical analysis; Objective interpolation.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Lagrangian circulation of Antarctic Intermediate Water in the subtropical South Atlantic 5
Nunez Riboni, Ismael; Boebel, Olaf; Ollitrault, Michel; You, Yuzhu; Richardson, Philip; Davis, Russ.
This study combines float data from different projects collected between 1991 and 2003 in the South Atlantic to describe the flow of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW). Velocity space-time averages are calculated for various grid resolutions and with cells deformed to match the bathymetry, f/H or f/h (with H being the water depth and It being the thickness of the AAIW layer). When judged by the degree of alignment between respective isolines and the resulting average velocity fields, the best grid is based on a nominal cell size of 3° (latitude) by 4° (longitude) with cell shapes deformed according to f/h. Using this grid, objectively estimated mean currents (and their associated errors), as well as meridional and zonal volume transports...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Objective analysis; Transports; Lagrangian circulation; South Atlantic; Neutral density surfaces; Floats; Antarctic Intermediate Water ( AAIW ).
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Refroidissements locaux aux abords du talus continental Armoricain 5
Langlois, Gilbert; Gohin, Francis; Serpette, Alain.
Infrared measurement at the sea surface, which constitutes an operational technology in remote-sensing, has become essential for the study of ocean dynamics. Nevertheless, observations are only usable when clouds do not mask infrared radiation coming from the ocean, a condition which rarely pertains in the Bay of Biscay as a whole. lt is consequently a matter of primary concern to have at one's disposai an effective method which permits the computation of mean SST fields from a chronological succession of incomplete images. In the case under consideration, "kriging" is the most widely practised method of performing geostatistical estimates. Before mapping isotherms, temperatures are estimated by interpolation on a regular gridnet. The process was applied...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ondes internes; Talus continental; Température superficielle; Télédétection; Analyse objective; Internal waves; Continental shelf; Sea-surface temperature; Teledetection; Objective analysis.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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