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Deployment of new observing systems within the JERICO-RI 5
Puillat, Ingrid; Carlier, Antoine; Facq, Jean-valery; Rubio, Anna; Lazure, Pascal; Delauney, Laurent; Petihakis, George; Karlson, Bengt; Artigas, Felipe; Farcy, Patrick.
A key message of the JERICO-RI consortium (2014): “The complexity of the coastal ocean cannot be well understood if interconnection between physics, biogeochemistry and biology is not guaranteed. Such integration requires new technological developments allowing continuous monitoring of a larger set of parameters”. In agreement with this consideration, several new observing systems are developed, tested and deployed in the framework of the JERICO-NEXT H2020 project, amongst which a few of them will be presented as well as some preliminary results after the first deployments. Focus will be given on coastal transports and hydrology and on benthic biodiversity. In the first case, we will present a low cost 2D moored system dedicated to acquire vertical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: JERICO; JERICO-NEXT; Coastal; Ocean Observing System (OOS); Harmonization.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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