Registros recuperados: 29 | |
Tilbrook, Bronte; Jewett, Elizabeth B.; Degrandpre, Michael D.; Martin Hernandez-ayon, Jose; Feely, Richard A.; Gledhill, Dwight K.; Hansson, Lina; Isensee, Kirsten; Kurz, Meredith L.; Newton, Janet A.; Siedlecki, Samantha A.; Chai, Fei; Dupont, Sam; Graco, Michelle; Calvo, Eva; Greeley, Dana; Kapsenberg, Lydia; Lebrec, Marine; Pelejero, Carles; Schoo, Katherina L.; Telszewski, Maciej. |
A successful integrated ocean acidification (OA) observing network must include (1) scientists and technicians from a range of disciplines from physics to chemistry to biology to technology development; (2) government, private, and intergovernmental support; (3) regional cohorts working together on regionally specific issues; (4) publicly accessible data from the open ocean to coastal to estuarine systems; (5) close integration with other networks focusing on related measurements or issues including the social and economic consequences of OA; and (6) observation-based informational products useful for decision making such as management of fisheries and aquaculture. The Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON), a key player in this vision,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network; Sustainable Development Goal; Ocean acidification; Ecosystem stressors; Capacity building. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00675/78727/80987.pdf |
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Cubillos, J. C.; Wright, S. W.; Nash, G.; De Salas, M. F.; Griffiths, B.; Tilbrook, B.; Poisson, A.; Hallegraeff, G. M.. |
We conducted a scanning electron microscopic survey of morphological variations in the calcareous nanoplankton species Emiliania huxleyi in Southern Ocean surface water samples collected along a transect from 43 to 64 degrees S and 141 to 145 degrees E during November 2001, October to February 2002/2003, 2003/2004, 2004/2005 and 2005/2006. The results were compared with historical data from a similar transect occupied in December to January 1983/1984 and January to February 1994 and 1995. While E. huxleyi was absent or extremely sparse (0.1 to 1 cells ml(-1)) south of 60 degrees S in 1983/1984 and 1994/1995, this species was consistently present at about 100 cells ml(-1) between 60 and 65 degrees S during 2002 to 2006. The extended geographic range and/or... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Southern Ocean; Emiliania huxleyi; Calcite saturation state; Ocean acidification. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00236/34735/33191.pdf |
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Henley, Sian F.; Cavan, Emma L.; Fawcett, Sarah E.; Kerr, Rodrigo; Monteiro, Thiago; Sherrell, Robert M.; Bowie, Andrew R.; Boyd, Philip W.; Barnes, David K. A.; Schloss, Irene R.; Marshall, Tanya; Flynn, Raquel; Smith, Shantelle. |
The Southern Ocean plays a critical role in regulating global climate as a major sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), and in global ocean biogeochemistry by supplying nutrients to the global thermocline, thereby influencing global primary production and carbon export. Biogeochemical processes within the Southern Ocean regulate regional primary production and biological carbon uptake, primarily through iron supply, and support ecosystem functioning over a range of spatial and temporal scales. Here, we assimilate existing knowledge and present new data to examine the biogeochemical cycles of iron, carbon and major nutrients, their key drivers and their responses to, and roles in, contemporary climate and environmental change. Projected increases in... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Southern Ocean; Biogeochemistry; Primary production; Iron; Nutrients; Carbon; Ecosystem; Ocean acidification. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00676/78831/81113.pdf |
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García-ibáñez, Maribel I.; Bates, Nicholas R.; Bakker, Dorothee C.e.; Fontela, Marcos; Velo, Antón. |
The net uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere is changing the ocean's chemical state. Such changes, commonly known as ocean acidification, include a reduction in pH and the carbonate ion concentration ([CO32−]), which in turn lowers oceanic saturation states (Ω) for calcium carbonate (CaCO3) minerals. The Ω values for aragonite (Ωaragonite; one of the main CaCO3 minerals formed by marine calcifying organisms) influence the calcification rate and geographic distribution of cold-water corals (CWCs), important for biodiversity. Here, high-quality measurements, collected on thirteen cruises along the same track during 1991–2018, are used to determine the long-term changes in Ωaragonite in the Irminger and Iceland Basins of the North Atlantic... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ocean acidification; Aragonite saturation state; Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation; Eastern-Subpolar North Atlantic Ocean. |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00688/79965/82895.pdf |
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Qui-minet, Zujaila Nohemy; Coudret, Jérôme; Davoult, Dominique; Grall, Jacques; Mendez‐sandin, Miguel; Cariou, Thierry; Martin, Sophie. |
Made up of calcareous coralline algae, maerl beds play a major role as ecosystem engineers in coastal areas throughout the world. They undergo strong anthropogenic pressures, which may threaten their survival. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the future of maerl beds in the context of global and local changes. We examined the effects of rising temperatures (+3°C) and ocean acidification (−0.3 pH units) according to temperature and pH projections (i.e., the RCP 8.5 scenario), and nutrient (N and P) availability on three temperate maerl species (Lithothamnion corallioides, Phymatolithon calcareum, and Lithophyllum incrustans) in the laboratory in winter and summer conditions. Physiological rates of primary production, respiration, and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Calcification; Maerl; Nitrate; Ocean acidification; Ocean warming; Phosphate; Photosynthesis; Respiration. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00595/70722/68955.pdf |
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Feng, Ellias Y.; Keller, David P.; Koeve, Wolfgang; Oschlies, Andreas. |
Artificial ocean alkalinization (AOA) is investigated as a method to mitigate local ocean acidification and protect tropical coral ecosystems during a 21st century high CO2 emission scenario. Employing an Earth system model of intermediate complexity, our implementation of AOA in the Great Barrier Reef, Caribbean Sea and South China Sea regions, shows that alkalinization has the potential to counteract expected 21st century local acidification in regard to both oceanic surface aragonite saturation Omega and surface pCO(2). Beyond preventing local acidification, regional AOA, however, results in locally elevated aragonite oversaturation and pCO(2) decline. A notable consequence of stopping regional AOA is a rapid shift back to the acidified conditions of... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Coral reef; Geoengineering; Ocean alkalinization; Ocean acidification; Climate engineering; Weathering enhancement. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00383/49417/49879.pdf |
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Sulpis, Olivier; Boudreau, Bernard P.; Mucci, Alfonso; Jenkins, Chris; Trossman, David S.; Arbic, Brian K.; Key, Robert M.. |
Oceanic uptake of anthropogenic CO2 leads to decreased pH, carbonate ion concentration, and saturation state with respect to CaCO3 minerals, causing increased dissolution of these minerals at the deep seafloor. This additional dissolution will figure prominently in the neutralization of man-made CO2 . However, there has been no concerted assessment of the current extent of anthropogenic CaCO3 dissolution at the deep seafloor. Here, recent databases of bottom-water chemistry, benthic currents, and CaCO3 content of deep-sea sediments are combined with a rate model to derive the global distribution of benthic calcite dissolution rates and obtain primary confirmation of an anthropogenic component. By comparing preindustrial with present-day rates, we determine... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ocean acidification; Seafloor; CaCO3; Dissolution; Anthropogenic CO2. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00675/78677/80887.pdf |
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Andersson, Andreas J.; Venn, Alexander A.; Pendleton, Linwood; Brathwaite, Angelique; Camp, Emma; Cooley, Sarah; Gedhill, Dwight; Koch, Marguerite; Maliki, Samir; Manfrino, Carrie. |
The Caribbean and Western Atlantic region hosts one of the world’s most diverse geopolitical regions and a unique marine biota distinct from tropical seas in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. While this region varies in human population density, GDP and wealth, coral reefs, and their associated ecosystem services, are central to people’s livelihoods. Unfortunately, the region’s reefs have experienced extensive degradation over the last several decades. This degradation has been attributed to a combination of disease, overfishing, and multiple pressures from other human activities. Furthermore, the Caribbean region has experienced rapid ocean warming and acidification as a result of climate change that will continue and accelerate throughout the 21st century.... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Caribbean; Coral reef; Restoration; Climate change; Ocean acidification; Ecosystem services. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00495/60684/64180.pdf |
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The assessment of the effects of Ocean Acidification (OA) on marine life has received increasing attention in recent marine research. On a mesocosmic scale, the CO2 levels in seawater can be manipulated to evaluate experimentally the consequences of OA on marine organisms (vertebrates and invertebrates). An ideal manipulation of carbonate chemistry should mimic exactly the changes to carbonate chemistry, which will occur in years to come. Although some methods have been described in the literature, here we describe in detail a simple, robust and inexpensive system to produce CO2-enriched seawater by bubbling the seawater with air-CO2 mixtures. The system uses mass flow controllers (MFC) to blend atmospheric air with pure CO2 to produce two pCO2 levels. The... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Carbonate chemistry manipulation; Ocean acidification. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-078X2013000400006 |
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Agostini, Sylvain; Houlbrèque, Fanny; Biscéré, Tom; Harvey, Ben P.; Heitzman, Joshua M.; Takimoto, Risa; Yamazaki, Wataru; Milazzo, Marco; Rodolfo-metalpa, Riccardo. |
Coral communities around the world are projected to be negatively affected by ocean acidification. Not all coral species will respond in the same manner to rising CO2 levels. Evidence from naturally acidified areas such as CO2 seeps have shown that although a few species are resistant to elevated CO2, most lack sufficient resistance resulting in their decline. This has led to the simple grouping of coral species into “winners” and “losers,” but the physiological traits supporting this ecological assessment are yet to be fully understood. Here using CO2 seeps, in two biogeographically distinct regions, we investigated whether physiological traits related to energy production [mitochondrial electron transport systems (ETSAs) activities] and biomass (protein... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ocean acidification; Hermatypic corals; Mitochondrial electron transport activity; Biomass; Resistance. |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00677/78925/81293.pdf |
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Biscéré, T.; Zampighi, M.; Lorrain, Anne; Jurriaans, S.; Foggo, A.; Houlbrèque, F.; Rodolfo-metalpa, R.. |
While research on ocean acidification (OA) impacts on coral reefs has focused on calcification, relatively little is known about effects on coral photosynthesis and respiration, despite these being among the most plastic metabolic processes corals may use to acclimatize to adverse conditions. Here, we present data collected between 2016 and 2018 at three natural CO2 seeps in Papua New Guinea where we measured the metabolic flexibility (i.e. in hospite photosynthesis and dark respiration) of 12 coral species. Despite some species-specific variability, metabolic rates as measured by net oxygen flux tended to be higher at high pCO2 (ca 1200 µatm), with increases in photosynthesis exceeding those of respiration, suggesting greater productivity of... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ocean acidification; Coral reefs; Acclimatization; Metabolic flexibility; CO2 seeps. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00509/62051/66205.pdf |
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Gazeau, Frédéric; Van Wambeke, France; Maranon, Emilio; Perez-lorenzo, Maria; Alliouane, Samir; Stolpe, Christian; Blasco, Thierry; Leblond, Nathalie; Zancker, Birthe; Engel, Anja; Marie, Barbara; Dinasquet, Julie; Guieu, Cécile. |
Although atmospheric dust fluxes from arid as well as human-impacted areas represent a significant source of nutrients to surface waters of the Mediterranean Sea, studies focusing on the evolution of the metabolic balance of the plankton community following a dust deposition event are scarce and none were conducted in the context of projected future levels of temperature and pH. Moreover, most of the experiments took place in coastal areas. In the framework of the PEACETIME project, three dust-addition perturbation experiments were conducted in 300-L tanks filled with surface seawater collected in the Tyrrhenian Sea (TYR), Ionian Sea (ION) and in the Algerian basin (FAST) onboard the R/V “Pourquoi Pas?” in late spring 2017. For each experiment, six tanks... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Mediterranean Sea; Atmospheric deposition; Plankton community metabolism; Carbon export; Ocean acidification; Ocean warming. |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00688/79967/82900.pdf |
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Rassmann, Jens. |
Continental shelves are key regions for the global carbon cycle and particularly exposed to ocean acidification. A large part of organic matter (OM) of continental and marine origin is mineralized in estuarine sediments following oxic and anoxic pathways. This mineralization produces dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) leading to acidification of the bottom waters. Anoxic mineralization can produce total alkalinity (TA) that can contribute to buffer bottom water pH and increase the CO2 storage capacity of seawater. Measurements in the sediments of the Rhone River prodelta showed that anoxic mineralization, especially sulfate reduction, are the major pathways of OM mineralization and create high DIC and TA fluxes. Land derived OM is mineralized close to the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Carbonate system; Early diagenesis; Mineralization; Pelagic-bentic fluxes; Rhone prodelta; Ocean acidification. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00659/77076/78398.pdf |
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Comte, Adrien; Pendleton, Linwood H.; ,. |
Coral reef ecosystems and the people who depend on them are increasingly exposed to the adverse effects of global environmental change (GEC), including increases in sea-surface temperature and ocean acidification. Managers and decision-makers need a better understanding of the options available for action in the face of these changes. We refine a typology of actions developed by Gattuso et al. (2015) that could serve in prioritizing strategies to deal with the impacts of GEC on reefs and people. Using the typology we refined, we investigate the scientific effort devoted to four types of management strategies: mitigate, protect, repair, adapt that we tie to the components of the chain of impact they affect: ecological vulnerability or social vulnerability.... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Coral reefs; Climate change; Ocean acidification; Management; Adaptation. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00418/52917/53872.pdf |
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Pendleton, Linwood H.; Hoegh-guldberg, Ove; Langdon, Chris; Comte, Adrien. |
Ocean acidification, climate change, and other environmental stressors threaten coral reef ecosystems and the people who depend upon them. New science reveals that these multiple stressors interact and may affect a multitude of physiological and ecological processes in complex ways. The interaction of multiple stressors and ecological complexity may mean that the negative effects on coral reef ecosystems will happen sooner and be more severe than previously thought. Yet, most research on the effects of global change on coral reefs focus on one or few stressors, pathways or outcomes (e.g., bleaching). Based on a critical review of the literature, we call for a regionally targeted strategy of mesocosm-level research that addresses this complexity and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Coral reefs; Multiple stressors; Mesocosm-level research; Climate change; Ocean acidification. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00636/74835/75224.pdf |
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Harney, Ewan; Artigaud, Sebastien; Le Souchu, Pierrick; Miner, Philippe; Corporeau, Charlotte; Essid, Hafida; Pichereau, Vianney; Nunes, Flavia. |
Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide results in ocean acidification and warming, significantly impacting marine invertebrate larvae development. We investigated how ocean acidification in combination with warming affected D-veliger larvae of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Larvae were reared for 40 h under either control (pH 8.1, 20 °C), acidified (pH 7.9, 20 °C), warm (pH 8.1, 22 °C) or warm acidified (pH 7.9, 20 °C) conditions. Larvae in acidified conditions were significantly smaller than in the control, but warm acidified conditions mitigated negative effects on size, and increased calcification. A proteomic approach employing two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) was used to quantify proteins and relate their abundance to phenotypic traits. In... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Crassostrea gigas; Ocean acidification; Larval development; ATP synthase; GAPDH; Superoxide dismutase. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00299/40985/40076.pdf |
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Fassbender, Andrea J.; Sabine, Christopher L.; Palevsky, Hilary I.. |
Surface ocean carbon chemistry is changing rapidly. Partial pressures of carbon dioxide gas (pCO(2)) are rising, pH levels are declining, and the ocean's buffer capacity is eroding. Regional differences in short-term pH trends primarily have been attributed to physical and biological processes; however, heterogeneous seawater carbonate chemistry may also be playing an important role. Here we use Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas Version 4 data to develop 12month gridded climatologies of carbonate system variables and explore the coherent spatial patterns of ocean acidification and attenuation in the ocean carbon sink caused by rising atmospheric pCO(2). High-latitude regions exhibit the highest pH and buffer capacity sensitivities to pCO(2) increases, while the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ocean acidification; Carbon sink; Revelle factor; Carbon cycle. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00661/77321/78794.pdf |
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Flynn, Kevin J.; Clark, Darren R.; Mitra, Aditee; Fabian, Heiner; Hansen, Per J.; Glibert, Patricia M.; Wheeler, Glen L.; Stoecker, Diane K.; Blackford, Jerry C.; Brownlee, Colin. |
Human activity causes ocean acidification (OA) though the dissolution of anthropogenically generated CO2 into seawater, and eutrophication through the addition of inorganic nutrients. Eutrophication increases the phytoplankton biomass that can be supported during a bloom, and the resultant uptake of dissolved inorganic carbon during photosynthesis increases water-column pH (bloom-induced basification). This increased pH can adversely affect plankton growth. With OA, basification commences at a lower pH. Using experimental analyses of the growth of three contrasting phytoplankton under different pH scenarios, coupled with mathematical models describing growth and death as functions of pH and nutrient status, we show how different conditions of pH modify the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ocean acidification; Eutrophication; Primary production; Plankton succession; Food security. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00286/39723/38196.pdf |
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Olsen, Erik; Kaplan, Isaac C.; Ainsworth, Cameron; Fay, Gavin; Gaichas, Sarah; Gamble, Robert; Girardin, Raphael; Eide, Cecilie H.; Ihde, Thomas F.; Morzaria-luna, Hem Nalini; Johnson, Kelli F.; Savina-rolland, Marie; Townsend, Howard; Weijerman, Mariska; Fulton, Elizabeth A.; Link, Jason S.. |
Ecosystem-based management (EBM) of the ocean considers all impacts on and uses of marine and coastal systems. In recent years, there has been a heightened interest in EBM tools that allow testing of alternative management options and help identify tradeoffs among human uses. End-to-end ecosystem modeling frameworks that consider a wide range of management options are a means to provide integrated solutions to the complex ocean management problems encountered in EBM. Here, we leverage the global advances in ecosystem modeling to explore common opportunities and challenges for ecosystem-based management, including changes in ocean acidification, spatial management, and fishing pressure across eight Atlantis (atlantis.cmar.csiro.au) end-to-end ecosystem... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Ecosystem-based management; Fisheries management; Ocean acidification; Marine protected areas; Atlantis ecosystem model. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00428/53948/55094.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 29 | |