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A semiempirical model of the normalized radar cross-section of the sea surface - 1. Background model ArchiMer
Kudryavtsev, V; Hauser, D; Caudal, G; Chapron, Bertrand.
Multiscale composite models based on the Bragg theory are widely used to study the normalized radar cross-section (NRCS) over the sea surface. However, these models are not able to correctly reproduce the NRCS in all configurations and wind wave conditions. We have developed a physical model that takes into account, not only the Bragg mechanism, but also the non-Bragg scattering mechanism associated with wave breaking. A single model was built to explain on the same physical basis both the background behavior of the NRCS and the wave radar Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) at HH and VV polarization. The NRCS is assumed to be the sum of a Bragg part (two-scale model) and of a non-Bragg part. The description of the sea surface is based on the short wind...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean surface waves; Radar cross section; Short wind waves; Wave breaking; Bragg scattering; Non Bragg scattering.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Emerging trends in the sea state of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas ArchiMer
Thomson, Jim; Fan, Yalin; Stammerjohn, Sharon; Stopa, Justin; Erick Rogers, W.; Girard-ardhuin, Fanny; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Shen, Hayley; Perrie, Will; Shen, Hui; Ackley, Steve; Babanin, Alex; Liu, Qingxiang; Guest, Peter; Maksym, Ted; Wadhams, Peter; Fairall, Chris; Persson, Ola; Doble, Martin; Graber, Hans; Lund, Bjoern; Squire, Vernon; Gemmrich, Johannes; Lehner, Susanne; Holt, Benjamin; Meylan, Mike; Brozena, John; Bidlot, Jean-raymond.
The sea state of the Beaufort and Chukchi seas is controlled by the wind forcing and the amount of ice-free water available to generate surface waves. Clear trends in the annual duration of the open water season and in the extent of the seasonal sea ice minimum suggest that the sea state should be increasing, independent of changes in the wind forcing. Wave model hindcasts from four selected years spanning recent conditions are consistent with this expectation. In particular, larger waves are more common in years with less summer sea ice and/or a longer open water season, and peak wave periods are generally longer. The increase in wave energy may affect both the coastal zones and the remaining summer ice pack, as well as delay the autumn ice-edge advance....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea ice; Arctic Ocean; Ocean surface waves.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Sun glitter imagery of ocean surface waves. Part 1: Directional spectrum retrieval and validation ArchiMer
Kudryavtsev, Vladimir; Yurovskaya, Maria; Chapron, Bertrand; Collard, Fabrice; Donlon, Craig.
A practical method is suggested to quantitatively retrieve directional spectra of ocean surface waves from high-resolution satellite sun glitter imagery (SSGI). The method builds on direct determination of the imaging transfer function from the large-scale smoothed shape of sun glitter. Observed brightness modulations are then converted into sea surface elevations to perform directional spectral analysis. The method is applied to the Copernicus Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) measurements. Owing to the specific instrumental configuration of MSI (which has a primary mission dedicated to mapping of land surfaces), a physical angular difference between channel detectors on the instrument focal plane array can be used to efficiently determine the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Satellite sun glitter imagery; Ocean surface waves; 2-D spectra retrieval.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Sun glitter imagery of surface waves. Part 2: Waves transformation on ocean currents ArchiMer
Kudryavtsev, Vladimir; Yurovskaya, Maria; Chapron, Bertrand; Collard, Fabrice; Donlon, Craig.
Under favorable imaging conditions, the Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) can provide spectacular and novel quantitative ocean surface wave directional measurements in satellite Sun Glitter Imagery (SSGI). Owing to a relatively large-swath with high-spatial resolution (10 m), ocean surface roughness mapping capabilities, changes in ocean wave energy, and propagation direction can be precisely quantified at very high resolution, across spatial distances of 10 km and more. This provides unique opportunities to study ocean wave refraction induced by spatial varying surface currents. As expected and demonstrated over the Grand Agulhas current area, the mesoscale variability of near-surface currents, documented and reconstructed from satellite...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Satellite Sun Glitter Imagery; Ocean surface waves; Waves transformation on the currents.
Ano: 2017 URL:
Registros recuperados: 4
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