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Agulhas eddy fluxes in a 1/6 degrees Atlantic model ArchiMer
Treguier, Anne-marie; Boebel, O; Barnier, B; Madec, G.
A 1/6degrees resolution primitive equation model of the Atlantic circulation is analyzed in the Agulhas region. The model has a realistic level of eddy kinetic energy, and produces anticyclonic Agulhas rings as well as cyclonic structures. In the model as well as in the data, ring trajectories undergo a transition between a turbulent character in the Cape Basin and a steady propagation in the rest of the South Atlantic. The topography of the Walvis Ridge does not seem to play a part in generating this contrast in the model. The model shows that cyclones are primarily generated from the negative shear vorticity side of the Agulhas Current as it leaves the coast, and they are most of the time paired with anticyclones in dipolar or tripolar structures....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: South Africa; South Atlantic Ocean; Numerical model; Ocean currents; Oceanic eddies; Eddy flux.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Heat balance and eddies in the Peru-Chile current system ArchiMer
Colas, Francois; Mcwilliams, James C.; Capet, Xavier; Kurian, Jaison.
The Peru-Chile current System (PCS) is a region of persistent biases in global climate models. It has strong coastal upwelling, alongshore boundary currents, and mesoscale eddies. These oceanic phenomena provide essential heat transport to maintain a cool oceanic surface underneath the prevalent atmospheric stratus cloud deck, through a combination of mean circulation and eddy flux. We demonstrate these behaviors in a regional, quasi-equilibrium oceanic model that adequately resolves the mesoscale eddies with climatological forcing. The key result is that the atmospheric heating is large (> 50 W m(-2)) over a substantial strip > 500 km wide off the coast of Peru, and the balancing lateral oceanic flux is much larger than provided by the offshore...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Regional modelling; South-East Pacific; Heat Balance; Oceanic eddies; Regional climate.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Tracking coherent structures in a regional ocean model with wavelet analysis: Application to Cape Basin eddies - art. no. C05043 ArchiMer
Doglioli, Andrea; Blanke, Bruno; Speich, Sabrina; Lapeyre, Guillaume.
[1] This study is mainly aimed at proposing objective tools for the identification and tracking of three-dimensional eddy structures. It is conducted with a high-resolution numerical model of the ocean region around South Africa, and emphasis is put on Cape Basin anticyclones and cyclones thought to be actively implicated in the Indian-Atlantic interocean exchange. We settle on wavelet analysis for the decomposition and processing of successive maps of relative vorticity for a simulation run with 1/10 degrees resolution. The identification of three- dimensional coherent structures comes with the calculation of eddy trajectories and the time evolution of eddy properties. Instantaneous mass transport and momentum of eddies are calculated from the knowledge...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Southeast Atlantic ocean; Agulhas current system; Wavelet analysis; Regional modeling; Oceanic eddies.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Variabilidad espacial y temporal de los remolinos oceánicos en la región suroccidental de Cuba OceanDocs
Gutiérrez, Alina Rita; Álvarez Cruz, Amaury.
Un estudio de los remolinos oceánicos se realizó en la región SW de Cuba (19o-22oN, 80o40´- 86o30´W). Este comprendió la localización de los vórtices y sus escalas asociadas. La caracterización del campo de remolinos tuvo en cuenta su posición, orientación, diámetro y área. La variabilidad espacial y temporal de la serie de corrientes se determinó por el método de las componentes principales. La data primaria provino de los mapas de alturas dinámicas de 18 cruceros oceanográficos, de imágenes de corrientes obtenidas con el Modelo Global de Circulación Oceánica y Climatología Avanzada, y de una serie de corrientes de los satélites ERS1/2. Este estudio demostró que existen dos tipos de mecanismos orientadores de los remolinos oceánicos. La topografía...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Oceanic eddies; Spatial variations; Temporal variations.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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