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Can Offshore Wind Energy Be a Lever for Job Creation in France? Some Insights from a Local Case Study 5
Kahouli, Sondes; Martin, Jean Christophe.
The French government has launched three separate calls for tender in July 2011, March 2013, and December 2016 to install 3.5 GW of offshore wind. In addition to contributing to the fulfillment of environmental commitments, the deployment of offshore wind energy is expected to be a lever for economic development. To assess gross economic impacts, mainly in terms of job creation, we built a regional input-output model of the wind farm off Saint-Brieuc located in the region of Brittany, north-western France. Our model indicates that the project will have positive effects on Brittany’s economy. In particular, during the investment phase, the wind farm is expected to lead to €0.38 M/year/MW of added value and 6.03 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs/year/MW....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Offshore wind; Economic impacts; Input-output model; France.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Les énergies marines renouvelables répondent-elles au modèle d’économie de la fonctionnalité ? 5
Lalancette, Soazig; Le Floc H, Pascal; Le Gallic, Bertrand.
This article seeks to estimate the relevance of the service economy applied to marine renewable energy projects. This study is based on stakeholder contributions in public debate in Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm project (France). We seek to analyze stakeholder perspectives through an application of a textual analysis on contributions (cahiers d’acteurs). Textual analysis reveals two main results, the first one turns to social and economic question with the impact on the territory, in particularly the employment and the training. The second issue concerns the energy efficiency of marine renewable technologies. For each of these issues, the discussion try to give a perspective regard to service economy theory and discuss about the relevance of service...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Économie de la fonctionnalité; Énergie marine renouvelable; Analyse textuelle; Éolien en mer; Débat public; Service economy; Marine renewable energy; Textual analysis; Offshore wind; Public debate.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Offshore wind climatology based on synergetic use of Envisat ASAR, ASCAT and QuikSCAT 5
Hasager, Charlotte B.; Mouche, Alexis; Badger, Merete; Bingol, Ferhat; Karagali, Ioanna; Driesenaar, Tilly; Stoffelen, Ad; Pena, Alfredo; Longepe, Nicolas.
The offshore wind climatology in the Northern European seas is analysed from ten years of Envisat synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images using a total of 9256 scenes, ten years of QuikSCAT and two years of ASCAT gridded ocean surface vector wind products and high-quality wind observations from four meteorological masts in the North Sea. The traditional method for assessment of the wind resource for wind energy application is through analysis of wind speed and wind direction observed during one or more years at a meteorological mast equipped with well-calibrated anemometers at several levels. The cost of such measurements is very high and therefore they are only sparsely available. An alternative method is the application of satellite remote sensing....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Offshore wind; SAR; QuikSCAT; ASCAT; Wind energy; Resource; Northern Europe.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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