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Electricity Generation in Fiji: Assessing the Impact of Renewable Technologies on Costs and Financial Risk AgEcon
Dornan, Matthew; Jotzo, Frank.
In recent years, renewable energy technologies have been advocated in Fiji on the basis that they improve energy security and serve as a risk-mitigation measure against oil price volatility. Despite this, there have been few attempts to measure the impact of renewable technologies on energy security. That analysis is important if the benefits of renewable energy technologies in Fiji are to be adequately evaluated. This paper develops and applies a method for assessing the potential contribution of renewable technologies to the security of electricity supply in Fiji. The method is based on an application of portfolio theory, traditionally used in financial markets, to the electricity generation mix in Fiji. The results demonstrate the impact of different...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Renewable energy technologies; Energy policy; Electricity sector; Fiji; Oil prices; Portfolio analysis; Pacific islands; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The Long-Run Impact of Energy Prices on World Agricultural Markets: The Role of Macro-Economic Linkages AgEcon
Chantret, Francois; Gohin, Alexandre.
The world prices of food and energy products have followed similar large swings in recent years. We investigate the long run relationship between these prices using a world Computable General Equilibrium model with detailed representations of food and energy markets. Particular attention is paid to specify macro-economic linkages which have often been overlooked in recent analysis and debate. We find that the omission of these macro-economic linkages has a substantial bearing on this relationship. A positive relationship due to the cost push effect has been identified in most analysis, but we find that the introduction of the real income effect may indeed imply a negative relationship between world food and energy prices. Accordingly, it is crucial to...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Oil prices; Agricultural prices; Computable general equilibrium model; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Crop Production/Industries; Demand and Price Analysis; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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