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Feeding habits of Molina's hog-nosed skunk, Conepatus chinga (Carnivora: Mephitidae) in the extreme south of Brazil Rev. Bras. Zool.
Peters,Felipe Bortolotto; Roth,Paulo Ricardo de Oliveira; Christoff,Alexandre Uarth.
Feeding habits of the Molina's hog-nosed skunk, Conepatus chinga (Molina, 1782) in the extreme south of Brazil. We analyzed 60 stomachs of road-kills of C. chinga in the extreme south of Brazil. The contents revealed 808 prey parts, including invertebrates (frequency of occurrence - FO = 96.7% and relative abundance - RA = 94.7%), vertebrates (FO = 18.3% and RA = 2.8%) and plants (FO = 31.7% and RA = 2.3%). We identified 18 kinds of food, including the invertebrate order Coleoptera which showed the highest FO (86.7%) and RA (75.2%). Other important orders were Orthoptera (FO = 35% and RA = 10.4%) and Araneae (FO = 41.7% and RA = 4%). The combination of occurrence and abundance of the preys consumed allowed classifying C. chinga as an omnivorous with a...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Diet; Omnivorous; Pampa; Predator; Road-kill fauna.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Feeding of juvenile pirarucu (Arapaima gigas, Arapaimidae) in their natural environment, lago Quatro Bocas, Araguaiana-MT, Brazil Neotropical Ichthyology
Oliveira,Valdézio de; Poleto,Stephania Luz; Venere,Paulo Cesar.
The stomach content of samples of juvenile Arapaima gigas was analized to obtain information about feeding in natural environments. This species occurs in the Amazonian basin, predominantly in floodplain environment. This is the case of the valley of the middle rio Araguaia, where the lago Quatro Bocas is situated. Juveniles A. gigas prefered insects, microcrustaceans and gastropods, most of autochthonous origin. All the stomachs examined contained at least one food item.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Food habits; Araguaia; Osteoglossiformes; Omnivorous.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Morphological, histological and histochemical analysis of the digestive tract of Trachelyopterusstriatulus (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae) Rev. Bras. Zool.
Santos,Marcella L. dos; Arantes,Fábio P.; Pessali,Tiago C.; Santos,José E. dos.
ABSTRACT The digestive tract of Trachelyopterus striatulus (Steindachner, 1877) was studied using morphological, histological, and histochemical techniques. The barbels, lips and tongue had stratified squamous epithelium with mucous, claviform cells, and taste buds. Trachelyopterus striatulus had a dental plaque with villiform teeth. The bucopharyngeal cavity was formed by the gill apparatus and pharyngeal teeth with vilifform denticles. The oesophagus presented stratified squamous epithelium with mucous cells and taste buds. The stomach included cardiac, fundic, and pyloric regions and a simple prismatic epithelium with prismatic cells that reacted positively to periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and amylase+PAS. Only the cardiac and pyloric regions responded...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Anatomy; Catfish; Morphology; Mucosubstances; Omnivorous.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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The diet of Ophionereis reticulata (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) in southeastern Brazil Zoologia
Yokoyama,Leonardo Q.; Amaral,Antonia C. Z..
The ophiuroid Ophionereis reticulata (Say, 1825) occurs in the sediment-rocky shore interface, under small stones. Its diet is analyzed in this short communication. Specimens were collected at the Praia Grande beach, located on the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in July, 2002 and January, 2003. The animals were fixed in 70% ethanol and dissected to obtain their stomach contents. Of the total (35), 77.1% (27) had ingested some kind of food and, among those, 81.4% (22) had more than one item. The mean number of food items per stomach was 1.9. Ophionereis reticulata is an omnivorous species, consuming sediment, green and red algae, and polychaetes.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Diet; Omnivorous; Ophiuroid.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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