Bellon, Mauricio R.; Smale, Melinda; Aguirre, Alfonso; Taba, Suketoshi; Aragon, Flavio; Diaz, Jaime; Castro, Humberto. |
Identifying the appropriate germplasm to be improved is a key component of any participatory breeding effort because of its implications for impacts on social welfare and genetic diversity. This paper describes a method developed to select a subset of 17 populations for a participatory breeding project from a set of 152 maize landraces. The larger set of landraces was collected in order to characterize, for conservation purposes, the maize diversity present in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca, Mexico. The method combines data representing the perspectives of both men and women members of farm households and those of genetic resources specialists, including professional plant breeders, gene bank managers, and social scientists. The different perspectives... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Mexico; Oaxaca; Maize; Zea mays; Land race; Germplasm conservation; Plant breeding; Selecting; Innovation adoption; Social welfare; Welfare economics; On farm research; Participatory research; Farm Management. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/46524 |
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