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Evaluation of litter material and ventilation systems in poultry production: III. litter reuse, darkling beetle populations and intestinal parasites R. Bras. Zootec.
Abreu,Valéria Maria Nascimento; Paiva,Doralice Pedroso de; Abreu,Paulo Giovanni de; Coldebella,Arlei.
It was evaluated the quality of rice husks or soybean straw as litter substrate and the effect of litter reuse for four consecutive flocks of broiler chickens on populations of darkling beetle and intestinal parasite and as organic fertilizer. The experiment was carried out in four 12 m × 10 m poultry houses, internally divided in 4 boxes/poultry house with 200 birds/pen for four consecutive flocks, each flock with a duration of 42 days and with a 15-day downtime between flocks. The evaluated treatments were two ventilation systems (stationary or oscillating fans) and two litter materials (soybean straw or rice husks). Darkling beetle population was followed by collecting the insects in traps, three traps per box, and endoparasite litter contamination was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Broiler chickens; Litter temperature; Oocysts; Organic fertilizer; Oscillating ventilation; Stationary ventilation.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Isospora machadoae sp. nov. (Protozoa: Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae), a new coccidian species from white-necked thrushes Turdus albicolis (Passeriformes: Turdidae) of South America Rev. Bras. Zool.
Pinho,Irlane F. de; Silva,Lidiane M. da; Rodrigues,Mariana B.; Lopes,Bruno do B.; Oliveira,Mariana S.; Luz,Hermes R.; Ferreira,Ildemar; Lopes,Carlos Wilson G.; Berto,Bruno P..
ABSTRACT A new coccidian species parasitizing white-necked thrushes Turdus albicollis Vieillot, 1818 is described from the Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, in Southeastern Brazil. Isospora machadoae sp. nov. has oocysts that are sub-spherical, 22.2 × 21.2 µm, with bilayered wall, ~1.3 μm thick. Outer layer is rough with micropyle and micropyle cap. Oocyst residuum is absent, but one or two polar granules are present. Sporocysts are ellipsoidal, 13.3 × 9.7 µm. The Stieda body is flattened to half-moon-shaped and substieda body rounded. Sporocyst residuum is present, composed of scattered spherules of different sizes. Sporozoites are vermiform with a refractile body and a nucleus. These parasitized thrushes had no apparent clinical signs of coccidiosis or high...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Taxonomy; Coccidia; Oocysts; Wild birds; Parque Nacional do Itatiaia.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Species Specification of Eimeria tenella and Eimeria stiedae by Isoelectric Focusing of LDH Isoenzymes in their Oocysts OAK
Matev, Ivan; Stanilova, Spaska.
Palavras-chave: Eimeria tenella; Eimeria stiedae; Oocysts; Isoelectric focusing; LHD isoenzymes.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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