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Fuel consumption of a sugarcane harvester in different operational settings AGRIAMBI
Ramos,Carlos R. G.; Lanças,Kléber P.; Lyra,Gabriel A. de; Sandi,Jefferson.
ABSTRACT The interventions performed during the mechanized harvesting are essential to improve the operational performance of sugarcane harvesters and reduce operational costs. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the fuel consumption of a sugarcane harvester in different forward speeds and engine rotations. Harvesting was conducted in a green cane plot, with the variety RB 855156. Flow meters were installed in the harvester's fuel supply system and an electronic device was used for data acquisition. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in a factorial scheme (3 x 2), using three engine rotations and two forward speeds, with six replicates. Harvesting capacity and fuel consumption per hour, per area and per ton of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mechanized harvesting; Operational performance; Harvesting capacity.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Synthetic rope responses in the context of load history: Operational performance ArchiMer
Weller, S.d.; Davies, Peter; Vickers, A. W.; Johanning, L..
The utilisation of synthetic mooring ropes for marine renewable energy (MRE) devices is a recent occurrence. Despite current use in the offshore industry, MRE mooring components are typically subjected to highly dynamic loads, necessitating the detailed characterisation of operational and long-term component performance for lifecycle analysis and operations management. To address the uncertainties associated with synthetic mooring components in this application, tension experiments have been conducted on nylon 6 parallel-stranded rope samples at IFREMER, France and the University of Exeter, UK under the consortium MERiFIC (Marine Energy in Far Peripheral and Island Communities). Measurements are reported from harmonic loading tests with different initial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Synthetic mooring line; Nylon 6; Parallel-strand rope; Load history; Operational performance.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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