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Demand for Organic Food: Focus Group Discussions in Armidale, NSW AgEcon
Zepeda, Lydia; Chang, Hui-Shung (Christie).
In Australia, the retail value of organic food production was estimated at A$250 million, with farm gate value at around A$90 million, and exports at around A$40 million. The current share of organic sales in total food sales in Australia is about 1 per cent. The growth rate in organic production was forecast to continue at 10-30% per annum. Despite the positive outlook, there are concerns about consumer confusion over product recognition, organic certification, and misleading advertising. To understand how demand for organic products is changing, it is important to investigate consumer attitudes and knowledge about these issues. The objective of this study is to identify issues that may hinder or promote demand. Given the qualitative nature of these...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Organic agriculture; Consumer perceptions; Organic certification; Focus group; Demand and Price Analysis; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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European food quality policy: the importance of geographical indications, organic certification and food quality insurance schemes in European countries AgEcon
Becker, Tilman C.; Staus, Alexander.
The protection of geographical indications, organic certification and food quality assurance schemes are the cornerstones of European food quality policy. In this paper the importance of these voluntary quality policy schemes in the different Member States of the European Union is investigated. Member States may be grouped into four cluster according to the food quality orientation.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Food quality policy; Protected geographical indications; Organic certification; Quality assurance schemes; Europe; Cluster; PDO; PGI; TSG; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Impact of international organic markets on small U.S. producers AgEcon
Grow, Shelly; Greene, Catherine R..
Rapid growth of the organic agricultural sector in the U.S. and implementation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's national organic standards in 2002 have lead to concerns that organic production could become increasingly concentrated on larger U.S. and international farms, disrupting the market access of small domestic organic producers. However, data on the U.S. organic agriculture show that the smallest-scale farms continue to hold a small but stable piece of the organic sector and that U.S. organic farm size has grown slowly. The amount of land under organic production worldwide is growing rapidly, particularly in developing countries producing commodities for export, many of which are not widely grown in the U.S. Small-scale producers using direct...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Organic agriculture; Organic certification; Small-scale farmers; International trade; International Relations/Trade.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Organic wheat farming in Australia: issues farmers face AgEcon
Birzer, Todd; Badgery, Warwick.
Organic wheat farmers in Australia face a number of unique challenges, and an in-depth understanding of these challenges is an important first step for government agencies, universities and other groups interested in promoting organic agriculture. This research was designed to develop a qualitative understanding of the biggest transition, cultivation, market and other issues faced by organic wheat farmers in Australia. Data gathering was conducted with a series of one-to-one interviews. The top challenge identified was rain, water availability and soil moisture. This challenge places unique risks on organic farmers because of additional cultivation cycles and subsequent delayed seeding. A second key issue was weed management, with particularly tough issues...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Organic farming; Survey; Organic certification; Wheat; Farm Management.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Pecuária com certificação orgânica e sustentável no Pantanal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Infoteca-e
ABREU, U. G. P. de; OLIVEIRA, L. O. F. de; BALDUINO, S..
Torna-se importante investigar a evolução da oferta da pecuária com certificação orgânica e sustentável no Pantanal, a fim de melhor compreender o funcionamento desse mercado para a economia regional. Isso fornecerá subsídios para a organização e a sedimentação desse mercado no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Produção Orgânica; Agricultura Sustentável; Gado de Corte; Beef cattle; Organic certification; Sustainable development.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Sistemas agroecológicos: escolas da linha agroecológica. Infoteca-e
COSTA, M. M. M. N.; BARROS, M. A. L.; FREIRE, R. M. M..
Sistemas agroecológicos ou agroecossistemas são sistemas de plantio que tentam imitar ao máximo os ecossistemas naturais (Azevedo; Boeira, 2020). Para isso, esses sistemas são norteados por técnicas, processos e princípios que sejam de natureza sustentável, ou seja, preservem o meio ambiente de forma a não diminuir, ao longo do tempo, a capacidade produtiva. Segundo Altiere (2012), a Agroecologia fornece uma estrutura metodológica de trabalho para a compreensão mais profunda tanto da natureza dos agroecossistemas como dos princípios segundo os quais eles funcionam, integrando princípios agronômicos, ecológicos e socioeconômicos à compreensão e avaliação dos efeitos das tecnologias sobre os sistemas agrícolas e a sociedade como um todo.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Sistemas Agroecológicos; Agricultura Biodinâmica; Certificação; Integração Lavoura Pecuária Floresta; ODS; Forest livestock farming; Produção Orgânica; Agricultura Biológica; Composto Orgânico; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Organic production; Organic certification; Sustainable development.
Ano: 2022 URL:
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The Social Dimensions of Sustainability and Change in Diversified Farming Systems Ecology and Society
Bacon, Christopher M; Department of Environmental Studies & Sciences, Santa Clara University;; Getz, Christy; Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California Berkeley ;; Kraus, Sibella ; President Sustainable Agriculture Education (SAGE);; Montenegro, Maywa; Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California Berkeley ;; Holland, Kaelin; Department of Environmental Studies & Sciences, Santa Clara University ;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Synthesis Palavras-chave: Agricultural parks; Central Valley; Latin America; Organic certification; Sustainable agriculture.
Ano: 2012
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U.S. Organic Farming Emerges in the 1990s: Adoption of Certified Systems AgEcon
Greene, Catherine R..
Farmers have been developing organic farming systems in the United States for decades. State and private institutions also began emerging during this period to set organic farming standards and provide third-party verification of label claims, and legislation requiring national standards was passed in the 1990s. More U.S. producers are considering organic farming systems in order to lower input costs, conserve nonrenewable resources, capture high-value markets, and boost farm income. Organic farming systems rely on practices such as cultural and biological pest management, and virtually prohibit synthetic chemicals in crop production and antibiotics or hormones in livestock production. This report updates U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates of...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Organic farming systems; Organic certification; Certified organic acreage and livestock; Price premiums; Nation organic rules; Speciality agriculture; High-value crops; Farmers' markets; Farm Management.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Greene, Catherine R.; Kremen, Amy.
U.S. farmland managed under organic farming systems expanded rapidly throughout the 1990s, and that pace has continued as farmers strive to meet consumer demand in both local and national markets. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) implemented national organic standards on organic production and processing in October 2002, following more than a decade of development, and the new uniform standards are expected to facilitate further growth in the organic farm sector. USDA's organic standards incorporate an ecological approach to farming-cultural, biological and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, ecological balance, and protection of biodiversity. An increasing number of U.S. farmers are adopting these systems in order to lower...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Organic farming systems; Organic certification; Certified organic acreage and livestock; Price premiums; National organic rules; Specialty agriculture; Farmers' markets; Farm Management; Marketing.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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