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A agricultura alternativa no estado de São Paulo. Infoteca-e
As tecnologias alternativas de produção agropecuária adquirem cada vez mais importância na medida em que as exigências de conservação do meio ambiente são incorporadas ao processo produtivo. Por isso, muitas das práticas e tecnologias hoje utilizadas terão que ser adaptadas ou substituídas, principalmente em áreas com maior risco de degradação do meio ambiente. A visão da agricultura como processo semelhante ao da produção industrial vai ser gradativamente substituída pelo enfoque sistêmico, no qual se consideram as interações entre os processos produtivos e os processos naturais, em busca de níveis de equilíbrio dos recursos naturais. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é colocar à disposição de pesquisadores, profissionais de assistência técnica e...
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Alternative agriculture; Agricultura Alternativa; Agricultura Orgânica; Produção Orgânica; Pecuária; Alternative farming; Organic production.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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A certificação orgânica como fator estratégico na governança das transações no mercado de alimentos AgEcon
Cesar, Aldara da Silva; Batalha, Mario Otavio; Pimenta, Marcio Lopes.
Food consumers are, in general, concerned with acquiring healthy food which does not pose risks to their health. These preferences are directly related to the way the economic agents organize themselves inside the food sector. In this context, the organic products’ share in the food market is rising considerably, mainly because they consist not only of a healthier product, but also because they contribute positively to the environment. Nevertheless, these characteristics are not immediately observed by the consumers, which makes the certification process an essential mechanism not in the transaction process but also in gaining the confidence of several markets. This article lists some advantages and disadvantages of the certification process raised in the...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Certification; Transaction costs; Organic products; Organic production; Agribusiness; Agricultural Finance; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Alimentos Orgânicos e Agroecológicos Processados: Fundamentos e Requisitos Legais no Brasil. Infoteca-e
A publicação, em linguagem técnica, objetiva esclarecer aos interessados as principais dúvidas com relação às normas brasileiras voltadas para o processamento de alimentos orgânicos. Foi feito um levantamento e uma revisão de literatura dos principais documentos e instituições que conformaram o marco legal para esse segmento em nível internacional, bem como um histórico destas normas no Brasil. Foram detalhados e analisados os procedimentos e requisitos contidos na Instrução Normativa Conjunta n. 18 de 2009, que aprova o Regulamento Técnico Para o Processamento, Armazenamento e Transporte de Produtos Orgânicos.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Tecnologia de Alimento; Processamento; Agricultura Orgânica; Políticas Públicas; Food technology; Food processing; Public policy; Organic foods; Organic production.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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An Economic Examination of Alternative Organic Cropping Systems in New York State AgEcon
Chan, Stephanie; Caldwell, Brian; Rickard, Bradley J..
This paper provides an economic analysis that compares the profitability and land management capability of four different organic cropping systems used to produce winter squash (Cucurbita pepo cv. ‘Delicata’) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata cv.’ Farao’). The organic cropping systems are part of a long term experiment designed for vegetable production in the Northeast, and designed to maintain ecological integrity and contribute to environmental stewardship. Our research addresses the causal chain from soil processes to economic outcomes including soil quality, efficiency in cycling of nutrients, off-farm impacts, pressures from weeds, insects and diseases, crop yield and quality, and marketing opportunities. Interactive crop budgets were...
Tipo: Working Paper Palavras-chave: Cropping systems; Economic analysis; Organic production; Sustainable agriculture; Vegetables.; Farm Management.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Apple biological and physiological disorders in the orchard and in postharvest according to production system Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Martins,Carlos Roberto; Hoffmann,Alexandre; Rombaldi,Cesar Valmor; Farias,Roseli de Mello; Teodoro,Adenir Vieira.
The study aimed to evaluate the incidence of biological and physiological disorders in the field and postharvested apples cvs. Gala, Fuji and Catarina grown in four production systems: conventional, organic transition, integrated and organic. Apples were evaluated for damages related to biological and physiological disorders in the orchard and after harvest. The greatest damages were attributed to pests, especially Anastrepha fraterculus in the organic system and Grapholita molesta in the organic transition. Apples produced in organic orchards had higher damage levels caused by postharvest physiological disorders than those grown in other production systems. For apples becoming from organic orchards most of the damage was due to lenticels breakdown and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Apple tree; Malus domestica; Organic production; Integrated production.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Assessing the Returns from Organic Marketing Channels AgEcon
Park, Timothy A..
Organic farmers face heightened pressure in developing a portfolio of different marketing channels and in bargaining competitively with increasingly sophisticated marketing participants in the supply chain for organic products. This research assists producers by identifying specific farm and demographic factors that enhance earnings given the choice of marketing outlet. The two significant selectivity coefficients confirm that organic earnings when marketing through a single outlet are biased upward since farmers who are better suited to market through multiple outlets have already moved away from this marketing strategy. An accurate evaluation of the projected earnings from any marketing strategy must account for selectivity effects.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Marketing outlets; Multinomial logit; Organic production; Selectivity correction; Marketing.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Avaliação econômica e financeira do uso da cobertura plástica na produção orgânica de uvas americanas e híbridas. Infoteca-e
O objetivo deste comunicado técnico foi o de estimar e avaliar impactos econômicos e financeiros do uso da cobertura plástica em sistemas de produção orgânica de uvas americanas e híbridas, com vistas a determinar a viabilidade de sua utilização quando a matéria-prima é vendida para industrialização.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Videira; Cobertura plástica; Uva americana; Uva híbrida; Impacto econômico-financeiro; Cultivo; Viticultura; Uva; Agricultura orgânica; Controle integrado; Doença de planta; Economia agrícola; Viticulture; Grapes; Organic production; Agricultural economics; Disease control.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Avaliação econômico-financeira de sistemas de produção orgânica de 'Niágara Rosada'. Infoteca-e
Dado que o desenvolvimento de sistemas de produção orgânica, em relação aos convencionais, implica em mudanças importantes na estrutura e na tecnologia empregadas, buscou-se mensurar e analisar, em condições determinísticas e de riscos, os níveis de eficiência econômica e de viabilidade financeira da produção orgânica de 'Niágara Rosada', sem e com o uso de cobertura plástica, desenvolvida pela Embrapa Uva e Vinho.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Niágara Rosada; Eficiência econômica; Viabilidade financeira; Cobertura plástica; Uvas do Brasil; Uva; Produção orgânica; Tecnologia; Impacto econômico; Economia agrícola; Indústria agrícola; Grapes; Organic production; Agricultural economics; Economic feasibility; Production technology.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Biological activity of soils under systems of organic farming, agroforestry and pasture in the Amazon Rev. Ciênc. Agron.
Silva,Irene Ferro; Araújo Neto,Sebastião Elviro de; Kusdra,Jorge Ferreira.
The aim of this work was to evaluate biological indicators of soils used under the systems of organic farming, agroforestry and pasture in the south western part of the Amazon region of Brazil. The experiment was carried out at the Seridó Ecological Site, located in Rio Branco, in the state of Acre, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomised, with five treatments (land-use systems) and six replications, with each replication consisting of four single samples. The systems of land use evaluated were: 1) native forest (control); 2) agroforestry (AFS); 3) pasture; 4) intercropped passion fruit, maize, cassava, pineapple and forage peanut; and 5) intercropped passion fruit, maize, cassava, pineapple and tropical kudzu. It was found that organic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Organic production; Carbon dynamics; Ground cover.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Caldas e biofertilizantes - proteção das plantas na agricultura orgânica. Infoteca-e
MOTTA, I. de S..
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Biofertilizante; Calda bordalesa; Calda Viçosa; Agricultura Familiar; Agricultura Orgânica; Biofertilizers; Syrups; Organic fertilizers; Organic production; Family farms.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Cobertura do solo, produção de biomassa e teores de Mn e Zn de alface no sistema orgânico - DOI: 10.4025/actasciagron.v31i4.691 Agronomy
Mógor, Átila Francisco; UFPR; Câmara, Francisco Luiz Araújo; UNESP.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da cobertura do solo com aveia preta e manutenção da palha sobre o terreno, bem como cobertura do solo com filme de polietileno preto, sobre a produção de biomassa e teores de Mn e Zn, em alface cultivada no sistema orgânico, por dois anos consecutivos. Utilizaram-se cinco tratamentos: solo sem cobertura, coberto com filme de polietileno preto, coberto com aveia deitada, coberto com aveia ceifada e solo coberto com aveia na sua forma natural, para o cultivo de três cultivares de alface. O experimento seguiu delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e análise estatística com parcelas subdivididas. Concluiu-se que o cultivo de alface em sucessão à aveia preta, sobre a palha, promoveu...
Palavras-chave: Produção de Mudas Lactuca sativa L.; Sistema orgânico; Manganês; Zinco; Solo coberto; Avena strigosa Lactuca sativa L.; Organic production; Manganese; Zinc; Covered soil; Avena strigosa.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Conceptual design of a thermal weed control machine Ciência Rural
Spagnolo,Roger Toscan; Oldoni,André; Custódio,Tiago Vega; Reis,Ângelo Vieira dos; Machado,Antônio Lilles Tavares.
ABSTRACT: The great difficulty for family farmers who produce food organically is the control of weeds without using chemical products. One possibility for the management is the use of heat in the sense of coagulating the protoplasm in leaves and stem cells. The present research aimed toconceptual design a mechanized system for weeds control through the use of heat focusing on familiar farmers who produce food organically. In this study, we used a product development methodology which can be divided into different stages that are composed of several tasks. As a result of the use of such methodology, six concepts of heat transfer machines were developed. After the application of selection tools, two concepts were chosen for the optimization process, and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Product development; Agricultural machinery; Organic production.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Singerman, Ariel; Hart, Chad E.; Lence, Sergio H..
A survey of organic grain and oilseed producers in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin was conducted to collect information about their demographic characteristics, production and price risk management strategies, yields and losses, and crop insurance decisions. The data are analyzed using a discrete choice model to establish which variables influence organic producers’ decision of whether to purchase crop insurance and also which ones affect the insurance product choice when applicable. The study describes the risk profiles of organic producers, and analyzes whether significant variations exist between organic and conventional methods of production so as to quantitatively determine the differential production risk associated with organic production. This...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Crop insurance; Organic farming; Organic production; Agricultural and Food Policy; Risk and Uncertainty; Q18.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Desempenho inicial de combinações copa/porta-enxerto de laranjeiras-doce no polo citrícola do litoral norte Baiano. Infoteca-e
CARVALHO, L. M. de; SILVA FILHO, F. S. da; CARVALHO, H. W. L. de; ANJOS, J. L. dos; SOBRAL, L. F..
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Laranja; Laranja Doce; Citricultura; Citrus Sinensis; Produção Vegetal; Produção Orgânica; Pós-Colheita; Resistência a Seca; Oranges; Organic production; Drought tolerance.
Ano: 2023 URL:
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Diagnóstico da produção e comercialização transfronteiriça de hortaliças na fronteira entre os municípios de Corumbá e Ladário no Brasil e Puerto Quijarro e Puerto Suarez na Bolívia. Infoteca-e
FEIDEN, A.; COSTA, E. A. da.
O trabalho teve como objetivo levantar informações bem como sistematizar as informações existentes sobre as condições de produção e comercialização de hortaliças no Arranjo populacional de fronteira de Corumbá entre o Brasil e a Bolívia, com objetivo de subsidiar políticas públicas específicas para a região da fronteira.
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Produção Orgânica; Agricultura Familiar; Agricultura Sustentável; Organic production; Family farms.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Edible Giblets and Bone Mineral Characteristics of Two Slow-Growing Chicken Genotypes Reared in an Organic System Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Eleroğlu,H; Yıldırım,A; Duman,M; Şekeroğlu,A.
ABSTRACT This study was conducted to compare edible giblets weight, tibial bone mineral density (BMD), and bone mineral content (BMC) of two slow-growing broiler genotypes (Hubbard S757; S757 and Hubbard Grey Barred JA; GB-JA) reared with outdoor access, and to determine the relationship between these variables. Day-old chicks (straight-run) of the genotypes S757 (n=120) and GB-JA (n=120) were housed for 98 days. Each genotype was assigned to six pens of 20 birds each. Birds were reared in indoor floor pens and moving shelters with outdoor access (during daylight hours). Absolute body (BW), heart (HW), spleen (SW), liver (LW), gizzard (GW), and abdominal fat pad (AFW) weights of the genotype S757 and male birds were statistically higher than that of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Organic production; Broiler strain; Bone mineral density; Bone mineral content.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Efluente y té de vermicopost en la producción de hortalizas de hoja en sistema NFT. Colegio de Postgraduados
González Solano, Karla Daniela.
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar la calidad nutrimental del efluente y té de vermicompost en la producción de hortalizas de hoja producidas bajo un sistema NFT (Nutrient Film Technique). Para cumplir el objetivo se llevaron a cabo cinco investigaciones donde se incluye desde identificar el origen del vermicompost, las características químicas ideales para obtener un té de vermicompost hasta su evaluación nutrimental en hortalizas y aromáticas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el origen del vermicompost influyó sobre el pH y CE, el lavado previo del vermicompost disminuyó la CE aunque no modificó el valor de pH; a mayor relación vermicompost:agua se incrementó pH la CE y contenido nutrimental, la misma tendencia se observó para...
Palavras-chave: Extractos orgánicos; Nutrientes; Producción orgánica; Antioxidantes; Indices de crecimiento; Organic extracts nutrients; Organic production; Antioxidants; Growth rates; Edafología; Maestría.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Evaluation of crisphead lettuce cultivars in different cover types by manova and discriminant analysis Horticultura Brasileira
Oliveira,Izabela Regina C de; Rezende,Marcelo T; Dias,Carlos Tadeu dos S; Gomes,Daniela de S; Botrel,Élberis P; Gomes,Luiz Antônio A.
In many agricultural experiments the variables are biologically correlated and it is inappropriate to study them only under univariate analysis. Therefore, we evaluated commercial characteristics of crisphead lettuce cultivars and covers under a multivariate approach, using canonical discriminant analysis. We used a split plot design and we tested the cover crop, cultivar and interaction effects by using MANOVA (α= 5%). Means and its standard errors were obtained for average total weight, weight of the head, volume and density of plants. Canonical discriminant analyses were performed using PROC CANDISC procedure in SAS (SAS Institute, 2008) system. Canonical plots were obtained using JMP 9.0 (SAS Institute, 2010) linked to SAS database. With these plots it...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lactuca sativa; Cover crop; Multivariate analysis; Organic production.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Spagnolo,Roger T.; Custódio,Tiago V.; Morais,César S. de; Reis,Ângelo V. dos; Machado,Antônio L. T..
ABSTRACT Pesticide environmental risks and increased weed resistance have encouraged studies for alternatives to herbicides. Among these are weed thermal control methods by controlled heat application machines. Thus, this study aimed to test a prototype of heat-applicator machine as a function of changes in gas pressure, travel speed, and tire traffic effect on plants. Then, three experimental factors were tested: gas pressure (98, 196, and 245 kPa), travel speed (0.56, 0.78, and 1.17 m s−1), and tire traffic effect on plants (with and without traffic). The results showed that tire traffic effect on plants and subsequent heat application had no effect on control rate. Weed control rates reached levels considered satisfactory using a heat application speed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Thermal control; Agricultural machinery; Organic production.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Singerman, Ariel; Lence, Sergio H..
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Cointegration; Organic corn prices; Organic farming; Organic production; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q18.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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