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Approche microbiologique de l'anchoitage. 5
Campello, Francois.
The maturation of salted anchovies leads to a product of particular organoleptic properties. The manufacturers have to resolve many problems. A thorough investigation of the phenomenons which occur is necessary to resolve them. The maturation is conducted at different temperatures. The present paper reports the microbiological variations of the present microfloras, from hyper-halophilic to the non-halophilic, which escort organoleptical and biochemical ones chiefly at 20 degree C. If the maturation's temperature is maintained high (28 degree C) there is a strong proteolysis. At 20 degree C the organoleptical characters appear within 2 months.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; MED; Engraulis encrasicolus; Clupeidae; Pisces; Microorganisms; Microbiology; Organoleptic properties; Curing; Processing fishery products.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Cambios en la composición de pequeños pescados pelágicos salados en salmuera durante su producción y almacenamiento 20
Bostock, T.; Camba, N..
Los cambios físicos, químicos y organolépticos en macarela (Scomber japonicus) y sardina (Sardinops sagax, Etrumeus teres) saladas durante el procesamiento y subsecuente almacenamiento en salmuera son descritos. Es evaluada además la calidad del producto desde el punto de vista microbiológico, así como también los efectos que se observan en el producto final cuando el artesano ecuatoriano usa materia prima de baja calidad. Los principales cambios que ocurren (enrojecimiento de la carne, desarrollo de olores a frutas, el aumento de las bases volátiles totales y de proteínas solubles y posiblemente histamina parecen estar relacionadas más con la autólisis que con el desarrollo microbiológico). La maduración o ”deterioración” (en términos del paladar...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Processing fishery products; Storage effects; Chemical composition; Physical properties; Organoleptic properties; Microbiological analysis; Cured products; Chemical composition; Physical properties; Organoleptic properties; Microbiological analysis; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1986 URL:
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El aceite de pescado argentino y sus posibilidades de utilización en procesos industriales. Parte 1. Variación estacional de sus propiedades y composición en ácidos grasos 20
Cuello, O.M.; Carrizo, J.C.R..
As a result of preliminary works, it is possible to conclude that the argentine fish oils could be proper raw materials for the preparation of sulfated oils and another industrial products. In this work, the physicochemical properties and the fatty acid composition of twelve samples of fish oils were determined monthly during a year in order to evaluate their seasonal variations and the probable incidence on their potential applications.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fish oils; Fatty acids; Seasonal variations; Organoleptic properties; Fish oils; Fatty acids; Organoleptic properties; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Estudio sobre la calidad y utilización de algunas especies de pescado demersal de tamaño pequeño en el Ecuador 20
Montaño, R.; Bostock, T.; Andrade, B..
In the paper presented, comparisons are made between 12 species of small demersal fish (less than 30 cm O.L.) commonly found in the shrimp by-catch. Each species is described, estimates are made as to their relative abundance and fishery and complete data are presented on processing: filets, deboned minces. Taste panel work was carried out on cooked fillets as well as products made from the deboned mince and chemical analyses were made on all the species. The possibility of future increased utilization of these species is discussed.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Demersal fisheries; By catch; Shrimp fisheries; Processing fishery products; Organoleptic properties; Demersal fisheries; Organoleptic properties; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Organoleptic characterization and PAH content of salmon (Salmo salar) fillets smoked according to four industrial smoking techniques 5
Varlet, Vincent; Serot, Thierry; Knockaert, Camille; Cornet, Josiane; Cardinal, Mireille; Monteau, Fabrice; Le Bizec, Bruno; Prost, Carole.
Four industrial processes for smoking food were studied through their effects on the organoleptic properties of smoked salmon and on the occurrence of 20 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) known as being contaminants of smoking processes. The contamination by PAHs of the food might be measured by their corresponding toxic equivalent quantity (TEQ) expressed in mu g kg(-1). The results show a significant correlation between the smoking process parameters, the odour of the smoked fish and the presence of PAHs. Smouldering, thermostated plates and friction smoking processes allow smoked fish with very close odorant characteristics to be obtained. However, differences of pyrolysis temperature (between 380 and 500 degrees C) causes significant differences...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Organoleptic properties; PAH; Smoke generation; Smoking process.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Palatability enhancing nutrients for the European eel, <i>Anguilla anguilla</i> L. 27
Pacolet, W.; Reynders, K.; Ollevier, F.P..
Feeding experiments with European glass eels <i>Anguilla anguilla</i> L. demonstrated a high degree of attractiveness for the natural diets Tubifix and cod roe. Previous experiments had indicated that incorporation of bovine spleen and/or blood into paste feeds significantly improved the growth rate and survival. To increase feed consumption, the effect of some basic components available from the current generation of chemo-attractants were evaluated. Using a modified Omission Test Procedure, we focused on monosodiumglutamate, betaine, the nucleotides IMP and GMP, and fractions of cattle blood. These components were incorporated into non-attractive casein-based test diets and administered following standardized procedures to intensively...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Feed composition; Fish culture; Food additives; Food consumption; Food organisms; Nutritive value; Organoleptic properties.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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