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Comparison of lyophilization, and freezing in honey as techniques to preserve cortical bone allografts used to repair experimental femoral defects in domestic adult cats 45
Ferreira,M.P.; Alievi,M.M.; Beck,C.A.C.; Dal-Bó,I.S.; Gonzalez,P.C.; Nóbrega,F.S.; Silva,L.M.; Stédile,R.; Scherer,S.; Rocha,J.P.V.; Silva Filho,A.P.F.; Svierk,B.; Costa,G..
Cats with orthopedic conditions are a prominent part of the clinical work of veterinary. Conditions such as comminuted fractures, bone tumors and non-unions are often difficult to repair and may require the use of bone grafts for treatment. This study evaluated cortical bone allografts preserved in honey, frozen or lyophilized for correcting long bone defects created in the diaphysis of the right femur of domestic cats (n=24). In the control group (n=6), the defect was repaired using autogenous cortical bone graft. In the remaining animals (n=6/group), the defect was repaired with cortical bone allografts preserved in honey, frozen or lyophilized. Success of graft incorporation and length of time for consolidation were assessed through clinical,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Preservation; Bone; Animal; Orthopedic; Traumatology.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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In vitro studies of multiwalled carbon nanotube/ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene nanocomposites with osteoblast-like MG63 cells 56
Reis,J.; Kanagaraj,S.; Fonseca,A.; Mathew,M.T.; Capela-Silva,F.; Potes,J.; Pereira,A.; Oliveira,M.S.A.; Simões,J.A..
Carbon nanotubes are highly versatile materials; new applications using them are continuously being developed. Special attention is being dedicated to the possible use of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in biomaterials contacting with bone. However, carbon nanotubes are also controversial in regards to effects exerted on living organisms. Carbon nanotubes can be used to improve the tribological properties of polymer/composite materials. Ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is a polymer widely used in orthopedic applications that imply wear and particle generation. We describe here the response of human osteoblast-like MG63 cells after 6 days of culture in contact with artificially generated particles from both UHMWPE polymer and multiwalled carbon...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nanocomposites; Carbon nanotubes; Wear particle; Osteoblast; Orthopedic; MG63 cells.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Nonadherence to treatment recommendations is a factor contributing to the clinical failure of daptomycin: Cohort study in Brazil 60
Martins,Tathiana Silva de Souza; Figueras,Albert; Souza,Luana dos Reis de; Santos,Keila Cristina Oliveira dos; Oliveira,Elaine Machado de; Secoli,Silvia Regina.
To evaluate the clinical outcomes of daptomycin therapy and adherence to treatment recommendations, a retrospective cohort study was conducted with patients that received daptomycin during the period of the study. The adherence and nonadherence to clinical guidelines were assessed through organism identification, dose and time of treatment, management of bacteremia, and vancomycin treatment failure. A multiple logistic regression model analyzed the association between independent variables and clinical success (dependent variable), considering 5% of statistical significance. The study presented 52 patients who received daptomycin for the treatment of bacteremia (21.1%) or infections (osteomyelitis [63.5%], synovial fluid [15.4%]). Most patients (86.5%)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Daptomycin; Post marketing; Gram-positive bacterial infections; Orthopedic.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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