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Biologia reproductiva de la saraquita Ramnogaster arcuata (Jenyns, 1842) del estuario del Rio de la Plata. 20
Rodrigues, K.A..
The reproductive biology of Ramnogaster arcuata inhabiting waters of the Rio de la Plata estuary (Argentina - Uruguay) was studied by using macroscopic and histological analysis of ovaries. R. Arcuata specimens were collected from two research cruises of the National Institute of Fisheries Research and Development (INIDEP) carried out in June 1998 and June 1999. During these surveys, bottom salinity and temperature data were also registered. In addition, information about annual catches of this species in the Rio de la Plata, obtained from different INIDEP cruises performed during the last ten years, was analyzed. During winter, a prevalence of R. arcuata individuals was observed in the Rio de la Plata estuary. In summer, this species apparently moves...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Sexual reproduction; Ovaries; Fecundity; Spawning seasons; Histology; Fish eggs; Oocytes; Environmental conditions; Ovaries; Sexual reproduction; Fecundity; Oocytes; Environmental conditions; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Ciclo reproductivo y fecundidad del lenguado Paralichthys patagonicus Jordan, Jordan y Goss 1889 20
Macchi, G.J.; Diaz de Astarloa, J.M..
The reproductive characteristics of the flounder (Paralichthys patagonicus)are analyzed on the basis of the microscopic and macroscopic study of the ovaries. Preliminary estimations of the fecundity of this species are also made. The samples were obtained from the monthly commercial langings in Mar del Plata and from research cruises undertaken by the INIDEP. A total of 641 ovaries were studied; 210 of which were selected for the histological analysis. 24 ovaries with hydrated oocytes and without post-ovulatory follicles were used to determine batch fecundity. A macroscopic maturity scale of five stages was established. The histological analysis allowed to introduce three substage within the maturation stage including a partial spawning stage. According to...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Reproductive cycle; Fecundity; Ovaries; Ovaries; Fecundity; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Compositions chimiques et énergétiques des boutargues du mulet <Mugil cephalus> et de la courbine argyrosomus regius en Mauritanie 20
El Cafsi, M.; Beddih, M.L.O.A.; Marzouk, B; Zarrouk, K..
La boutargue est constituée par les ovaires salés et séchés des mulets à grosse tête (Mugil cephalus) et de la courbine (Argyrosomus regius) représente une ressource importante pour la région de Nouakchott et pour la Mauritanie. Pour déterminer la valeur énergétique dans les boutargues, nous avons effectué des dosages des protéines, des glucides, des lipides et des études analytiques des acides gras et des lipides. Les analyses ont révélé que la boutargue contient, par rapport aux autres éléments d’énergie, très peu de glucide : 3,29% dans la boutargue du mulet et 1,95% dans celle de la courbine. Alors que les teneurs en protéines et lipides sont importantes et sont respectivement de 44,44% et 31,68% dans la boutargue du mulet et de 55,11% et 15,86% dans...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Carbohydrates; Chemical composition; Fatty acids; Food fish; Lipids; Nutritive value; Ovaries; Proteins; Carbohydrates; Chemical composition; Fatty acids; Nutritive value; Ovaries; Argyrosomus regius; Lipids; Proteins; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Contribution a l'etude de l'atresie ovocytaire chez Serranus cabrilla en captivite. 5
Febvre, Michèle.
The oocyte atresia are studied in captive Serranus cabrilla Linne, and compared to the atresia which occur during corresponding cycle periods. Whereas physiological atresia are difficult to reveal, atresia in captivity depend on the capture period, laboratory conditions and on the duration of the experiment. The oocyte modifications are described and discussed.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Serranus cabrilla; Ovaries; Reproduction; Captivity; Diseases; Physiology.
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Correlation Between Function-Morphology of Effect of the Stress and Flunitrazepam Administered During Gestation in Adult Mouse Ovary 77
Aguirre-Samudio,Ana Julia; de la Fuente-Juáre,Graciela; Márquez-Orozco,Amalia; Márquez-Orozco,María Cristina.
Previously we report long lasting effects on ovary of mice prenatally exposed to flunitrazepam (FNZ), a benzodiazepine with tranquilized action. In this work we find that the FNZ don't prevent the effects on ovary prenatally exposure to stress in mice. We studied adult females born from mothers that had been stressed by immobilization on day 6 ofgestation (GD-6) or group S, and from mothers stressed also by immobilization at GD-6, but which received a single oral dose of FNZ immediately after the stress group FNZS. The control groups were the SS that received the GD-6 saline solution and the group NT non-treated. Their ovaries were extracted for histology studies and to observe the activity of 3b hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase (3 b-HSD). The...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Benzodiazepine; 3 b-HSD; Flunitrazepam; Mouse; Ovaries; Atretics follicles; Prenatal stress.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cycle ovarien du merlu, Merluccius merluccius , poisson a ponte fractionnee. 5
Sarano, F.
The present work analyses and describes Merluccius merluccius ovarian cycle in the Bay of Biscay as an example of partial spawner. Three methods were employed: a macroscopic examination of about 10,000 ovaries -- a cytologic and histologic study -- an investigation of the size structure of the oocytes population of 63 ovaries. The author developed an original mathematical method for serial spawning demonstration. He demonstrates that hake is a partial spawner: a female usually rapidly spawns 4 or 5 times without ovaries rest. On this basis, he gives a new reference scale of the maturity stages of the ovarian cycle: after developing (II), ripe (III), running (IV), the partly spent ovary is named (II+); the repetitive sequence III-IV-II + characterize serial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pisces; Animal reproductive organs; Spawning; Ovaries; Sexual reproduction.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Cytoarchitectural Variations in the Ovary, Oviduct and Uterus Following Intra-Gastric Gavages of Abrus precatorius Linn in Albino Rats 77
Okoko,Ini-Ibehe Essien; Yama,Oshiozokhai Eboetse.
In developing countries, herbal medicines have continued to remain significant and readily patronized. Numerous plants have been used historically to reduce fertility and modern scientific research has confirmed antifertility effect in some of the herbs tested. To investigate the effects of Abrus precatorius (AP) on the histology of the ovary, oviduct and uterus of female Sprague-Dawley (S-D) rat. A total of 40, 6­8 week old 4-day cycling female S-D rats were used. They were divided into the treatment, control and reversibility groups. The treatment and reversibility groups were fed oral AP seed extract (50 mg/kg b.w) for 32 days. A fraction of the rats in reversibility group was treated with distilled water for another 32 days. The control group were used...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Abrus precatorius; Sprague-Dawley rat; Ovaries; Uteri; Oviducts.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Descripción macroscópica de los ovarios del abadejo manchado (Genypterus blacodes). Escala de maduración 20
Machinandiarena, L.; Villarino, M.F.; Cordo, H.D.; Macchi, G.J.; Pájaro, M..
The macroscopic ovaric stages of pink cuskeel (Genypterus blacodes) females from the Argentine Sea (SW Atlantic) are described. They were classified in five stages of development based on changes in the appearance and size of the ovary: juvenile (I), developing (II), spawning (III), spent (IV) and resting (V).
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fecundity; Ovaries; Developmental stages; Ultrastructure; Sexual maturity; Ovaries; Developmental stages; Ultrastructure; Fecundity; Sexual maturity; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Determinación de diferentes conjuntos de merluza común (Merluccius hubbsi) en el Mar Argentino mediante el estudio histológico de ovarios 20
Cornejo, A.M..
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Ovaries; Histology; Ecosystems; Fish eggs; Fish larvae.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Effects of Natural Environmental Conditions on the Ovarian Histometric Dynamics of Five Striped Squirrels (Funambulus pennanti) 77
Rehman,Sadia; Mahmood-ul-Hassan,; Qureshi,Anas Sarwar; Akbar,Zeeshan.
The present study was designed to determine the morphological and histological variations in the female palm squirrel's reproductive organs which inhabit croplands of central Punjab. 16 specimens were collected from 3 different locations of Faisalabad district during different months in order to collect their ovaries samples in order to determine the breeding phenology of this species. Body weight and external body measurements were recorded. Two adult females were autopsied each month and their ovaries were extracted. Tissue were prepared by the tissue paraffin technique and stained by H&E. Seasonal variations in the follicular size and shape were observed. Statistical analysis revealed that values of all parameters of ovaries were significantly...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Squirrels; Folliculogenesis; Ovaries; Season.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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El comportamiento reproductivo del besugo (Pagrus pagrus)en el ecosistema costero bonaerense. 20
Cotrina, C.P.; Christiansen, H.E..
The species, like other members of the Family Sparidae, has a hermaphroditic phase in its sexual development, affecting the population partially during the first period of life. The sexual differentiation mechanisms have been inferred by the way of macroscopic characterization and proportionality of the different stages observed during the first five year classes. The highest proportion of specimens with bisexual gonads is observed during the third year of life: from the macroscopical point of view, both sexes are equally developed or with predominance of the masculine crest; microscopically, both are functional and synchronous. The masculine portion demostrate a normal expulsion of germ cells and in the ovaric part post-ovulatory and atretic follicles...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Reproductive cycle; Ovaries; Ovaries; Http://
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Estrategia reproductiva de la saraca, Brazilian menhaden, Brevoortia aurea (Pisces: Clupeidae), en el estuario del Río de la Plata 20
Acha, E.M..
The Brazilian menhaden, Brevoortia aurea, is the only species of genus Brevoortia in South American Atlantic waters, being abundant in the Rio de la Plata estuary. The temporal and spatial reproductive pattern of this menhaden was analyzed in relation to the major hydrographic features of the region, and the reproductive biology was studied by using histological analysis of ovaries. B.aurea is a multiple spawner with indeterminate annual fecundity. Daily spawning activity was mostly in the afternoon (15:00 - 16:00),based on the incidence of females with both hydrated oocytes and postovulatory follicles. Spawning frequency, determined using the percentage of females with postovulatory follicles, was about 12. during November. At this frequency, each...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Reproduction; Fecundity; Ovaries; Fish larvae; Eggs; Life history; Brackishwater fish; Spawning grounds; Spawning seasons; Estuaries; Estuaries; Ovaries; Eggs; Life history; Spawning grounds; Reproduction; Fecundity; Fish larvae; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Etude preliminaire des equilibres de distribution de l'eau et des ions au cours de l'ovogenese de Solea solea 5
Gallis, J; Lemenn, F; Lebrun, A; Nunez, R.
During oogenesis of Solea solea L., gonadal changes in water, Na super(+) and K super(+) ions seem to be related to yolk protein incorporation by the oocyte. The decrease in oocyte water accumulation, associated with an increase in pericellular water accumluation and a decrease in K super(+) concentration occurs when vitellogenin enters the oocyte. Na super(+) concentration decreases in the oocyte at the end of the exogenous vitellogenesis when the first stages of the oocyte maturation take place. Water accumulation in the pericellular space during vitellogenesis allows the rapid transfer of water from this compartment into the oocyte during the terminal phase of maturation. However the total amount of gonadal water remains stable.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Solea solea; Soleidae; Pisces; Hydration; Water content; Ion accumulation; Sexual maturity; Ovaries; Oogenesis; Solea; Maturation ovocytaire; Ovogenèse; Eau; Ions.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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Expression of mdr isoforms in mice during estrous cycle and under hormone stimulation 74
Schiengold,Marion; Schwantes,Lavínia; Ribeiro,Maria F.; Lothhammer,Nívia; Gonzalez,Tatiana P.; Chies,Jose Artur Bogo; Nardi,Nance B..
The multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype is associated with the expression of P-glycoprotein (Pgp), coded by the multigenic mdr family. Mice present the isoforms mdr1 and mdr3, which are responsible for multidrug resistance, and mdr2, that is involved in the transport of phospholipids. mdr1 expression has more recently been associated also with the secretion of steroid hormones. This work presents an RT-PCR analysis of the expression of mdr isoforms, in several organs of mice during different phases of the estrous cycle. Additionally, females were ovariectomized, submitted to different hormone treatments, and their uterus was analyzed for the expression of mdr isoforms. The results show that in the adrenal gland and ovaries mdr1 is the main isoform during...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Adrenal gland; Multidrug resistance; Ovaries; Steroids; Uterus.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Features of the reproductive biology of the southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis). 20
Macchi, G.J.; Pájaro, M..
Different features of the reproductive biology of the southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) are analyzed. Samples were obtained from research cruises and from commercial catches carried out between March-November 1995, in waters near Malvinas Islands. Reproductive activity of M. australis was observed between the end of July and September, southwest of Malvinas Islands. Oocyte diameter distribution of gravid females and the histological observations show that this species is a batch spawner with determinate annual fecundity. Preliminary estimate of the potential annual fecundity was about 478,000 oocytes for a 51-cm mean total length. Size at first maturity for this species was about 31 cm total length.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Reproduction; Ovaries; Fecundity; Ovaries; Reproduction; Fecundity; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Fecundidad parcial y frecuencia reproductiva del efectivo patagónico de merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) 20
Pájaro, M.; Macchi, G.J.; Ehrlich, M.D..
Batch fecundity and spawning frequency of Argentine hake inhabiting Patagonian waters south of 41° S were estimated using monthly samples collected during the December 2000-March 2001 reproductive season and at the end of the March 2002 spawning period. Batch fecundity was fitted to a power function of total length and a linear function of ovary-free female weight with values ranging between 100,000 (32 cm total length) and 2,300,000 (87 cm total length) hydrated oocytes. Batch and relative fecundity showed variations during the spawning season with a marked decrease towards the end of the reproductive period (March). The spawning frequency, which ranged between 0.10 and 0.15, was estimated from the proportion of females with day-1 postovulatory follicles...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Spawning seasons; Ovaries; Hake fisheries; Ovaries; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Fecundidad y frecuencia reproductiva de las poblaciones bonaerense y patagónica de anchoíta Argentina Engraulis anchoita. 20
Pájaro, M.; Macchi, G.J.; Sánchez, R.P..
Fecundity and spawning frequency were estimated in the northern(off Buenos Aires Province)and southern (patagonian)argentine anchovy Engraulis anchoita populations in 1993, during the peak of the spawning season. Relative fecundity, expressed as eggs per ovary-free weight was 574±21 (CI 95. ) and 605±49 (CI 95. ) in the northern and southern populations. The difference was not statistically significant between stocks (P0.13). Relative fecundity was higher in anchovies larger than 130 mm. The mean batch fecundity for the northern and southern populations was 13675±856 (CI 95. ) and21677±2.753 (CI 95. ) respectively. Batch fecundity (F)expressed as alinear function of ovary-free weight (W)was: F=-1310+649 * W(northern), F=-5935+786 * W (southern). The daily...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Ovaries; Fecundity; Spawning populations; Fish eggs; Spawning seasons; Ovaries; Fecundity; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Follicular dynamics in zebu cattle 86
The aim of this study was to investigate the follicular dynamics during estrous cycle in Gir breed (Bos indicus) cows. Follicular growth and atresia during estrous cycle were evaluated using a portable ultrasound device. Luteal activity was evaluated by serum progesterone levels. Cycles with two (6.67%), three (60.00%), four (26.67%) and five (6.67%) follicular waves were observed. There was no difference (P>0.05) in dominant or subordinate follicles growth or atresia rates among follicular waves. The maximum diameter of the ovulatory follicle was higher than the diameter of the other dominant follicles in cycles with four waves, and higher than the diameter of the second dominant follicle in cycles with three waves (P<0.05). There was no difference...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bovines; Gir breed; Oestrous cycle; Ovaries; Ovarian follicles; Ultrasonics.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Gonadal Development of Peprilus medius (Peters, 1869) (Perciformes: Stromateidae) from Southeast of the Gulf of California, Mexico 77
Maldonado-Amparo,Maria de los Angeles; Sánchez-Cárdenas,Rebeca; Salcido-Guevara,Luis Antonio; Ramírez-Pérez,Jorge Saúl.
The gonadal development assessment is a fundamental work in researching the reproduction of Peprilus medius, on the way to understand its population dynamics and to achieve a sustainable management of its fisheries. The diagnosis based on morphochromatic features is the quicker, more practical and cheaper method, and properly validated, it may be an accurate procedure. This is particularly useful in researches when it is required to provide prompt and accurate information to support decision-making for fisheries management, and during long-term fisheries monitoring to detect changes in reproductive patterns due to environmental anomalies. These are issues of concern in P. medius and other fishery resources. In this context, a scale that describes the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Ovaries; Testes; Gametogenesis; Reproductive anatomy.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Gadelha,ICN; Lima,MA; Melo,MM; Soto-Blanco,B.
ABSTRACT Gossypol, a phenolic compound produced by the pigment glands of cotton, is known to affect male reproduction. In females, exposure to gossypol has been associated with interference with the estrous cycle and embryo development. In laying hens fed cottonseed, gossypol was found to reduce egg production and weight and to cause discoloration of the egg yolk and/or albumen. It is probable that gossypol directly affects ovarian follicles, but this has not been confirmed experimentally yet. Thus, the aim of the present study was to determine if gossypol affected cultivated ovarian follicles of the chicken. Ovarian follicles of adult female chickens were cultivated with different concentrations of gossypol (0, 5, 10 and 20 μg/mL) and classified according...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cottonseed; Female reproduction; Gossypol; Ovaries; Reproductive toxicology.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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