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An overview of a diagnostic and epidemiologic reappraisal of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Iran 55
Farahmand,Mahin; Nahrevanian,Hossein; Shirazi,Hasti Atashi; Naeimi,Sabah; Farzanehnejad,Zahra.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a widespread tropical infection which has a high incidence rate in Iran. Leishmania tropica, the causative agent of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL), and Leishmania major, which causes zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL), are endemic in various parts of Iran with a high incidence rate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reappraisal of the diagnosis and epidemiology of CL in Iran, by different clinical, parasitological and molecular assays among patients suspected of CL referred to the Department of Parasitology, at the Pasteur Institute of Iran during 2006-2009. Two hundred samples from patients with ulcerative skin lesions were collected, clinical analyses were applied, data questionnaire was completed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Parasitological analysis; Molecular biology; Leishmaniasis; Cutaneous; Iran; Epidemiology.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Microbiological quality of minimally processed vegetables sold in Porto Alegre, Brazil 58
Silva,Silvia R. Pavan da; Verdin,Sylvia E. Frizzo; Pereira,Dariane C.; Schatkoski,Aline M.; Rott,Marilise B.; Corção,Gertrudes.
Minimally processed vegetables go through various steps during their preparation, with many modifications to their natural structure. However, they must maintain the same quality as the fresh produce. The aim of the present study was to quantify mesophilic and psychrotrophic microorganisms and total and faecal coliforms, and to assess the presence of Escherichia coli, parasites, and dirt material in ready-to-eat minimally processed vegetables. Fifty-six samples of minimally processed vegetables were analysed for the presence of mesophilic and psychrotrophic microorganisms by the plate-count method. Monthly means ranged from 4.7x10(5) to 1.6x10(8) CFU/g and from 7.9x10(6) to 2.7x10(8) CFU/g, respectively for mesophilic and psychrotrophic microorganisms....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Minimally processed vegetables; Microbiologic quality; Parasitological analysis.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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