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Pulmonary emphysema induced by passive smoking: an experimental study in rats BJMBR
Cendon,S.P.; Battlehner,C.; Lorenzi-Filho,G.; Dohlnikoff,M.; Pereira,P.M.; Conceição,G.M.S.; Beppu,O.S.; Saldiva,P.H.N..
We describe a short time model for inducing experimental emphysema in rats by chronic tobacco smoke inhalation. Three groups of male Wistar rats (6 months old) were studied: controls (N = 8), rats intoxicated for 45 days (s-45, N = 7) or for 90 days (s-90, N = 8). The exposed animals were intoxicated 3 times a day (10 cigarettes per exposure period), 5 days a week. Pulmonary damage was assessed by means of functional tests and quantitative pathological examination of the airways and lung parenchyma. The s-45 and s-90 animals were similar in terms of functional residual capacity (FRC) corrected for body weight (FRC/kg) but both groups of smoking rats exhibited significantly higher FRC/kg values than the controls (s-45 = 6.33; s-90 = 6.46; controls = 3.78;...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Passive smoking; Emphysema; Rats; Pulmonary function; Morphological analysis; Quantification.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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