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4. Österreichische Fachtagung für Biologische Landwirtschaft - "Low-Input" Vollweidehaltung von Milchkühen in Österreich Organic Eprints
Tipo: Proceedings Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops; Dairy cattle; Health and welfare; Feeding and growth; Farm economics.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A discussion of norms for S supply in organic farming based on content in forage and ruminant performance in Norway Organic Eprints
Hansen, Sissel; Bakken, Anne Kjersti.
The content of sulphur (S) in grassland on 27 Norwegian organic farms with dairy or sheep production was investigated in 2001 and 2002. The forage content of S was below the norms (2 g S kg DM-1) for both plants and animals in a large proportion of the samples. The average S content in forage at dairy farms was 1.4 g S kg DM-1 and at sheep farms 1.5 g. Even on grasslands with low plant S content (<1 g S kg DM-1), S-fertilization did not increase yields and increased the plants’ S content only very slightly. No indications of S deficiency were observed on the dairy farms. For one sheep farm with a forage S content of 1.1 ± 0.1g S kg DM-1, brittle and short winter wool was reported.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Pasture and forage crops; Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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A Guide to White Clover Organic Eprints
Nolan, Stephen.
An introduction to growing white clover on organic farms in Ireland
Tipo: Teaching resource Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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A NOVEL GREEN BIOREFINERY CONCEPT: Protein refining by lactic acid fermentation and biogas production from green biomass Organic Eprints
Fernandez, Maria Santamaria.
The extraction of proteins from leaves, integrated in a green biorefinery, may represent an attractive solution to the increasing demand for protein-rich animal feeds while decreasing the dependency on soybean imports. Thereby such green biorefineries could contribute to the development of more self-sufficient and sustainable agricultural systems in Europe. The framework of this PhD study is a green biorefinery concept for the production of protein concentrate, biogas and fertilizer from organic and locally grown green crops like alfalfa, clover or grass. After the screw pressing of the fresh crops, lactic acid fermentation of the green juice with Lactobacillus salivarius BC 1001 was assessed as the key method for the recovery of proteins. A leaf protein...
Tipo: Thesis Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Pasture and forage crops; Production systems; Farming Systems; Poultry.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Agronomic factors affecting yield and quality of extractable leaf protein 1 concentrate (LPC) in forage crops Organic Eprints
Ytting, Nanna Karkov; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian.
The study aims to find the optimal cutting strategy and forage plant species for organic production of leaf 11 protein concentrate (LPC) and to investigate if sulfur fertilization have a positive effect on the content of the 12 sulfur containing amino acids cystine and methionine. The protein recovery in green juice and amino acid 13 composition of the proteins were measured for 23 common and alternative forage species grown in an 14 organic cropping trial. Total protein yield in green juice was measured for three different cutting strategies (2, 15 3 and 4 cuts per season) in three different forage species mixtures. The forage species mixtures were given 16 three levels of sulfur fertilization (0, 30 and 60 kg S ha-1). Results indicated that the economic...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Pasture and forage crops; Farming Systems.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Agronomic performance of annual self-reseeding legumes and their self-establishment potential in the Apulia region of Italy. Organic Eprints
Driouech, Noureddin; Abou Fayad, Fady; Ghanem, Ala'a; Al-Bitar, Lina.
The agronomic performance, biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) ability and self-establishment potential of seven species of annual self-reseeding legumes were investigated in Apulia region, Italy. For the first cropping cycle (2005-2006) preliminary results showed that Trifolium spp. performed better than Medicago spp. Among the seven species, five were more suitable to the site’s conditions. T. angustifolium and M. polymorpha gave the best results. T. angustifolium fixed 131.7 kg ha-1 year of nitrogen (15N isotope dilution method), produced 1976 kg ha-1 of seeds and 8.7 t ha-1 of dry matter (DM). M. radiata and M. rigidula were the less performing. During the second cropping cycle (2006-2007) results showed that Trifolium spp. self-established better than...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Pasture and forage crops; Vegetables.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Agronomic performance of annual self-reseeding legumes and their self-establishment potential in the Apulia region of Italy Organic Eprints
Driouech, Noureddin; Abou Fayad, Fady; Ghanem, Ala'a; Al-Bitar, Lina.
The agronomic performance, biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) ability and self-establishment potential of seven species of annual self-reseeding legumes were investigated in Apulia region, Italy. For the first cropping cycle (2005-2006) preliminary results showed that Trifolium spp. performed better than Medicago spp. Among the seven species, five were more suitable to the site’s conditions. T. angustifolium and M. polymorpha gave the best results. T. angustifolium fixed 131.7 kg ha-1 year of nitrogen (15N isotope dilution method), produced 1976 kg ha-1 of seeds and 8.7 t ha-1 of dry matter (DM). M. radiata and M. rigidula were the less performing. During the second cropping cycle (2006-2007) results showed that Trifolium spp. self-established better than...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Åkerböna i samodling med vårvete som helsäd: avkastning och fodervärde Organic Eprints
Intresset för åkerböna (Vicia faba L.) har ökat de senaste åren, både inom konventionell och ekologisk odling. För att nå ett uthålligt växtodlingssystem är ärter och åkerbönor intressanta genom sin kvävefixerande förmåga, inte minst i ekologiska system. Ärter kan drabbas av ärtrotröta om de förekommer för tätt i växtföljden, varför åkerböna är ett alternativ. Att nå mogen skörd med åkerböna kan vara ett problem, utom i de sydligaste delarna av landet. Alternativet är då att skörda den som helsädesensilage, gärna i samodling med spannmål. Syftet med forskningsprogrammet är att ge underlag till optimal skördetid för helsäd av spannmål och åkerböna. Projektet ska också utvärdera grödans fodervärde och avkastning, samt ensilerbarhet. Projektets huvuddel...
Tipo: Project description Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops.
Ano: 2024
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Alpha-tocopherol and b-carotene in legume–grass mixtures as influenced by wilting, ensiling and type of silage additive Organic Eprints
Lindqvist, H.; Nadeau, E.; Jensen, S.K..
Effects of wilting, ensiling and type of additive on atocopherol and b-carotene contents in legume–grass mixtures were examined. Swards of birdsfoot trefoil + timothy (Bft + Ti), red clover + timothy (Rc + Ti) and red clover + meadow fescue (Rc + Mf) were harvested as a first regrowth in August 2005. Forage was wilted to a dry-matter (DM) content of 273 g kg)1 and ensiled without additive or with an inoculant or acid. Wilting decreased a-tocopherol concentration by 30% in the Bft + Ti mixture (P = 0x015). Untreated Bft + Ti silage had higher a-tocopherol content than red clover silages (56x9 vs. 34x2 mg kg)1 DM; P = 0x015). The a-tocopherol concentration of Bft + Ti silages increased during ensiling from 41x1 mg kg)1 DM in wilted herbage to 56x9, 65x2 and...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene in legume-grass mixtures as influenced by wilting, ensiling and type of silage additive Organic Eprints
Lindqvist, H.; Nadeau, E.; Jensen, Søren K..
Effects of wilting, ensiling and type of additive on a-tocopherol and b-carotene contents in legume–grass mixtures were examined. Swards of birdsfoot trefoil + timothy (Bft + Ti), red clover + timothy (Rc + Ti)and red clover + meadow fescue (Rc + Mf) were harvested as a first regrowth in August 2005. Forage was wilted to a dry-matter (DM) content of 273 g/kg and ensiled without additive or with an inoculant or acid. Wilting decreased a-tocopherol concentration by 30% in the Bft + Ti mixture (P = 0.015). Untreated Bft + Ti silage had higher a-tocopherol content than red clover silages (56.9 vs. 34.2 mg/kg DM; P = 0.015). The a-tocopherol concentration of Bft + Ti forages increased during ensiling from 41.1 mg/kg DM in wilted herbage to 56.9, 65.2 and 56.8...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Amélioration des pratiques de pâturage en production laitière biologique Organic Eprints
Rousseau, Louis.
Le Centre d’expertise et de transfert en agriculture biologique et de proximité (CETAB+) a réalisé un projet de recherche sur l’amélioration des pâturages sur deux fermes laitières biologiques du Centre-du-Québec. Les objectifs étaient d’améliorer les connaissances générales sur les pâturages et de vérifier le potentiel de différentes espèces de légumineuses, de graminées et d'herbes dans les pâturages en termes de rendements, de persistance et d’appétence pour les animaux. Le projet a permis de tester 17 espèces différentes : la luzerne à pâturage, le trèfle rouge, le trèfle blanc Ladino, le trèfle blanc Huia, le lotier corniculé, la fléole des prés, le raygrass vivace, le brome des prés, le dactyle tardif, la fétuque des...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Pasture and forage crops.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Ampfer erfolgreich kontrollieren Organic Eprints
Finze, Jana; Böhm, Herwart.
Ampfer breitet sich im ökologisch bewirtschafteten Grünland zunehmend aus. Das Institut für ökologischen Landbau der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft in Trenthorst führte daher im Rahmen eines Projektes des Bundesprogramms Ökologischer Landbau Versuche zur Regulierung von Ampfer im Grünland durch (Direkte Kontrolle mittels manuellem Ampferstechen, maschinellem Ampferstechen mit der Wurzelziehmaschine WUZI und Abflammen jeweils mit und ohne Nachsaat sowie Auswirkungen des Beweidungsmanagements) und befragte bundesweit 156 ökologisch wirtschaftende Landwirte. Die Umfrage zeigte, dass fast die Hälfte der Betriebe Probleme mit Ampfer im Grünland haben, bei weiteren zwanzig Prozent sind diese Probleme sogar besonders gravierend. Jeder Betrieb hat auf...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops; Weed management.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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An overview on the role and potential of forage production on lowland organic livestock farms Organic Eprints
Weller, Richard F; Jones, Evan L.
This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference of the Colloquium of Organic Researchers (COR). This paper outlines some of the factors influencing the level of forage production on organic lowland farms. Optimal forage production is achieved by maintaining soil fertility, providing a balance between N-fixing and N-demanding crops and producing sufficient quantities of quality feed to meet the requirements of the organic livestock enterprise. A key objective for organic systems is to increase the efficiency of forage production by improving the nutrient input/output balance of the wholefarm system. Improving forage quality reduces the requirement for external feed sources, leading to increased self-sufficiency in the wholefarm system....
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops; Crop combinations and interactions; Farm nutrient management.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Anaerobic digestion for closing the loop of a biorefinery for organic farming: Production of biogas and organic fertilizer from process residues Organic Eprints
Fernandez, Maria Santamaria; Ytting, Nanna Karkov; Lübeck, Mette; Uellendahl, Hinrich.
The availability of organic animal feed for monogastric animals and organic fertilizer is in many regions a limiting factor for the further spread of animal breeding and crop cultivation in organic farming. The production of these two commodities is the main target of a green biorefinery concept based on regionally organically grown grass biomass, called Organofinery. Anaerobic digestion of the residual streams after protein separation for the organic feed product is a key process to extract both the energetic and the nutritional value of the residual biomass in the biorefinery. Biogas potentials of the residual streams from the processing of red clover and clover grass (press cake obtained from screw pressing to produce green juice and brown juice after...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Pasture and forage crops; Production systems; Farming Systems; Composting and manuring.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Anaerobic digestion of residual liquid effluent (brown juice) from a green biorefinery Organic Eprints
Martinez, EJ; Mirolucci, Federico; Gomez, X; Molinuevo-Salces, Beatriz; Uellendahl, Hinrich.
This work studied the anaerobic digestion of brown juice, a liquid residual stream generated from biomass fractionation in a green biorefinery. Biomethane potential batch tests and inhibition studies of brown juice were performed during continuous processing in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor. Prolongation of the lag phase in the batch tests with increasing substrate/inoculum ratio suggested initial inhibition, which was, however, overcome by adaptation. This was indicated by high final methane yields, which were close to the theoretical maximum of up to 500 L-CH4 kg-VS−1, achieved after 15 days for most of the set-ups. Reactor operation at the organic loading rate of 13.9 g-COD L−1 day−1 and hydraulic retention time of 3 days revealed methane...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: "Organics" in general; Pasture and forage crops; Production systems; Farming Systems.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Annual self-reseeding legumes and their application into mediterranean cropping systems. Organic Eprints
Driouech, Noureddin.
Soil fertility management is a major concern in organic farming. According to the EEC Regulation 2092/91, soil fertility must be maintained and/or increased by legumes cultivation. Native Mediterranean legumes ecotypes are more persistent than commercial varieties but their use in catch crop sequences is still limited. The N2-fixing legumes crops as a local resource can be considered as an alternative to improve nitrogen nutrition and to increase crop yields. This study aimed to investigate the agronomic performance of seven annual self-reseeding legumes and the short–term effect of nitrogen supply on the subsequent crops. Results are presented from field experiment on sandy-clay soil, pH 8.1 and 1.6% of organic matter, in the south of Italy, where the...
Tipo: Thesis Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops; Production systems; Vegetables; Crop husbandry; Soil quality.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Application of lactic acid bacteria in green biorefineries Organic Eprints
Lübeck, Mette; Lübeck, Peter Stephensen.
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have extensive industrial applications as producers of lactic acid, as probiotics, as biocontrol agents and as biopreservatives. LAB play a large role in food fermentation and in silage processes, where crops such as grass, legumes, cereals or corn are fermented into high-moisture feed that is storable and can be used to feed cattle, sheep or other ruminants. LAB also have great applications within green biorefineries, with simultaneous production of protein-rich feed for monogastric animals, silage or feed pellets for ruminants and production of lactic acid or specific amino acids. In green biorefineries, fresh or ensiled wet biomass is mechanically fractionated into green juice and solid residues (press cake), where the plant...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Pasture and forage crops; Farming Systems; Feeding and growth; Health and welfare; Pigs; Poultry.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Artssammensætningen i græsmarken afgør mineralindholdet i afgrøden Organic Eprints
Søegaard, Karen; Mogensen, Lisbeth; Sehested, Jakob.
Igangværende undersøgelse på Foulum har vist, at der er stor forskel på mineralsammensætningen i forskellige græsmarksarter. Mineralprofilen i den enkelte art bliver næsten ikke påvirket af jordtypen. En bedre styret mineralsammensætning forventes derfor mulig i fremtiden.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Auswirkungen der Grünlandnachsaat in einer Kurzrasenweide bei Biologischer Bewirtschaftung Organic Eprints
Starz, Walter; Steinwidder, Andreas; Pfister, Rupert; Rohrer, Hannes; Schmied, Veronika.
Die Kurzrasenweide ist ein geeignetes Weidesystem für die Low-Input Milchviehhaltung und daher auch für die Biologische Landwirtschaft interessant. Weidehaltung bietet nicht nur wirtschaftliche Vorteile, sondern passt auch ideal zu den Werten der Biologischen Landwirtschaft. Bei der Umstellung eines Milchviehbetriebes auf ein Weide basiertes Fütterungssystem müssen vorher als Mähwiesen genutzte Flächen beweidet werden. Durch die Bewirtschaftungsänderung von einer Schnittwiese zur Kurzrasenweide sind Auswirkungen auf den Pflanzenbestand sowie auf die Mengen- und Qualitätserträge zu erwarten. Um diese Hypothesen zu überprüfen, wurde ein 3-jähriger Feldversuch am Bio Lehr- und Forschungsbetrieb des LFZ Raumberg-Gumpenstein von 2007-2009 angelegt. In dieser...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Auswirkungen des letzten Nutzungstermins von Weiden im Herbst auf den Ertrag im darauf folgenden Frühling Organic Eprints
Lobsiger, Martin; Mosimann, Eric; Jeangros, Bernard; Lüscher, Andreas.
The consequences of a late closing date in autumn on pasture performance in spring are mostly unknown under Mid-European climatic conditions. An experiment on two sites in the Swiss lowlands showed that a delay of the closing date from early October to late November reduced spring yield by 50% (238-821 kg DM/ha) in early April and 18% (556-986 kg DM/ha) in Mai. This reduction of spring yield was particularly high (up to 75%) if the residual herbage mass before winter was below 300-500 kg DM/ha. On the other hand residual herbage mass above this threshold did not increase spring yield considerably. Thus, the utilisation of pasture in late autumn is recommended, if conditions are favourable and if grazing does not reduce the residual herbage mass below...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Pasture and forage crops; Dairy cattle; Crop husbandry.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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