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Fixação biológica de Nitrogênio: uma revisão. 14
COSTA, M. M. M. N..
Nesse contexto, este documento tem o objetivo de descrever o que é a FBN, os principais tipos de simbiose e associação ‒ bem como a diferença entre ambas, o processo morfológico e fisiológico da FBN e discutir algumas pesquisas conduzidas na Embrapa Algodão sobre esse tema. Esperamos que a obra contribua e incentive o norteamento de linhas de pesquisa sobre a fixação biológica do N2 em um amplo escopo de plantas cultivadas, nas mais diversas instituições de pesquisa, uma vez que se trata de uma técnica sustentável de fornecimento de nutrientes e melhoria da estrutura do solo, especialmente no bioma Semiárido.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Biological tool; Sugar cane; Nutrição de plantas; FBN; BNF; Nutrição Vegetal; Fixação de Nitrogênio; Simbiose; Soja; Milho; Feijão; Arroz; Trigo; Cana de Açúcar; Amendoim; Plant nutrition; Nitrogen fixation; Cane sugar; Soybean products; Beans; Wheat; Brown rice; Peanut products.
Ano: 2023 URL:
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Occurrence of aflatoxins in peanuts and peanut products consumed in the State of São Paulo/Brazil from 1995 to 1997 59
Sabino,Myrna; Milanez,Thais Valéria; Lamardo,Leda Conceição Antonia; Inomata,Emiko Ikejiri; Zorzetto,Maria Ângela Pompeu; Navas,Sandra Aparecida; Stofer,Monica.
One hundred and thirty seven samples of peanuts and peanut containing foods were collected in markets in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, between January 1995 an December 1997. Most of the samples were collected by the Inspection Service of São Paulo Secretary of Health. The foods included raw peanuts, peanut candies ("paçoca" and "pé de moleque"), peanut butter, fried/roasted salted peanuts, "torrone", chocolate coated peanuts and salt-coated peanuts. The samples were analyzed for aflatoxins using a thin-layer chromatographic method. About 45% of the samples were positive for aflatoxins and 27% exceeded the limits of the Brazilian legislation (30.0 µ for aflatoxins B1+G1). The aflatoxins were confirmed by derivatization with trifluoroacetic acid. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aflatoxins; Peanuts; Peanut products; Thin-layer chromatography.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Rapid detection of aflatoxin by serological methods (Project No. 13) 106
Chintana Chana; Pranee Hamelink; Chiradej Chamswarng; Ronnapop Bunjoedchoedchu.
6 tables
Palavras-chave: Peanut products; Fungi; Aflatoxins; Serological method; Rapid detection; ผลิตภัณฑ์ถั่วลิสง; อะฟลาทอกซิน; การตรวจสอบอย่างรวดเร็ว.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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The occurrence of aflatoxin B1 contamination in peanuts and peanut products marketed in southern Brazil 52
Hoeltz,Michele; Einloft,Tiago Centeno; Oldoni,Verônica Possebon; Dottori,Horacio Alberto; Noll,Isa Beatriz.
This study investigated the occurrence of aflatoxin B1 in peanuts and peanut products marketed in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. One hundred one samples of peanuts and peanut products were collected and analyzed by thin-layer chromatography with a charge-coupled device system. Aflatoxin B1 was present in 14% of the samples analyzed, in concentrations ranging from 24.0 to 87.5 µg/kg in the peanut samples and from 22.0 to 84.6 µg/kg in the peanut-product samples. These values exceeded the Brazilian regulatory limit (20.0 µg/Kg for aflatoxins B1+G1+B2+G2 ). These results suggest that although aflatoxin contamination in peanuts marketed in southern Brazil is lower than in other Brazilian regions, it is still a serious problem for human health and the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Peanuts; Peanut products; Aflatoxin B1; Brazil.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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