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Avaliação de qualidade do solo no sistema ILPF (URTP Embrapa Milho e Sorgo). 14
RESUMO - Os níveis de resistência à penetração do solo e a qualidade da estrutura na camada superficial foram avaliados na Unidade de Referência em sistema ILPF e no cerrado adjacente, na Fazenda Experimental da Embrapa Milho e Sorgo, em Sete Lagoas-MG. O trabalho foi realizado utilizando-se um penetrógrafo eletrônico para avaliar a resistência do solo à penetração até 60 cm de profundidade e o DRES - Diagnóstico Rápido da Estrutura do Solo para a camada de 0 a 20 cm de profundidade. Não houve diferença estatística entre a resistência à penetração no cerrado e no sistema ILPF. A camada de maior resistência no ILPF se localiza mais próxima à superfície e com densidade um pouco mais elevada, mas abaixo do limite de impedimento ao crescimento de raízes e...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Resistência do solo; Penetração; DRES; Penetrometria; Soil resistance; Penetrometry; Manejo do Solo; Sistema de Cultivo.
Ano: 2022 URL:
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Soil morphostructural characterization and coffee root distribution under agroforestry system with Hevea Brasiliensis 63
Nunes,Amanda Letícia Pit; Cortez,Glassys Louise de Souza; Zaro,Geovanna Cristina; Zorzenoni,Thiago Ometto; Melo,Thadeu Rodrigues de; Figueiredo,Alex; Aquino,Gisele Silva de; Medina,Cristiane de Conti; Ralisch,Ricardo; Caramori,Paulo Henrique; Guimarães,Maria de Fátima.
ABSTRACT: Land use and tillage practices may change soil structure and undermine sustainable agriculture; however, such changes are hardly identified in the short term. In this sense, agroforestry systems have been used to reduce soil degradation and promote sustainable production in coffee plantations. These areas are expected to have well-structured soils and hence improved root distribution. This study aimed to evaluate soil quality by the morphostructural and root distribution analyses comparing open-grown coffee and coffee in agroforestry systems with rubber trees for 19 years, in an Oxisol in northern Paraná State (Brazil). Treatments consisted of open-grown coffee (OG), coffee partially shaded by rubber trees (PSH), and coffee fully shaded by rubber...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cultural profile; Soil physics; Compaction; Penetrometry; Rubber treepoint of zero charge.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Use of penetrometers in agriculture: a review 70
Moraes,Moacir T. de; Silva,Vanderlei R. da; Zwirtes,Anderson L.; Carlesso,Reimar.
Soil physical quality can be easily and quickly evaluated by using simple equipment to identify levels of soil compaction. Hence, it is necessary to know the variables responsible for changes in the soil penetration resistance (SPR). The aim of this review is to identify the main factors related to the various equipment used for assessing SPR as a soil physical quality indicator in agriculture. This literature review describes the different types of equipment used and its relationship with SPR. A wide range of procedures, devices, and equipments are available. Much of variability in SPR results is related to the equipment model, cone angle and diameter, and penetration rate. Usually, restrictions to root growth are correlated with SPR values above 2-3 MPa....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil compaction; Soil physics; Physical quality; Penetrometry.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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