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Effects of diclofenac and dexamethasone on horse experimental endotoxemia Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Rosa,P.C.S.; Peiró,J.R.; Campebell,R.C.; Valadão,C.A.A.; Bechara,G.H..
Fifteen healthy Mangalarga horses, aged two to three years were used to evaluate the possible beneficial effects of dexamethasone and sodium diclofenac administration during experimental endotoxemia in horses. They were divided into three groups with five animals each: control (C), sodium diclofenac (SD) and dexamethasone (DM). All groups were given 0.1µg of Escherichia coli O55:B5 endotoxin/kg of body weight, intravenous, over 15 minutes, and one of the following preparations: group C - 20ml of 0.9% saline intravenous, 30 minutes before endoxin infusion; group SD - 2.2mg/kg, per os, 60 minutes before endotoxin infusion and group DM - 1.1 mg/kg, intravenous, 30 minutes before endotoxin infusion. No increase in rectal temperature was observed in the SD or...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Endotoxemia; Equine; Peritoneal fluid; Sodium diclofenac; Dexamethasone.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Endotoxemia in horses MV&Z
Peiró, Juliana Regina; Valadão, Carlos Augusto Araújo.
This is a review article on endotoxemia, an important cause of mortality in horses during colic syndrome. It also discusses structural aspects of the lipopolysaccharide molecule, production and release of cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor, clinical signs and peritoneal fluid evaluation.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Endotoxemia; Horses; Tumor necrosis factor; Peritoneal fluid; Cytokines Endotoxemia; Equinos; Factor de necrosis tumoral; Líquido peritoneal; Citocinas endotoxemia; Equinos; Fator de necrose tumoral; Líquido peritoneal; Citocinas.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Establishment of peritoneal liquid electrophoretogram from healthy horses and horses submitted to experimentally induced intestinal obstruction Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Nogueira,A.F.S.; Di Filippo,P.A.; Anai,L.A.; Vieira,M.C.; Simplício,K.M.M.G.; Santana,A.E..
The initial inflammatory stages of the colic syndrome include changes known as acute phase response. The aim of this study was to contribute with the establishment of reference values concerning the electrophoretogram of peritoneal liquid from healthy horses and horses submitted to experimentally induced intestinal obstruction. Twenty-one horses were allotted in four groups: duodenal obstruction (DG), ileum obstruction (IG), left-dorsal colon obstruction (MG), and control group (CG). Peritoneal liquid was sampled before obtruction (T0), with 3 hours of obstruction (T3) and 6, 30, 102 and 174 hours after desobstructing (T6, T30, T102 and T174, respectively). Total protein levels were determined by the biuret method and protein fractions were obtained by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Peritoneal fluid; Equine; Colic; Acute phase proteins.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Laboratory evaluation of peritoneal fluid in experimental models used to induce intra-abdominal inflammatory reaction in equines MV&Z
Mendes, Luiz Cláudio Nogueira; Peiró, Juliana Regina; Marques, Luiz Carlos; Borges, Alexandre Secorun.
This is a review article about the peritoneum anatomy and function, pathophysiology of the peritoneal injury, and evaluation of the normal peritoneal fluid. Normal values are compared to those obtained in experimental model of induced peritoneal inflammation that were developed in Brazil to study several aspects of peritonitis in horses, specially those associated with clinical and/or surgical complications of colic. It also discusses data related to cellularity, biochemical and anatornicopathological methods, as well as the quantitative evaluation of cytokines in the peritoneal fluid of these models.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Experimental peritonitis; Horses; Peritoneal fluid; Peritoneum; Endotoxemia peritonite experimental; Equinos; Líquido peritoneal; Peritônio; Endotoxemia.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Peritoneal and serum interleukin-18 levels are not increased in women with minimum or mild endometriosis BJMBR
Glitz,C.; Souza,C.A.; Rodini,G.P.; Genro,V.; Bilibio,J.P.; Senger,M.; Cunha-Filho,J.S..
Interleukin-18 (IL-18) is a cytokine that belongs to the IL-1 family. Endometriosis is strongly associated with sub-fertility, and affects about 15% of women of reproductive age. IL-18 may favor the progression of endometriosis. The objective of the present study was to determine the concentration of IL-18 in the serum and peritoneal fluid of infertile women with endometriosis. Forty infertile and 25 fertile women were screened in a teaching hospital. Thirty-four infertile patients with minimal or mild endometriosis and 22 fertile controls were enrolled in the study. The primary outcome was the estimate of IL-18 levels and the secondary outcome was the correlation between serum and peritoneal levels of IL-18. There were no differences between the two...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cytokines; Endometriosis; IL-18; Peritoneal fluid; Infertility.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Peritoneal fluid modulates the sperm acrosomal exocytosis induced by N-acetylglucosaminyl neoglycoprotein BJMBR
Passos,E.P.; Brugnara,L.; Facin,A.C.; Riffel,A.; Lima,G.R.; Freitas,V.; Brandelli,A..
The effect of peritoneal fluid (PF) on the human sperm acrosome reaction (AR) was tested. Sperm was pre-incubated with PF and the AR was induced by calcium ionophore A23187 and a neoglycoprotein bearing N-acetylglycosamine residues (NGP). The AR induced by calcium ionophore was inhibited 40% by PF from controls (PFc) and 50% by PF from the endometriosis (PFe) group, but not by PF from infertile patients without endometriosis (PFi). No significant differences were found in the spontaneous AR. When the AR was induced by NGP, pre-incubation with PFc reduced (60%) the percentage of AR, while PFe and PFi caused no significant differences. The average rates of acrosome reactions obtained in control, NGP- and ionophore-treated sperm showed that NGP-induced...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acrosome reaction; Endometriosis; Infertility; Peritoneal fluid; Sperm.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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