Registros recuperados: 18 | |
Leaute, Jean-pierre; Aubert, Fabien; Lepareur, Fanny; Coupeau, Yann; Boiron-leroy, Anne. |
A large number of studies on common sole have already been done for years by many research laboratories. This study sought to make a focus on a major nursery on the Atlantic coast, the Pertuis charentais, through the results of eight annual surveys (2005-2012) in late summer (SOLe PERtuis) targeting sole juveniles with a small beam trawl until subtidal zone (<1.50 m). Some of the results obtained in this report confirm previous studies, such as, among others, that more than 80% YOY (G0) occupy muddy or sandy mud bottom at a depth less than 5 m, or that there is a relative correlation between large rainfall in the spring, river flows and abundance of G0 in nursery. However in the Pertuis Breton this correlation is little expressed by an extension of... |
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Palavras-chave: Sole commune; Solea solea; Chalut à perche; Abondance; Pertuis charentais; Common sole; Solea solea; Beam trawl; Abundance; Pertuis charentais. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00422/53357/54196.pdf |
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Tachoires, Stéphanie. |
ln the Pertuis charentais shallow area, located between the mainland and the Ré and Oléron islands, marin space is in dispute between the severals stakeholders. The fishing in this area is permitted by a licencing policy and is strongly affected by the space competition. lts future is also uncertain because of the state of the fishing stocks, the new regulations which must be implemented. Given this context, this study aims to assess the evolution and adaptation abilities of the exploitation system in the Pertuis charentais facing the change of the socio-technic context. On board and at port, surveys were carried out. The fishing fleet is made up of old boats, but the fishing is attractive for the fishermen. The enterprise logic functioning as studied and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Petite pêche; Pertuis charentais; Système; Exploitation; Potentialité d'évolution. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00448/55951/57430.pdf |
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Prou, Jean. |
Managing the water resource finds a special dimension on the coastal strip. This resource is not shared between the different users according to the classical schemes of catchment areas, linking quality and quantity. The measure of a river water flow turns into currents in the marine field and the freshwater volumes turn into salinity units illustrating the fresh water / salt water mix. As a consequence, in a participative management approach as recommended by the GIZC (Integrated Management of the Coastal Zone) procedures, it seems fundamental that the actors from the terrestrial and marine worlds and their interfaces share their perceptions in order to improve the quality of the management scenarios. This shared perception of the catchment area and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Charente Maritime; Pertuis charentais; Gestion eau; Conchyliculture. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2007/acte-3516.pdf |
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Robert, Stephane; Guilpain, Patrice; Grizon, James; Geairon, Philippe; Razet, Daniel; Garen, Pierre; Faury, Nicole; Seugnet, Jean-luc; Soletchnik, Patrick; Le Moine, Olivier; Goulletquer, Philippe; Taillade, Sylvie. |
Le réseau de suivi de croissance des moules dans les Pertuis Charentais a 3 ans d 'existence. L'année 2002 n'est pas une bonne année de croissance. Les mesures de gain de poids moyen journalier saisonnier soulignent un fort retard de croissance pour la période printanière (0,35 en 2002 contre 0,38 en 2001 et 0,69 en 2000). Ce manque de croissance n' est pas récupéré en été et reste équivalent à celui de 2001 (0,30). L'automne montre des résultats très variables, à l'avantage de l'élevage sur filières. La mortalité moyenne (20%) enregistrée en décembre 2002, atteint le même niveau qu 'en 2001, nettement supérieur à celui enregistré à la même date en 2000 ( 14%). Deux indices qualités sont proposés comme référence au remplissage du produit destiné à la vente... |
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Palavras-chave: REMOULA; Réseau; Mytilus edulis; Croissance; Mortalité; Production; Qualité; France; Pertuis charentais. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00072/18365/15937.pdf |
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Arnaud, Christophe. |
A study of the environmental factors in the "pertuis charentais" (charentais straits) has been carried out from 1993 tc 1994. The evolution of water temperature and salinity, as weil as the turbidity, are studied. ln the middle of Breton Strait, near to the long lines, the stratification has not been observed, and the salinity variations are much less sharp than in the stations which are located nearer the coast. The photosynthetic pigments concentrations can be very different in the same time at two close stations; in the Antioch Strait and at the long lines, the values of chlorophyll "a" are comparable; they are much higher in the Breton Strait. At the same time, a study has been made on the physical factors, the photosynthetic pigments concentrations,... |
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Palavras-chave: Pertuis charentais; Facteurs physico-chimiques; Turbidité; Pigments chlorophylliens; Seston; "pertuis charentais"; Physical factors; Turbidity; Photosynthetic pigments; Seston.. |
Ano: 1995 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00082/19282/16877.pdf |
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Burgeot, Thierry; Fillon, Alain; Ratiskol, Gilles; Vayne, Jean-jacques. |
La synthèse des informations collectées en 1988 en Charente Maritime, en matière de développement microalgaux a pour but de mettre en évidence, à partir des données recueillies au cours d'une année, des tendances et niveaux de contaminations phytoplanctoniques, ainsi qu'une certaine identité du secteur surveillé. L'année 1988 est marquée par une efflorescence monospécifique de Gymnodinium sp. en période estivale et par l'apparition du Dinophysis à des concentrations supérieures au seuil toxique sans qu'aucne toxicité ne soit décelée. Le réseau de suivi confirme, à travers la bonne représentativité des stations de prélèvement, la spécificité des pertuis charentais |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Microalgues; Pertuis charentais; Efflorescences monospécifiques. |
Ano: 1990 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00443/55496/57039.pdf |
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Moussard, F. |
This report presents a functional typology of the exploitation systems of fisheries in the Charentais sounds. It describes the nature of such a typology as well as the method developed in relation to the topic of the study. The determination and formalization accepted to characterise the exploitation systems are outlined. Also presented is the evaluation of the value of the vessels of the sounds fleet. Types are identified based on two main explanatory variables: capital and work. They enable us to set the internal dynamics of the production system straight. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: SEM; Valeur des bateaux; Pertuis charentais; Pêche côtière; Typologie; Approche système. |
Ano: 1998 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1998/these-3932.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 18 | |