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Approche sectorielle subtidale : Identification et caractérisation des habitats benthiques du secteur Glénan (Réseau de surveillance benthique - Région Bretagne) ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Blanchet, Aline; Hamon, Dominique.
Ifremer launched and coordinated the development of a strategy for the REBENT network (REseau BENThique) in 2000 to monitor the aftermath of the "Erika" oil spill in December 1999. Its aim is to provide consistent baseline knowledge about coastal benthic habitats and constitute a monitoring tool to detect changes at various scales over time and space. Sector-based seabed habitat mapping in shallow water (< 50 m deep), is currently being conducted throughout Brittany's coastal waters through a combination of geoacoustic marine systems and ground-truthing using biological grab sampling and seabed observations. Sedimentological and biological results on Glenan area emphasize a great diversity of subtidal habitats and marine species recognized. Sidescan...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Haploops; Maerl; Bedforms; Bedload transport; Communities; Benthic macrofauna; Sidescan sonar; Habitats mapping; Glenan; Rebent; Haploops; Maërl; Figures sédimentaires; Dynamique sédimentaire; Peuplements; Macrofaune benthique; Sonar latéral; Cartographie d'habitats; Glénan; Rebent.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Bionomie benthique subtidale en Baie de Douarnenez ArchiMer
Blanchet, Aline; Chevalier, Claire; Gaffet, Jean-dominique; Hamon, Dominique.
Following a preliminary mapping survey using a combination of acoustic techniques, spatial patterns of sedimentologic and biological characteristics of the Bay of Douarnenez were studied in 2001 from a series of grab samples and underwater video recording aiming at calibrate the acoustic facies of the bottom and at characterized them from a biological point of view. Results obtained from community structure analysis showed that four principal ecological groups dominate : The coarse sands community with Branchiostoma lanceolatum, Glycymeris glycymeris and Glycera lapidum, the fine to medium sand community with Nephtys cirrosa, Ophelia borealis and Gastrosaccus spinifer, the mixed muddy sand and gravel community with Amphiura filiformis, Edwardsia sp. and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cartographie; Peuplements; Baie de Douamenez; Zoo-benthos; Analyses multivariées; Vidéo; Échinodermes.; Cartography; Comrnunities; Bay of Douamenez; Zoo-benthos; Multivariate analysis; Video; Echinodermata.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Les peuplements benthiques du plateau insulaire de la Martinique et des zones bathyales adjacentes. Cas particulier de la malacofaune ArchiMer
Paulmier, Gerard; Durand, Francoise.
Several oceanographic surveys in Martinique waters with, as main objectives, either geological mapping and evaluating marine aggregate resources of research into deep water carcinologie resources, nafe produced interesting informtion on benthic pppulations situated from the infralittoral to the bathyal shelf, for the wole of faunistic groups and more specifically for the malacofauna. The distribution of the various faunistic group has been analysed in function to the bathymetric, edaphic and possibly, thermic factors. The infralittoral zones, up to the 20 metres isobath, and circalittoral, between 60  and 80 metres, are known to have the richest populations. Corals, sponges, polychaete annelida and molluscs are the best represented, numerically as well as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecologie; Sédimentologie; Bathymétrie; Peuplements; Benthos; Invertebrés; Communautés; Bivalves; Gastéropodes; Ecology; Sedimentology; Bathymetry; Settelment; Benthos; Invertebrates; Molluscs; Communities; Bivalvia; Gastropoda.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Réseau de surveillance benthique (REBENT) – Région Bretagne. Approche sectorielle subtidale : Identification et caractérisation des habitats benthiques du secteur Morlaix ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Hamon, Dominique; Chevalier, Claire.
In 2000, Ifremer launched and coordinated the development of a monitoring strategy for the REBENT network (REseau BENThique) in order to assess the aftermath of the “Erika” oil spill which took place in December 1999. Its aim is to provide consistent baseline knowledge on coastal benthic habitats, as well as to develop a monitoring tool that detects changes at various spatial and temporal scales. Sector-based seabed habitat mapping in shallow water (< 50 m deep), is currently being conducted throughout Brittany's coastal waters using a combination of geoacoustic marine systems together with ground-truthing using biological grab sampling and seabed observations. Due to the overlap of soft and rocky bottoms, and contrasting hydrological conditions, the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rebent; Baie de Morlaix; Cartographie d’habitats; Sonar latéral; Macrofaune benthique; Peuplements; Dynamique sédimentaire; Figures sédimentaires; Rebent; Morlaix bay; Mapping; Sidescan sonar; Benthic macrofauna; Communities; Bedload transport; Bedforms.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Réseau de surveillance benthique – Région Bretagne. Approche sectorielle subtidale : Identification et caractérisation des habitats benthiques du secteur Quiberon ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Hamon, Dominique; Chevalier, Claire; Gaffet, Jean-dominique; Caisey, Xavier; Blanchet, Aline; Alix, Anne-sophie.
In 2000 Ifremer launched and coordinated the development of a monitoring strategy for the REBENT network (REseau BENThique) in order to assess the aftermath of the “Erika” oil spill which took place in December 1999. Its aim is to provide consistent baseline knowledge on coastal benthic habitats, as well as to develop a monitoring tool that detects changes at various spatial and temporal scales Sector-based seabed habitat mapping in shallow water (< 50 m deep), is currently being conducted throughout Brittany's coastal waters using a combination of geoacoustic marine systems together with ground-truthing using biological grab sampling and seabed observations. The study area in the bay of Quiberon is characterised by a large array of sedimentological...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rebent; Baie de Quiberon; Cartographie d’habitats; Sonar latéral; Macrofaune benthique; Peuplements; Dynamique sédimentaire; Figures sédimentaires; Rebent; Quiberon bay; Mapping; Sidescan sonar; Benthic macrofauna; Communities; Bedload transport; Bedforms.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Réseau de surveillance benthique – Région Bretagne. Approche sectorielle subtidale : Identification et caractérisation des habitats benthiques du secteur Trégor-Goëlo ArchiMer
Ehrhold, Axel; Chevalier, Claire; Alix, Anne-sophie; Autret, Elodie; Caisey, Xavier; Drussel, Benjamin; Gaffet, Jean-dominique; Hamon, Dominique; Houlgatte, Eric; Pluquet, Fabrice; Biscara, Laurie; Choisnet, Justine; Bajjouk, Touria.
In 2000 Ifremer launched and coordinated the development of a monitoring strategy for the REBENT network (REseau BENThique) in order to assess the aftermath of the “Erika” oil spill which took place in December 1999. Its aim is to provide consistent baseline knowledge on coastal benthic habitats, as well as to develop a monitoring tool that detects changes at various spatial and temporal scales. Sector-based seabed habitat mapping in shallow water (< 50 m deep), is currently being conducted throughout Brittany's coastal waters using a combination of geoacoustic marine systems together with ground-truthing using biological grab sampling and seabed observations. Due to the extended area, the overlap of soft and rocky bottoms, and contrasting hydrological...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Rebent; Trégor-Goëlo; Bréhat; Cartographie d’habitats; Sonar latéral; Macrofaune benthique; Peuplements; Crépidule; Maërl; Sédiments; Morphologie; Dynamique sédimentaire; Rebent; Trégor-Goëlo; Bréhat archipelago; Marine habitat mapping; Sidescan sonar; Benthic macrofauna; Communities; Crepidula bed; Maerl; Sediment; Morphology; Bedload transpor.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Structure des peuplements bactériens : approche méthodologique et premiers résultats en milieux lagunaires ArchiMer
Troussellier, M; Baleux, B..
After the enumeration of hétérotrophie bacteria from mediterranean and atlantic lagoons water and sediment by means of cultural methods, the qualitative study of each bacteria is carried on with the help of the API 20 B standardized microbiological method. The distinctive characteristics of bacteria of each communities are coded so that to build matrix of binary data. The grouping of bacteria is realized by means of both linnean systematic and numerical taxonomy. The communities structure they constitute found expres­sion in a systematic dominance index (D2), a Shannon taxonomic regularity index (J) and a "functionnal" regularity index (E). To have a better description and interpretation of the main ecological features of bacterial communities, it seems...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bactéries hétérotrophes aérobies; Etangs saumâtres; Taxonomie; Peuplements; Paramètres de structure.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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