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Feline intraocular sarcoma associated with phthisis bulbi 45
Perlmann,E.; Rodarte-Almeida,A.C.V.; Albuquerque,L.; Safatle,A.M.V.; Pigatto,J.A.T.; Barros,P.S.M..
Two cases of feline intraocular sarcoma were reported in stray cats that presented blindness and hypotonia of the affected eye for years before the tumor development. Phthisis bulbi, a final stage of a severe inflammation of the eye, is frequently unmonitored because eyes are blind, small, opaque, and not painful. Yet, this report shows that monitoring and early enucleation of eyes of cats with phthisis bulbi are important and should be considered as a treatment option, because feline intraocular sarcoma is an aggressive tumor that significantly decreases live expectancy.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Feline; Phthisis bulbi; Intraocular; Sarcoma; Metastasis.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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