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Écophysiologie des dinoflagellés du genre Azadinium, production toxinique et transfert trophique vers les mollusques bivalves 5
Jauffrais, Thierry.
This study has been conducted in order to develop the analysis of AZAs and to produce AZAs from A. spinosum culture. It also aimed at studying the effect of environmental and nutritional factors on growth and toxin production. The study also demonstrated a link between A. spinosum and the accumulation of AZAs in shellfish, followed by the clarification of the processes of accumulation, detoxification and biotransformation of AZAs into mussels. A quantitative analysis of AZAs in A. spinosum cultures was developed, and the formation and structure of the AZA methylated analogues was explained and minimised. This work also demonstrated the feasibility of a sustainable production of AZAs from A. spinosum culture and highlighted the main factors influencing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Azadinium spinosum; Mytilus edulis; Azaspiracides; Phycotoxines; Dinoflagellés; Écophysiologie; CL-SM/SM; Azadinium spinosum; Mytilus edulis; Azaspiracids; Phycotoxins; Dinoflagellate; Ecophysiology; LC-MS/MS.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Efflorescences toxiques des eaux côtières françaises. Ecologie, écophysiologie, toxicologie 5
Berland, Brigitte; Lassus, Patrick.
Tandis que certa ines efflorescences micro-algales provoquent de sérieuses nuisances par leur développement exubérant, d'autres sont nocives en raison des toxines qu'elles produisent. Ces proliférations,  dangereuses pour les organismes marins, mais aussi pour les consommateurs de fruits de mer, sont étudiées en France depuis 1983. Dès 1989, devant l'ampleur des phénomènes observés au niveau national et européen, un programme scientifique réunissant de nombreux in stituts et laboratoires, le PNEAT, a été créé afin de fédérer les moyens mis en oeuvre dans des disci plines aussi diverses que l'écologie, la biologie cellulaire, l'écophysiologie, la toxicologie et la chimie. Les résultats obtenus au cours de la période 1989-1995 sont présentés à la fois pour...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Efflorescences; Cycle biologique; Allélopathie; Taxonomie; Ecophysiologie; Broutage; Phycotoxines; Toxicologie; Chimie extractive; Toxinogenèse; Bioaccumulation.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Hydrologie et populations phytoplanctoniques dans le panache de la Loire et en Baie de Vilaine en période estivale : résultats de la campagne VILOIR. 5
Lunven, Michel; Guillaud, Jean-francois; Crassous, Marie Pierre; Youenou, Agnes; Gohin, Francis; Huret, Martin; Danielou, Marie-madeleine; Kerouel, Roger; Labry, Claire; Aminot, Alain.
Inscrite dans le cadre du Grand Défi Golfe de Gascogne, la campagne VILOIR a été réalisée du 19 au 26 Juin 2003 à bord du Côtes de la Manche avec pour objectif l’étude en période estivale des structures hydrologiques et phytoplanctoniques des panaches de la Loire et de la Vilaine. Elle fait suite, sur la même thématique, à la campagne hivernale NUTRIGAS (2001) et à la campagne printanière GASPROD (2002).
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Surveillance; Littoral; Phytoplancton; Phycotoxines; Bretagne; Pays de Loire.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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La surveillance des phycotoxines dans les coquillages du milieu marin. Le réseau REPHY : objectifs, stratégies, et principaux résultats 5
Belin, Catherine.
The surveillance of phycotoxins in marine shellfish. The REPHY network: objectives, strategies and primary results One of the objectives of REPHY (network for phytoplankton and phycotoxin surveillance) is to monitor toxin-producing micro-algae species in the marine environment that are likely to accumulate in seafood products, and to screen for these toxins in shellfish. This surveillance is undertaken in the framework of the European regulations. Three groups of toxins are thus monitored and are associated with three genera of toxic phytoplankton: (i) Dinophysis, a producer of the okadaic acid (with diarrhoeic effects) and pectenotoxin families of toxins; in the same group of so-called “lipophilic toxins”, two other families of regulated toxins are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Santé; Surveillance; Phytoplancton; Phycotoxines; Coquillages; Milieu marin; Health; Surveillance; Phytoplankton; Phycotoxins; Shellfish; Marine environment.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Les espèces phytoplanctoniques toxiques et nuisibles sur le littoral français de 1984 à 1995, résultats du REPHY (réseau de surveillance du phytoplancton et des phycotoxines) 5
Belin, Catherine; Raffin, Bernard.
This document presents the results obtained through the French Phytoplankton and Phycotoxins Monitoring Network (REPHY), concerning the presence of toxic and harmful phytoplankton species along the French coast, from 1984 to 1995. The network REPHY is briefly described. Then the different species, and their associated events, are reviewed : first, species toxic to shellfish consumers, e.g. Dinophysis spp. and Alexandrium minutum, which respectively produce diarrheic and paralytic toxins ; then, species which are toxic or harmful for marine fauna (fish, shellfish). The monitoring results are preceded by the main knowledge on taxonomy, distribution, biology, ecology and toxicity of the concerned species. A final synthesis illustrates the distribution of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplancton; Phycotoxines; Surveillance; Espèces toxiques; Espèces nuisibles; Dinophysis; Alexandrium; DSP; PSP; Secteurs fermés; Phytoplankton; Phcotoxins; Monitoring; Toxic species; Harmful species; Dinophysis; Alexandrium; DSP; PSP; Closed areas.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Manuel pour l’utilisation des données REPHYTOX. Informations destinées à améliorer la compréhension des fichiers de données REPHYTOX mis à disposition des scientifiques et du public 5
Ifremer, ODE/VIGIES, Coordination REPHY-REPHYTOX & Cellule Quadrige.
Le REPHYTOX (Réseau de Surveillance des Phycotoxines dans les organismes marins) est un réseau mis en oeuvre par Ifremer. Les données acquises par le REPHYTOX sont bancarisées depuis 1987 dans la base de données Quadrige. Ce manuel est destiné aux utilisateurs des données REPHYTOX, qui sont disponibles à partir de plusieurs supports, en particulier : Quadrige, SURVAL et SEANOE. La base de données Quadrige est une composante du Système d'Information sur l'Eau (SIE) et a pour mission la gestion et la valorisation des données issues de nombreux réseaux de surveillance du littoral. L’accès direct aux données REPHYTOX via l’applicatif Quadrige est réservé aux utilisateurs autorisés. Le produit SURVAL est un des outils appartenant au SI Quadrige, et met à...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: REPHYTOX; Données; Quadrige; SURVAL; SEANOE; DOI; Phycotoxines; DSP; PSP; ASP; Palytoxines; Coquillages; Littoral.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Modélisation de la détoxication de mollusques bivalves contenant des phycotoxines paralysantes ou diarrhéiques 5
Gueguen, Marielle.
The purpose of this study is to implement models to describe detoxification kinetics of Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas and Blue mussels Mytilus edulis containing paralytic and diarrheic phycotoxins respectively. First, experimental trials made it possible to complement data from the literature regarding the understanding of processes involved in mollusc detoxification. In particular, they pointed out a difference in the mollusc capacity to degrade cellwalls of phycotoxin-producing dinoflagellates, according to their en cystement capacities. It was observed that paralytic phycotoxins reached the various oyster tissues whereas diarrheic toxins were mainly sequestred in the digestive gland of mussels. The latter seem to be retained by lysosomes localized...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modélisation; Mytilus edulis; Crassostrea gigas; Phycotoxines; Détoxication; Acide okadaïque; Toxines paralysantes; Modelling; Mytilus edulis; Crassostrea gigas; Phycotoxins; Detoxification; Okadaix acid; Paralytic toxin.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Paralytic phycotoxin uptake by scallops (Pecten maximus) 5
Lassus, Patrick; Bardouil, Michele; Ledoux, Martial; Murail, Ingrid; Bohec, Madeleine; Truquet, Philippe; Frémy, Jean-marc; Rohmer, Véronique.
It is difficult to apply sanitary standards for mollusc contamination by paralytic shellfish poisoning to animals not consumed whole. This problem is illustrated by the 1990 embargo on a Japanese shipment of frozen scallop muscle and gonad: the sanitary threshold applied to digestive gland (in Japan) does not guarantee that muscle and especially gonad are toxin-free. Accordingly, we performed experimental contaminations of scallops (Pecten maximus) from Port-en-Bessin (Normandy, France) using a toxic Japanese strain of Alexandrium tamarense. During the contamination/decontamination experiment on different tissues (digestive gland, muscle, gonad), extracts were obtained using cold acetic acid 0.1 N to maintain the perfect integrity of the toxin profile....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alexandrium tamarense; Phycotoxines; Bioaccumulation; Profils toxiniques; Pecten maximus; Patinopecten yessoensis; Alexandrium tamarense; Phycotoxins; Bioaccumulation; Toxin profiles; Patinopecten yessoensis; Pecten maximus.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Qualité des eaux littorales des Pertuis Charentais : Bilan et diagnostic 5
Rostagno, Bernard; Violleau, Allain; Brun, Céline; Dietrich, Patrice; Fillon, Alain; Goulletquer, Philippe; Guichet, Roger; Kantin, Roger; Legay, Didier; Loubersac, Lionel; Masson, Daniel; Rocher, Gregory; Ryckaert, Mireille; Thomas, Gerard; Fichet, Denis; Guyot, Thierry; Miramand, Pierre; Pigeot, Jacques; Seguignes, Michel.
Cette étude, qui a rassemblé les compétences des instances de l'Etat chargées de la surveillance du milieu littoral (DDE, DDASS, IFREMER, Université de La Rochelle) a permis de dresser, à la veille de l'an 2000, un bilan de la situation environnementale du littoral de la « mer des Pertuis». Ce bilan, diversifié dans sa présentation, passe en revue les points marquants de "l'état de santé" de l'environnement, qu'il s'agisse de pollutions ciblées (chimiques, bactériologiques) ou d'autres nuisances variées. Il met en exergue les points forts et les points faibles en matière d'environnement littoral, et rappelle les efforts mis en oeuvre par les différentes administrations chargées de sa surveillance. Dans un premier temps, plus de 250 références...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Environnement; Qualité eaux; Littoral; Caractéristiques physiques; Economie; Qualité chimique; Qualité bactériologique; Phycotoxines; Biodiversité; Pollution; Recommandations; Pertuis Charentais; Département Charente-Maritime.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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REPHY (Réseau de Surveillance du Phytoplancton et des Phycotoxines). Méthodes de détection des phycotoxines diarrhéïques (DSP) et paralysantes (PSP). Méthodes biologiques sur souris 5
Belin, Catherine; Marcaillou-le Baut, Claire; Amzil, Zouher; Ledoux, Martial.
This document describes and harmonizes detection methods of diarrheic (DSP) and paralytic (PSP) phycotoxins, for the laboratories of the Direction of Coastal Environment of IFREMER, which work in the framework of the French Phytoplankton and Phycotoxins Monitoring Network. These toxins, produced by a few phytoplankton species which regularly occur in sea water, accumulate in shellfish, which become toxic. Analysis is performed on an extract of digestive gland (DSP), or of total flesh (PSP), of shellfish. The described methods are meuse-tests, which are, at the present time, the only methods available to be used in the framework of a monitoring network. The method for diarrheic toxins is not standardized, with a threshold adapted for monitoring purposes. At...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phycotoxines; Méthode de détection des toxines; Test-souris; Toxines diarrhéïques; DSP; Toxines paralysantes; PSP; Surveillance; Phycotoxins; Toxin detection method; Mouse-test; Diarrheic toxins; DSP; Paralytic toxins; PSP; Monitoring.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Surveillance des phycotoxines dans les coquillages 5
Nicolas, Marina; Belin, Catherine; Favre, Pauline; Rudloff, Laurence.
This paper presents the French national system for monitoring three groups of marine biotoxins regulated in shellfish, implemented firstly in marine production areas by the REPHY REPHYTOX network of IFREMER and secondly at distribution level through the network of laboratories accredited by the Directorate General for Food within the framework of official controls. The European regulations, the nature of the shellfish toxins, and analytical methods used are presented. The sampling procedures and strategy, as well as the results obtained by each of the two systems mentioned, are presented and discussed.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phycotoxines; Coquillages; Toxines lipophiles; ASP; PSP; Surveillance; Phycotoxins; Shellfish; Lipophilic toxins; ASP; PSP; Surveillance.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Surveillance des risques biologiques liés à la consommation de coquillages en France 5
Vaillant, Véronique; Jourdan-da Silva, Nathalie; Quilici, Marie-laure; Couturier, Elisabeth; Le Guyader, Soizick; Delmas, Gilles; Le Saux, Jean-claude.
Shellfish filter large volumes of water to meet their nutritional requirements and thus ingest phytoplankton, but also concentrate microorganisms naturally present in water (vibrios, phycotoxins) or of fecal origin (enteric viruses, enterobacteria, protozoan). The analysis of data from systems contributing to the surveillance of foodborne illnesses associated with shellfish consumption and from published outbreak investigations shows that, in France, foodborne illnesses associated with shellfish consumption are mainly of viral origin, mostly due to norovirus followed by hepatitis A virus. The risk linked to phycotoxins appears low and the one related to enterobacteria and vibrios very low. The mandatory notification (MN) of foodborne outbreaks remains the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Toxi-infections alimentaires; Coquillages; Phycotoxines; Risques biologiques; Surveillance épidémiologique; Déclaration obligatoire; France; Foodborne illnesses; Shellfish; Phycotoxins; Biological risks; Epidemiological surveillance; Mandatory notification; France.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Vigilance, veille et surveillance des risques alimentaires phycotoxiniques 5
Grastilleur, Charlotte; Arnich, Nathalie; Belin, Catherine.
Official routine monitoring of phycotoxins and toxinproducing algae is regularly implemented in the marine environment through phytoplankton identification in water samples, as well as by official analysis in shellfish in order to verify compliance with the maximum limits set in regulation (EC) no.853/2004. These activities are conducted by the official REPHY network, coordinated by IFREMER (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea). As for other food safety hazards, the issue of emerging and non-regulated hazards needs to be fully addressed in addition to the ongoing above-mentioned surveillance efforts. This issue was submitted to ANSES (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety) in the surveillance framework...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplancton; Phycotoxines; Biotoxines marines; Alexandrium; Dinophysis; Pseudo-nitzschia; ASP; DSP; PSP; Surveillance des aliments; Veille alimentaire; Sécurité sanitaire des aliments; Coquillages; Phytoplankton; Phycotoxins; Marine biotoxins; Alexandrium; Dinophysis; Pseudo-nitzschia; ASP; DSP; PSP; Food monitoring; Food surveillance; Food safety; Shellfish.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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