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Some topics on geochemistry of weathering: a review Anais da ABC (AABC)
Formoso,Milton L.L..
Weathering is a complex process comprising physical disaggregation, chemical and biological decomposition of rocks and minerals transforming complex structure minerals in simpler ones. Hydrolysis of silicates is perhaps the most important process but associated certainly to biological weathering. It is discussed the role ofwaters: activities/concentrations of chemical species, pH, Eh, importance of complexes. Weathering is not only a destructive process. It can concentrate chemical species and form mineral deposits (kaolin, bauxite, Fe, Mn, P, Nb, Au). Weathering studies are important in pedology, engineering geology, hydrogeology, paleoclimatology and ecology. The use of stonemeal is based upon the study of rock weathering.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chemical weathering; Hydrolysis of silicates; Biological weathering; Physicochemical parameters of weathering.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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