Registros recuperados: 139 | |
Lunven, Michel; Lehaitre, Michel; Nascimben, Eric; Rouvillain, Julien; Berric, Roger; Le Gall, Erwan; Gentien, Patrick. |
A new video-microscope has been developed for in situ investigation on marine particles. A field of view is produced by a laser beam at 473 nm. Individual cells or particles that entered this field of view appear as individual diffraction-limited spots of light, which are resolved from the dark background. A mobile high-pass optical filter (610 nm) can be controlled and displaced in front of the CCD camera, allowing simultaneously imaging and discrimination between fluorescing and non-fluorescing particles. We have the possibility to add a band pass filter for phycoerytrin detection. The system allows white light visualisation of particles ranging from 10 µm to several millimetres, depending on the zoom magnification. With the 610 nm high pass filter, the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Surveillance; Phytoplancton; Phycotoxine. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00144/25495/23649.pdf |
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Bernard, O; Sciandra, A; Sallet, G. |
New techniques - called software sensors - issued from the non-linear automatic control field and initially developed for non-linear chemical systems have been applied to a continuous culture of phytoplankton. A software sensor (or 'observer') combines an analytical differential equation based model and partial measurements of the system in order to estimate the non-measured state variables. It filters data and estimates the actual state of living systems, models of which are often rough approximations. The efficiency of this approach is illustrated with a nitrate-limited chemostat experiment with the chlorophyceae Dunaliella tertiolecta performed in a computer controlled fluctuating environment. (C) 2001 Ifremer/CNRS/IRD/Editions scientifiques et... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Modèle de Droop; Systèmes non linéaires; Observateurs; Phytoplancton; Droop model; Non-linear systems; Observers; Phytoplankton. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00322/43340/42888.pdf |
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Derolez, Valerie; Bec, Béatrice; Grillas, Patrice; Sanchez, Ana Elena; Raimbault, Patrick. |
In the context of WFD implementation on Mediterranean lagoons, work has been carried out since 2010 by Ifremer, Tour du Valat and IRSTEA (Onema and AERM & C fundings), to assess the relevance of macrophytes and macrofauna indicators for oligohaline and mesohaline lagoons (mean salinity <18 PSU). The question of the relevance of indicator metrics and thresholds for the "phytoplankton" biological quality element also arises, especially due to the confined nature of olgo-mesohaline lagoons. The objective of this study is to characterize the abundance and composition of phytoplankton on 5 oligo and mesohaline lagoons of the French Mediterranean coast (Scamandre, Crey, Charnier, Bolmon and Grand Palun). Analyses of accessory pigments (chlorophyll and... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Lagunes; Méditerranée; Oligohalin; Mésohalin; Phytoplancton; Cytométrie; Pigments chlorophylliens; Lagoons; Mediterranean Sea; Oligohaline; Mesohaline; Phytoplankton; Cytometry; Chlorophyll pigments.. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00357/46816/46682.pdf |
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Robert, Rene; Chretiennot-dinet, Marie-josèphe; Kaas, Raymond; Martin-jezequel, Véronique; Moal, Jeanne; Le Coz, Jean-rene; Nicolas, Jean-louis; Bernard, Eudes; Connan, Jean-paul; Le Dean, Loic; Le Gourrierec, Gaetane; Leroy, Bertrand; Quere, Claudie. |
in mollusc hatcheries. Consequently, we assessed themost commonly used species to establish their growth and size profiles, their cytomorphological, biochemical, biomolecular identification as well as their cytometer signs, and also their ability to grow under extreme conditions of temperature and salinity. This work aimed at matching the conformity of the strains used in Argenton (dispatched to most of the French commercial hatcheries) to those of a referenced culture collection. A previous screening preceded this study, because of the 45 species and/or clones held originally, Argenton kept no more than 15 species. As most of the latter are also represented in referenced collection, our strains are therefore correctly identified. On the other hand, the... |
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Palavras-chave: Ecological limits; Biomolecular profile; Flow cytometry; Biochemical composition; Cytomorphology; Phytoplankton; Mollusc; Hatchery; Ecotolérance; Profil biomoléculaire; Cytométrie en flux; Composition biochimique; Cytomorphologie; Phytoplancton; Mollusques; Ecloserie. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2004/rapport-1546.pdf |
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Masson, Daniel; Courtois, Olivier; Masson, Nadine; Guesdon, Stephane; Rocher, Gregory. |
Due to important economic activities along the French oastline, the introduction of noxious organisms into French coastal waters, particularly by ship ballast water, may have serious consequences. After preliminary studies of ship movements in Charente Maritime, several samplings of ballast water and sediment were made. Samples were taken in five major harbours in France, along the Atlantic, Channel and Mediterranean coastlines. The main task of this first assessment was the research for exotic and possibly noxious phytoplancton. Clostridium and Vibrio bacteria were also tested for. The results are presented and discussed, with plans for further work. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Bacteria; Phytoplancton; French coastal waters; Ballast water. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2000/acte-7364.pdf |
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Auby, Isabelle; D'Amico, Florence; Meteigner, Claire; Rumebe, Myriam; Tournaire, Marie-pierre; Rigouin, Loic; Gouriou, Laure; Lissardy, Muriel; Sanchez, Florence; De Casamajor, Marie-noelle; Morandeau, Gilles; Ganthy, Florian; Trut, Gilles; Trut, Florence; Caill-milly, Nathalie; Oger-jeanneret, Helene; Guesdon, Stephane; Chabirand, Jean-michel; Morin, Dimitri; Piraud, Aude; Geairon, Philippe; Grizon, James; Seugnet, Jean-luc; Thomas, Gerard; Bruneau, Audrey; Soudant, Dominique; Gautier, Emeric; Michel, Valérie; Dupin, Michel. |
Ce rapport rend compte des résultats sur les paramètres hydrologiques et le phytoplancton acquis dans le cadre de la DCE (contrôle de surveillance entre 2013 et 2018), dans les masses d’eau côtières et de transition du bassin Adour-Garonne |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Directive Cadre sur l’Eau; Hydrologie; Phytoplancton. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00516/62735/67113.pdf |
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Auby, Isabelle; D'Amico, Florence; Meteigner, Claire; Rumebe, Myriam; Tournaire, Marie-pierre; Rigouin, Loic; Gouriou, Laure; Lissardy, Muriel; Sanchez, Florence; De Casamajor, Marie-noelle; Morandeau, Gilles; Ganthy, Florian; Trut, Gilles; Trut, Florence; Caill-milly, Nathalie; Antajan, Elvire; Guesdon, Stephane; Chabirand, Jean-michel; Morin, Dimitri; Genauzeau, Sylvie; Piraud, Aude; Geairon, Philippe; Grizon, James; Seugnet, Jean-luc; Thomas, Gerard; Bruneau, Audrey; Soudant, Dominique; Gautier, Emeric; Michel, Valérie; Dupin, Michel. |
Ce rapport rend compte des résultats sur les paramètres hydrologiques et le phytoplancton acquis dans le cadre de la DCE (contrôle de surveillance entre 2014 et 2019), dans les masses d’eau côtières et de transition du bassin Adour-Garonne |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Directive Cadre sur l’Eau; Hydrologie; Phytoplancton. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00653/76529/77618.pdf |
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Retho, Michael; Bizzozero, Lucie; Le Merrer, Yoann; Manach, Soazig; Collin, Karine; Fortune, Mireille; Schmitt, Anne; Gabellec, Raoul; Souchu, Philippe; Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie. |
Ce rapport décrit le contexte hydrologique du littoral côtier du Morbihan, de la Loire Atlantique et de la Vendée Nord, sous l'influence des deux fleuves la Loire et la Vilaine, durant l'année 2016. Il s'appuie sur les suivis environnementaux réalisés dans le cadre des réseaux REPHY et DCE, complétés par les données acquises en haute fréquence sur la bouée MOLIT (réseau COAST HF-HOSEA). |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Hydrologie; DCE; Nutriment; Loire Bretagne; REPHY; Phytoplancton. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00416/52720/53593.pdf |
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Collin, Karine; Bizzozero, Lucie; Le Merrer, Yoann; Retho, Michael; Souchu, Philippe; Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie; Schapira, Mathilde; Manach, Soazig. |
Ce rapport décrit le contexte hydrologique du littoral côtier du Morbihan, Pays de Loire et Nord Vendée, sous l’influence de la Loire et de la Vilaine, durant l’année 2017. Il s’appuie sur les suivis environnementaux réalisés dans le cadre des réseaux REPHY et de la DCE, complétés des données acquises en haute fréquence sur la bouée MOLIT (réseau COAST-HF). |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Hydrologie; DCE; Nutriment; Loire Bretagne; Rephy; Phytoplancton. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00472/58410/60972.pdf |
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Collin, Karine; Bizzozero, Lucie; Le Merrer, Yoann; Retho, Michael; Pierre-duplessix, Olivier; Souchu, Philippe; Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie. |
Ce rapport décrit le contexte hydrologique du littoral côtier du Morbihan, Pays de Loire et Nord Vendée, durant l’année 2018. Il s’appuie sur les suivis environnementaux réalisés dans le cadre des réseaux REPHY et de la DCE, complétés des données acquises en haute fréquence sur la bouée MOLIT et sur le secteur du Bois de la Chaise. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Hydrologie; DCE; Nutriment; Loire Bretagne; Rephy; Phytoplancton. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00634/74571/74443.pdf |
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Baud, Jean-pierre; Haure, Joel; Marion, Anne; Robert, Jean-michel. |
Une étude hydrobiologique de quatre secteurs ostréicoles a été menée de mars à octobre 1987. Les eaux de la baie de Bourgneuf sont favorables à l'ostréiculture en raison de leurs teneurs en chlorophylle, sels nutritifs et seston. Les caractéristiques hydrobiologiques sont cependant différentes entre les secteur nord et sud, ces derniers présentant des conditions de milieu d'élevage plus stables. Le gradient de richesse phytoplanctonique de la zone intertidale proche du continent est orientée selon la veine principale du courant résiduel des masses d'eau, avec une décroissance marquée du nord au sud. Le secteur le plus nord (S3) est en période estivale une zone à forte probabilité de développement de dinoflagellés durant les marées de vives eaux. La zone du... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Hydrobiologie; Ostréiculture; Phytoplancton; Baie de Bourgneuf. |
Ano: 1990 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00048/15879/13301.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 139 | |