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Potential role of compressional structures in generating submarine slope failures in the Niger Delta 5
Sultan, Nabil; Voisset, Michel; Marsset, Bruno; Marsset, Tania; Cauquil, E; Colliat, J.
The study area, offshore Nigeria, is located in one of the compressional zones within the Niger Delta, which is characterized by imbricate thrust structures. Although the low mean slope angle (around 2°), bathymetry data from the study area have shown the existence of several submarine landslides which coincide with known subsurface faulted compressive features. In this paper, we have focused on a submarine slide occurring in water depths ranging between 1690 and 1750 m. Headwall scars, internal architecture and associated deposits have been characterized using a combination of 3D seismic data, near-bottom echosounder seismic profiles, Kullenberg cores and in-situ geotechnical measurements. The slide shows horseshoe shaped headwall scars and depositional...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Slope stability; Piezometer; Penetrometer; Niger Delta; Modelling; Compressional structures.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Transient Groundwater Flow Through a Coastal Confined Aquifer and its Impact on Near‐Shore Submarine Slope Instability 5
Sultan, Nabil; Garziglia, Sebastien; Bompais, Xavier; Woerther, Patrice; Witt, C; Kopf, A; Migeon, Sebastien.
Rare in situ pore pressure and temperature data sets collected over more than one decade in a submarine landslide‐prone area off Nice (Southeast France) have been used to characterize a transient groundwater exchange between a coastal confined aquifer and the near‐shore shallow‐water submarine shelf. The near‐coast study zone is highly exposed to geohazards, and remains sadly famous for the 1979 catastrophic tsunamigenic submarine landslide with several casualties and substantial material damage. Measured pore pressure buildup does not appear to be synchronized with either the discharge of the nearby Var River or with precipitation in the Nice area. Unexpectedly, pore pressure fluctuations synchronizes well with seabed temperature trends indicating that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nice continental slope; Piezometer; Pore pressure; Shear zone; Submarine landslide; Var delta.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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