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A histological examination of grafting success in pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera in French Polynesia ArchiMer
Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie; Montagnani, Caroline; Saulnier, Denis; Fougerouse, Angelique; Levy, Peva; Lo, Cedrik.
Pearl oyster grafting is a complex surgical operation that should lead to pearl formation after approximately eighteen months. Although this technique has been used for many years in French Polynesia, the grafting process is still not standardised. While studies have been carried out in order to improve graft performance and yield, these remain highly variable due to post-grafting mortality, nucleus rejection and unreliable pearl quality, all of which constrain pearl farm profitability. The present study uses histological analysis to monitor oysters that either rejected or retained their nuclei. Both groups of oysters are compared in terms of evolution of the graft, which could influence retention, and the development of a pearl sac in cases where grafting...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Grafting process; Pearl formation; Pearl oyster; Pteriidae; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Abnormal periostracum secretion during the mineralization process of the pearl in the blacklip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera ArchiMer
Comps, Marie-annick; Herbaut, Christian; Fougerouse, Angélique.
Whitish parasite-like bodies (PLBs), 0.5-2 mu m in size, were detected within the pearl bag of some grafted pearl oysters, Pinctada margaritifera, from Takapoto island (French Polynesia). Histological and ultrastructural investigations have revealed that these bodies consisted of lamellar organic material locally secreted by some epithelial cells of the pearl bag. The fine structure and the formation of these bodies are described. The causes of this abnormal secretion of organic mater, which actually corresponds to periostracum, are not presently known. No parasite nor infectious micro-organism was found associated with the PLBs.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Periostracum; Pearl bag; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Age-dependence of cultured pearl grade and colour in the black-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera ArchiMer
Ky, Chin-long; Demmer, Jonathan; Blay, Carole; Lo, Cedrik.
Pinctada margaritifera is an economically important marine bivalve species for cultured pearl production in French Polynesian aquaculture. In order to evaluate the influence of donor oyster age on pearl quality traits, experiments were conducted over 6 years using both grafts and surgreffe operations. At harvest, 6 pearl quality traits were recorded and compared: surface defects, luster, grade, darkness level, and visual color. Analyzing the quality traits of pearls harvested in the initial graft process and those of pearls obtained from surgreffe experiments allowed a comparison of the influence of pearl sac cells originating from the initial mantle graft, which aged together with their recipient oysters. The results demonstrated a significant decrease...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pearl oyster age; Pinctada margaritifera; Surgreffe; Pearl grade; Pearl colour.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Aspects économiques et techniques de la perliculture en Polynésie Française. Contribution à l'étude de l'alimentation de l'huître perlière Pinctada margaritifera ArchiMer
Hautefeuille, Fanny.
Cultured black pearls are now the tirst export value of French Polynesia. This fast growing activity encourage the retum of the islanders to their native islands and the revival of the economy of the archipelagoes. However, the importance of the development induced sorne technical and economical problems. New reglementations are needed to organize the market and stabilize the black pearl price, the quotation of which is falling since 1990. After the important mortalities which occured in 1985-1 986, the mother of pearl general investigation program was set up. Il aims at the study of the biology and the ecology of the mother of pearl Pinclada margaritifera. The study of the nutrition of this oyster is part of this program and will contribute to the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Perliculture; Polynésie Française; Problèmes; Bivalve; Huître perlière; Pinctada margaritifera; Bilan énergétique; Contenu stomacal; Assimilation; Conover; Perliculture; French Polynesia; Problems; Bivalvia; Pearl oyster; Pinctada margaritifera; Energetic balance; Stomacal contents; Assimilation; Conover.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Biofouling development and its effect on growth and reproduction of the farmed pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera ArchiMer
Lacoste, Elise; Le Moullac, Gilles; Levy, Peva; Gueguen, Yannick; Gaertner-mazouni, Nabila.
In bivalve aquaculture, dominant fouling organisms are filter feeders which can compete for food with reared bivalves, sometimes causing mortality or reducing their growth rate. This study investigated the effect of biofouling on the farmed pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera in two lagoons of French Polynesia. Survival, growth and reproduction of 2 year-old pearl oysters were monitored with regular sampling schedules, from the initial stage of colonization up to 20 months of biofouling accumulation. Control groups of pearl oysters were kept free of biofouling as is the current practice in pearl farms. After more than a year of monitoring, no significant difference was recorded in shell growth rate between pearl oysters reared with epibionts and the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pearl oyster culture; Pinctada margaritifera; Biofouling; Growth; Reproduction.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Characterization of molecular processes involved in the pearl formation in Pinctada margaritifera for a sustainable development of pearl farming industry in French Polynesia ArchiMer
Gueguen, Yannick; Montagnani, Caroline; Joubert, Caroline; Marie, Benjamin; Belliard, Corinne; Tayale, Alexandre; Fievet, Julie; Levy, Peva; Piquemal, David; Marin, Frederic; Le Moullac, Gilles; Ky, Chin-long; Garen, Pierre; Lo, Cedrick; Saulnier, Denis.
Tahiti’s pearl farming industry plays a major socio-economic role in French Polynesia. In an increasingly competitive market where the production of high quality pearls becomes essential, research can help secure and ensure sustainable production. In that context, Ifremer, in close collaboration with the “direction des resources marines” (French Polynesian government agency) has developed research projects on the “sustainable development of pearl farming”. This program is organized along 3 axes: (1) understanding the animal physiology and initiating a genetically selective breeding program of donor oysters; (2) understanding pearl oyster larvae dispersal and recruitment; (3) understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying biomineralization processes...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pearl oyster; Biomineralization; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Colour or no colour in the juvenile shell of the black lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera? ArchiMer
Trinkler, Nolwenn; Le Moullac, Gilles; Cuif, Jean-pierre; Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie; Dauphin, Yannicke.
Pinctada margaritifera mollusc is cultivated in French Polynesia for the production of black pearls. For this study, the colour of juvenile samples (48 days old) was investigated in the visible range spectra (430-700 nm) using spectrophotometry. A first measurement was done with the soft parts still inside the shell (entire animal). Then, the soft parts were removed in order to do a second measurement on the growing edge of the shell. Comparison of the two measurements shows that the estimation of the living animal colour with unaided eye is strongly influenced by the colour of the soft parts. The use of the International Commission on Illumination (ISI) chromaticity diagram shows that at this growth stage, the shells are "white"; i.e. present no...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Juvenile shell; Colour-scoring; Mollusc; Pearl oyster; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Contribution à l'étude de l'influence de la température sur la gamétogenèse de l'huître perlière Pinctada margaritifera (Linné, 1758) en conditionnement ArchiMer
Viard, Carole.
L'industrie de la perle nmre étant florissante en Polynésie française, l'aquaculture de l'huître perlière Pinctada margaritifera (Linné, 1758) suscite de nombreuses recherches. L'objectif de cette étude était d'observer le contrôle qu'exerce la température sur la gamétogenèse de la nacre et de voir s'il était possible de synchroniser, grâce à ce paramètre, la maturité des individus en laboratoire. Les variations de températures annuelles observées dans le milieu naturel ont été reproduites sur huit semaines. Régulièrement, des lots de nacres ont été sacrifiés, plusieurs variables biométriques ont été mesurées et l'analyse histologique des gonades a permis d'identifier le stade de maturité. Les résultats ont montré que la température a eu une influence sur...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Huîtres perlières; Pinctada margaritifera; Température; Gamétogenèse; Conditionnement.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Crossing phenotype heritability and candidate gene expression in grafted black-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera, an animal chimera ArchiMer
Blay, Carole; Planes, Serge; Ky, Chin-long.
Grafting mantle tissue of a donor pearl oyster into the gonad of a recipient oyster results in the formation of a chimera, the pearl sac. The phenotypic variations of this chimera are hypothesized to be the result of interactions between the donor and recipient genomes. In this study, the heritability of phenotypic variation and its association with gene expression were investigated for the first time during P. margaritifera pearl production. Genetic variance was evaluated at different levels, 1) before the graft operation (expression in graft tissue), 2) after grafting (pearl sac tissue expression in chimera) and 3) on the product of the graft (pearl phenotype traits) based on controlled bi-parental crosses and the F1 generation. Donor related genetic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gene expression; Heritability; Pearl oyster; Phenotype; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Culture site dependence on pearl size realization in Pinctada margaritifera in relation to recipient oyster growth and mantle graft biomineralization gene expression using the same donor phenotype ArchiMer
Le Pabic, Lore; Parrad, Sophie; Sham Koua, Manaarii; Nakasai, Seiji; Saulnier, Denis; Devaux, Dominique; Ky, Chin-long.
Size is the most important and valuable quality of the cultured black-lip pearl, Pinctada margaritifera. As this pearl aquaculture is carried out at numerous grow-out sites, this study analyzes the environmental influence on pearl size parameters (nacre weight and thickness) in relation to the recipient oyster biometric parameters (shell thickness, height, width, and oyster weight) at harvest time. Toward this end, an experimental graft was designed by using a homogeneous donor oyster phenotype. The recipient oysters were randomly and equally transferred and reared in five commercial and contrasting grow-out locations. Overall inter-site comparisons revealed that the cultured pearl size (N=2168) and the biometric parameters of the recipient oysters were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pinctada margaritifera; Cultured pearl size; Donor oysters; Recipient oysters; Gene expression; Environmental influences.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Cultured Pearl Surface Quality Profiling by the Shell Matrix Protein Gene Expression in the Biomineralised Pearl Sac Tissue of Pinctada margaritifera ArchiMer
Blay, Carole; Planes, Serge; Ky, Chin-long.
Nucleated pearls are produced by molluscs of the Pinctada genus through the biomineralisation activity of the pearl sac tissue within the recipient oyster. The pearl sac originates from graft tissue taken from the donor oyster mantle and its functioning is crucial in determining key factors that impact pearl quality surface characteristics. The specific role of related gene regulation during gem biogenesis was unknown, so we analysed the expression profiles of eight genes encoding nacreous (PIF, MSI60, PERL1) or prismatic (SHEM5, PRISM, ASP, SHEM9) shell matrix proteins or both (CALC1) in the pearl sac (N = 211) of Pinctada margaritifera during pearl biogenesis. The pearls and pearl sacs analysed were from a uniform experimental graft with sequential...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomineralisation; Relative gene expression; Pearl sac; Biomarkers; Pearl quality; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Development of an antiseptic procedure to improve retention rates during the grafting process of black-lip oyster, Pinctada margaritifera ArchiMer
Cochennec, Nathalie; Haffner, Philippe; Levy, Peva; Saulnier, Denis; Fougerouse, A.; Langy, Sandra.
In French Polynesia, black pearl cultivation now takes place on about 30 of the 118 atolls or islands. This activity has largely replaced copra, coconut oil and fishing as a source of income. Around 1,000 pearl farms, generally small ones of less than 5 ha, are registered. The pearl farms are mainly owned by families. In 1998, about 7,000 persons were employed in theentire pearl industry, from production to retailing. In value, this activity represents the first exportation of French Polynesian products. From 1988 to date, exports increased exponentially before leveling. Starting with less than two kilograms in 1972, exports have now stabilized at Il tons of "black" pearls.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vibrio; Microbiology; Grafting process; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Development of cultured pearl circles and shape after initial graft and second nucleus insertion in the black-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera ArchiMer
Ky, Chin-long; Demmer, Jonathan; Sham-koua, Manaarii; Cabral, Philippe.
Production of larger, rounder, high-quality cultured pearls with fewer circles is one of the main challenges of Pinctada margaritifera aquaculture faced by every pearl farm in French Polynesia. Although bigger pearl sizes can be achieved through surgreffe operations (implantation of a second nucleus following pearl harvest), control of the development of pearl circles and shapes still remains unclear, as illustrated by grafter’s empirical rules, where often the surgreffe process is only performed after production of uncircled and round pearl shapes. The present study was designed with a real pearl by pearl traceability to reveal for the first time the development of circles and shapes from graft and surgreffe, in relation to the size of the pearl sac. This...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pearl oyster; Pinctada margaritifera; Surgreffe; Circled pearls; Pearl shapes; Pearl sac.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Development of in situ hybridisation using 16S rRNA gene to monitor black-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera, larvae in plankton samples ArchiMer
Thomas, Yoann; Belliard, Corinne; Garen, Pierre; Gueguen, Yannick; Montagnani, Caroline.
In French Polynesia, the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera has been farmed to produce pearls since the 1980s, forming the basis of a major industry. The sustainability of this activity relies on spat collection in the lagoons. However, pearl oyster spat can be difficult to identify for the evaluation of stock variations. It is especially hard to distinguish Pinctada spp. larvae at a very early stage of development. In the present study, a whole- mount in situ hybridisation (ISH) technique was developed to allow the discrimination of larvae of closely-related pearl oyster species found in the French Polynesian atolls. Using specific ribosomal 16S-DNA sequence data, we were able to successfully differentiate between Pinctada margaritifera and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Whole larvae in situ hybridisation; 16S rRNA; Plankton; Species identification; Pearl oyster; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Developmental aspects of biomineralisation in the Polynesian pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera var. cumingii ArchiMer
Che, Lm; Golubic, S; Le Campion-alsumard, T; Payri, C.
The shell biomineralisation with special reference to the nacreous region is observed during the development of the Polynesian pearl oyster. Ultrastructural changes were studied and timed for the first time from planktonic larval shells to two-year-old adult shells. During the first two weeks following fertilization, the prodissoconch-I shell structure is undifferentiated and uniformly granular. The prodissoconch-II stage which develops during the next two weeks acquires a columnar organization. Metamorphosis is characterized by the formation of the dissoconch shell with all the elements of an adult shell and marks the onset of the development of the nacre. Nucleation starts within an organic matrix from point sources forming 'crystal germs' which expand...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biominéralisation; Couche nacrée; Huître perlière; Pinctada margaritifera; Polynésie française; Biomineralisation; Nacreous layer; Pearl oyster; Pinctada margaritifera; French Polynesia.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Donor effect on cultured pearl nacre development and shell matrix gene expression in Pinctada margaritifera reared in different field sites ArchiMer
Ky, Chin-long; Broustal, Floriane; Koua, Manaarii Sham; Quillien, Virgile; Beliaeff, Benoit.
Understanding the respective roles played by donor and recipient pearl oysters in pearl quality determination in relation to the environment is a challenge for the pearl industry. In most Pinctada species, pearl size is mainly related to recipient oyster growth performance, but also relies to some extent on the biomineralisation activity of the pearl sac, a tissue that originates from the donor oyster mantle. We examined donor effect on pearl size in response to culture in the lagoons on Arutua and Apataki atolls. Overall nacre weight and thickness were greater in Arutua than in Apataki, but sensitivity to the environment differed between donors. Some donors were associated with significantly heavier and thicker nacre in Arutua (I group), while others had...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomineralisation; Environment; Pearl oyster; Pearl size; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Ecologie larvaire de l'huître perlière (Pinctada margaritifera, L.), croissance et dispersion dans un lagon d'atoll polynésien ArchiMer
Thomas, Yoann.
Understanding key factors determining the bentho-pelagic species larval growth and dispersal remains one of the challenges of marine ecology, notably to understand the adult population structure and dynamics. In the present study, we explore this determinism on the development and dispersal of the black-lip pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera var. cumingii, Linné 1758) larvae in a French Polynesian atoll lagoon (Ahe, Tuamotu archipelago). Rearing of the pearl oyster for the production of black pearls takes on a major social and economic place in French Polynesia. However, the supply of pearl oyster seed to the farms depends entirely on the natural collection of wild spat of the only one specie P. margaritifera, and spatial and temporal variability of spat...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecologie larvaire; Hétérogénéité environnementale; Modélisation; Croissance; Dispersion; Huître perlière à lèvres noires; Pinctada margaritifera; Lagon d’atoll; Polynésie française; Larval ecology; Environmental heterogeneity; Modeling; Growth; Dispersal; Black-lip pearl oyster; Pinctada margaritifera; Atoll lagoon; French Polynesia.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Effect of electrolysis treatment on the biomineralization capacities of pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera juveniles ArchiMer
Latchere, Oihana; Fievet, Julie; Lo, Cedrik; Schneider, Denis; Dieu, Stephanie; Cabral, Philippe; Belliard, Corinne; Ky, Chin-long; Gueguen, Yannick; Saulnier, Denis.
The present study investigated the effect of electrolysis on the biomineralization capacities of juveniles of the mollusk Pinctada margaritifera for the first time. Size-selected individuals from two groups, “Medium” and “Large”, from a multi-parental family produced in a hatchery system were subjected to electrolysis under a low voltage current over a nine-week experimental period. The growth of the juveniles was individually monitored and assessed weekly by wet weight and shell height measurements. At the end of the experiment, mantle tissue was sampled for biomineralization-related gene expression analysis. Electrolysis significantly increased pearl oyster growth in terms of shell height and wet weight for Large juveniles from the 5th and the 2nd week,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pearl oyster; Pinctada margaritifera; Electrolysis; Biomineralization; Gene expression.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Estimation of physical and physiological performances of blacklip pearl oyster larvae in view of DEB modeling and recruitment assessment ArchiMer
Sangare, Nathanael; Lo-yat, Alain; Le Moullac, Gilles; Pecquerie, Laure; Thomas, Yoann; Beliaeff, Benoit; Andrefouet, Serge.
In French Polynesia black pearl farming represents one of the dominant business sectors. However, it still entirely relies on unpredictable Pinctada margaritifera spat collection success, which is itself conditioned by larval development completion. To assess the relationship between larval development and recruitment success, we studied under controlled conditions the effect of food concentration on development, growth, ingestion rate, survival and metabolic rate at the larval stage. Larvae were exposed to four different phytoplankton densities (2,5; 7,5; 15 and 30 cell.μL−1). Larvae survived equally all over the range of phytoplankton concentration with an average survival rate of 16% at the end of experiments. Food concentration significantly affected...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bivalve larvae; Pinctada margaritifera; Physiology; Energetics; Dynamic energy budget theory; Pearl farming; Aquaculture.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Etude cytologique de la gamétogenèse, de la sex-ratio et du cycle de reproduction chez l'huître perlière Pinctada margaritifera (L) var. cumingii (Jameson), (mollusques, bivalves). Comparaison avec le cycle de Pinctada maculata (Gould) ArchiMer
Thielley, Maryse.
The population of Pinctada margaritifera and Pinctada maculata lay eggs throughout the year. Temperature variations induce huge but asynchronous laying. Preferential periods of gonad maturity correspond to the season changings in both species. However. some differences between the two specics are noticed. Both species are protandric hermaphrodites. Female condition is unstable: a reversion to the male condition may be observed and is probably linked with stress. The average size for the first sexual maturation as weil as for sexual conversion are specified in P. margaritifera. The breeding conditions induce modifications in some reproductive cycle processes (maturation, sex-ratio). Some conditions suitable for reproduction may become unfavorable to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gamétogenèse; Cycle de reproduction; Sex-ratio; Pinctad margaritifera; Mollusque; Bivalve; Huître perlière; Gametogenesis; Reproductive cycle; Sex-ratio; Pinctada margaritifera; Mollusca; Bivalvia; Pearl oyster.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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