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Soil C/N influences the carbon flux and partitioning in control and fertilized mini-plots of Pinus radiata in New Zealand 118
Bown,Horacio E; Watt,Michael S; Clinton,Peter W; Mason,Euan G.
Patterns of carbon flux and partitioning were examined in highly stocked (40,000 stems ha-1) control and fertilized mini-plots of Pinus radiata D. Don at five sites, which covered a wide climatic and edaphic gradient on the South Island of New Zealand. The gross-primary productivity (GPP) and the partitioning of the GPP to the above- and below-ground productivity and respiration were determined using a carbon budget approach. All of the components of the GPP, the above-ground net primary productivity (ANPP [r² = 0.67, P ≤ 0.01]), above-ground plant respiration (APR [r² = 0.66, P ≤ 0.01]), and total below-ground carbon flux (TBCF [r² = 0.41, P ≤ 0.01]) significantly increased with the GPP, but the ANPP:GPP, APR:GPP and TBCF:GPP...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Gross- primary productivity; Net-primary productivity; Nitrogen; Pinus radiata D. Don; Phosphorus; Total below-ground carbon flux; Whole carbon budget.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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