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Plant architecture influences gall abundance in a tropical montane plant species Acta Botanica
Boaventura,Maria Gabriela; Pereira,Cássio Cardoso; Cornelissen,Tatiana.
ABSTRACT Sessile and host-specific herbivores, such as gall-inducing insects, are usually patchily distributed within the populations of their host plants, and it has been suggested that both inter- and intra-plant variation affect gall abundance, distribution and survivorship. Variation in plant traits, such as size and architecture, has been previously demonstrated as a determinant of gall distribution. We examined the influence of architectural complexity of the tropical plant Galianthe brasiliensis (Rubiaceae) on the abundance of the stem-galler Lopesia sp. (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) along an elevation gradient where both insect and plant were distributed. A total of 120 plants were sampled along the gradient and more than 580 galls were counted, while...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Elevation gradient; Galls; Insects; Plant architecture hypothesis; Plant quality.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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