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Alelopatia em ecossistema de pastagem cultivada. Infoteca-e
SOUZA FILHO, A. P. da S.; ALVES, S. de M..
Histórico. Fontes de substancias alelopáticas. Natureza das substancias alelopáticas. Função nas plantas. Síntese de substancias alelopáticas. Fatores que afetam a síntese de substancias alelopáticas. Liberação para o meio ambiente. Mecanismo de transporte no meio ambiente. Mecanismo de ação dos aleloquímicos. Fatores que interferem na ação dos aleloquímicos. Provas da existência de alelopatia. Interação alelopática em ecossistemas de pastagens. Alelopática e suas perspectivas futuras.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Brasil; Alelopatia; Ecossistema; Pastagem Cultivada; Resposta da Planta; Allelopathy; Amazonia; Ecosystems; Pastures; Plant response.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Doses de NPK para formacao de seringais em solos de cerrado. Infoteca-e
Poster em portugues e ingles.
Tipo: Folders Palavras-chave: Resposta de planta; Adubação; Cerrado; Fertilizante; Fósforo; Hevea Brasiliensis; Nitrogênio; Potássio; Seringueira; Fertilizers; Fertilizer application; Plant response; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Potassium.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Effects of a near infrared-reflecting greenhouse roof cover on the microclimate and production of tomato in the tropics CIGR Journal
Mutwiwa, Urbanus Ndungwa; Tantau, Hans Jurgen; Elsner, Bukhard von; Max, Johannes F. J.
The effects of a shading paint containing NIR-reflecting pigments applied to the roof of an experimental greenhouse on greenhouse microclimate, plant response of a tomato crop and fruit yield and quality were studied under the tropical climate conditions of Central Thailand. One experiment was carried out in the rainy (2006) season and in the dry (2005/2006) season.The maximal reduction of the air temperatures inside the greenhouse with the NIR reflecting roof paint was observed during the dry season. At this time the temperature in this house was 2.8 °C lower than in the control greenhouse without shading paint. On average the temperature reduction was 2 °C in the dry and 0.6 °C in the rainy season. The magnitude of the temperature reduction was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Protected cultivation Shading; Heat stress; Greenhouse cooling; Plant response.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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ผลของการใช้วัสดุอินทรีย์ต่อการตอบสนองของข้าวในดินเค็ม Thai Agricultural
Konkanok Paopo; Porntip Srimongkol; Suphasit Sitthaphanit; Wimolnan Kanket.
Rice growth and yield are adversely affected by soil salinity. The application of organic matter is a successful technique for saline soil remediation. The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of different organic materials on the response of rice in saline soil. Experimental design was a randomized complete block with 4 replicates comprised 4 treatments: 1) no organic material application (control) 2) sesbania application at the rate of 1,000 kg/rai 3) rice straw application at the rate of 1,000 kg/rai and 4) sesbania at the rate of 500 kg/rai and rice straw at the rate of 500 kg/rai. The result were shown that sesbania and rice straw treatment had the highest rice dry weight in all growth stages, the highest nutrient uptake at booting stage,...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Rice; Sesbania; Rice straw; Organic material; Saline soil; Soil management; Soil amendments; Organic material application; Photosynthesis; Yield; Plant response; Rice production; ข้าว; โสนอัฟริกัน; ฟางข้าว; วัสดุอินทรีย์; ดินเค็ม; การจัดการดิน; การปรับปรุงดิน; การตอบสนองของพืช; การสังเคราะห์แสง; อัตราผลผลิต; การผลิตข้าว.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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