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Analysis of Hydraulic Conductance Components in Field Grown, Mature Sweet Cherry Trees Chilean J. Agric. Res.
Oyarzún,Ricardo; Stöckle,Claudio; Whiting,Matthew.
As a necessary step towards understanding soil water extraction and plant water relationships, the components of hydraulic conductance (K) of mature sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) trees were evaluated in situ based on a Ohm´s law analog method. In June 2004, K was determined for 10-yr-old ‘Bing’/‘Gisela® 5’ trees, from simultaneous measurements of whole canopy gas exchange and leaf (sunlit and shaded) and stem water potentials (Ψ). Leaf water potential of sunlit leaves was lower than shaded leaves, reaching minimum values of ca. -2.3 MPa around 14:00 h (solar time). Average total hydraulic conductance was 60 ± 6 mmol s-1 MPa-1, presenting a slight decreasing trend as the season progressed. The analysis of tree K components showed that it was...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Plant water relations; Transpiration; Water potential; Whole-canopy gas exchange.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Caracterizacao de varzeas na regiao dos cerrados. Infoteca-e
RASSINI, J. B.; REIS, A. E. G. dos; MACEDO, J.; LEITE, J. C..
A ocorrencia de varzeas na regiao dos Cerrados e grande, com cerca de 12 milhoes de hectares em sua maioria ainda nao utilizadas, devido, principalmente, a baixa disponibilidade de informacao a respeito do sistema solo-agua-planta. O trabalho busca fornecer uma caracterizao e a distribuicao desse tipo de ecossistema nas principais bacias hidrograficas dos Cerrados, apresentando resultados referentes a vegetacao e aos tipos de solo predominantes nessas formacoes.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Flood plains; Plant soil relations; Plant water relations; Characterization; Wetland; Bacia Hidrográfica; Cerrado; Ecossistema; Relação Água-Planta; Relação Solo-Planta; Várzea; Ecosystems; Soil.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Investigations on tree species suitable for the recultivation of degraded land areas in Central Amazonia. Infoteca-e
In cooperation with the Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental in Manaus (Amazonas, Brasil) and three German projects (ENV 23, ENV 45, ENV 52), in the year 2000 we especially investigated (1) photosynthesis and carbohydrate allocation and (2) the plant-water relationships of the selected tree species. Special emphasis was given to the three species of the family Meliaceae. Comparative experiments have been done for monoculture, polycultures, enrichment cultures, and primary forests.
Tipo: Relatórios técnicos Palavras-chave: Recuperaco do solo; Agrofloresta; Especie florestal; Fotossinte; Brasil; Amazonas; Tropical rain forest; Reclamation; Sustainability; Species; Plant water relations; Andiroba; Árvore Florestal; Carapa Guianensis; Carboidrato; Cedrela Odorata; Cedro; Cultivo Multiplo; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Deterioração do Solo; Floresta Tropical Úmida; Mogno; Relação Água-Planta; Swietenia Macrophylla; Uso da Terra; Agroforestry; Carbohydrates; Environmental degradation; Forest trees; Land use; Multiple cropping; Photosynthesis.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Investigations on tree species suitable for the recultivation of degraded land areas in Central Amazonia. Infoteca-e
SHIFT PROJECT ENV 42/2 (Curitiba-PR)..
Project activities in 1999, in Manaus-AM(Brasil): water supply of the trees, carbohydrate supply of the trees, seed provenances, wood quality. After five years of experiments the investigations (1) the biomass production and nutrition of five plantation grown tree species, (2) the comparison of nutrient fluxes and grwoth dynamics of Carapa guianensis grown in monoculture and enrichment plantations, and (3) the study of cambial growth dynamics of three selected Meliaceae were terminated. In 1999 the data evaluation was carried out.
Tipo: Relatórios técnicos Palavras-chave: Cedrela odorota; Brasil; Amazonas; Manaus; Tropical rain forest; Reclamation; Sustainability; Species; Plant water relations; Seed; Carbhoydrate content; Agrossilvicultura; Andiroba; Bertholletia Excelsa; Carapa Guianensis; Carboidrato; Castanha do Para; Cultivo Multiplo; Cumaru; Desenvolvimento Sustentável; Dipteryx Odorata; Essência Florestal; Floresta Tropical Úmida; Hymenaea Courbaril; Jatobá; Madeira; Mogno; Recuperação do Solo; Relação Água-Planta; Semente; Swietenia Macrophylla; Agroforestry; Forest trees; Multiple cropping; Soil; Wood.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Physiological responses of maize and cowpea to intercropping PAB
The effect of intercropping on plant water status, gas exchange and productivity of maize (Zea mays L.) cv. Centralmex, and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. (Walp)) cv. Pitiuba were evaluated under semi-arid conditions at the Embrapa-Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Trópico Semi-Árido (CPATSA) at Petrolina, PE, Brazil. The treatments were: maize and cowpea as sole crops, at a population of 40,000 plants ha-1, and intercropped at a population of 20,000 plants ha-1. The results obtained in this paper appear to be related to the degree of competition experienced by the components, mainly for water and light. Maize intercropped had higher values of leaf water potential, stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis than as sole crop. Intercropped cowpea...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Plant soil relations; Plant water relations; Gas exchange; Cropping systems.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Water and element supply of the plantation systems and their significance for the xylem production of Swietenia macrophylla and Carapa guianensis. Infoteca-e
In this study the influence of the water and K supply on growth and wood formation of plantation grown S. macrophylla and C. guianensis is investigated (Manaus-AM-Brasil).
Tipo: Parte de livro Palavras-chave: Brasil; Amazonas; Manaus; Plant water relations; Potash fertilizers; Andiroba; Carapa Guianensis; Mogno; Potássio; Relação Água-Planta; Swietenia Macrophylla.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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