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Campagnes expérimentales de chalutage en mer du Nord et Manche orientale. Volume II. Les campagnes C.G.F.S. 1997 & 1998 ArchiMer
Carpentier, André; Coppin, Franck.
Ifremer carries out a yearly bottom trawl survey named Channel Ground Fish Survey (CGFS) in order to collect essential biological data on major exploited fish species in the Eastern Channel. These data are also provided to feed the indispensable historic series to the yearly assessment of resources. This report presents results of the CGFS surveys for 1997 and 1998, under two aspects : a multispecific approach of the biological assemblages and integrating an interannual analysis, then a monospecific analysis of 7 species of commercial interest, as whiting, pout, cod, red gurnard, plaice, black bream, red mullet.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Campagne; Chalutage; Manche orientale; Distribution; Abondance; Répartition; Cartographie; Multiespèces; Merlan; Merlangius merlangus; Tacaud; Trisopterus luscus; Morue; Gadus morhua; Grondin rouge; Aspitrigla cuculus; Plie; Pleuronectes platessa; Griset; Spondyliosoma cantharus; Survey; Trawling; Eastern Channel; Distribution; Abundance; Cartography; Multi-species; Whiting; Merlangius merlangus; Pout; Trisopterus luscus; Cod; Gadus morhua; Red gurnard; Aspitrigla cuculus; Plaice; Pleuronectesplatessa; Black bream; Spondyliosoma cantharus; Red mullet.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Contrôles de la distribution spatiale de l'habitat de reproduction chez les populations de poissons. Approche multi-modèles appliquée à la plie et au merlan de Mer du Nord et à l'anchois du Golfe de Gascogne ArchiMer
Loots, Christophe.
Spawning is a crucial phase of fish life cycle as it ensures the renewal of individuals in the population. The identification of factors that influence its spatial dynamic is therefore a key feature as it will affect the reproduction success of fish population. A multi-model approach has been developed in order to identify factors that control the spatial distribution of spawning adults of plaice and whiting in the North Sea and of anchovy in the Bay of Biscay. Generalised additive models have been used to relate presenceabsence of adults and their abundances to several hypotheses of control external (geographical position and environment) and internal to the population (spatial dependency, size, age structure and memory). Models were then ranked according...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anchovy; Whiting; Plaice; Multi model approach; Hypotheses of control; Habitat; Spawning; Anchois; Merlan; Plie; Approche multi modèles; Hypothèses de contrôle; Habitat; Reproduction.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Élaboration d'un diagnostic robuste de mise en place d'aires marines protégées, dans un contexte d'incertitudes ArchiMer
Gasche, Loic.
The Eastern Channel is a strategic area that supports many human activities, in particular fishing, freight, aggregates extraction and tourism. Many zones have also been identified that are suitable to host windfarms. A good understanding of interactions between these activities is necessary in order to estimate, forestall and manage risks of major spatial conflicts. Besides, their potential interactions with marine populations have not yet been well established. Several Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been created in the Channel in the past few years, to protect key habitats or populations, or are still being discussed. It is necessary to predict to what extent these MPAs can be an asset for a sustainable exploitation of marine resources, and what...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Incertitudes; Modèle complexe; Manche; Sole; Plie; Benthos; Mesures de gestion spatialisées; Uncertainties; Complex models; English channel; Sole; Plaice; Benthos; Spatial management measures.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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