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Effect of lung resection and sham surgery on the frequency of infection in alloxan-diabetic rats 56
Seidel,A.C.; Fagundes,D.J.; Bazotte,R.B.; Novo,N.F.; Juliano,Y.; Meister,H..
The present study was carried out in order to determine the effect of lung resection on the frequency of infections in alloxan-diabetic rats. Adult female Wistar rats were injected with alloxan (40 mg/kg, iv) to induce diabetes mellitus (group D; N = 45) or with vehicle (1.0 ml/kg, iv) to be used as controls (group C; N = 45). Thirty-six days after receiving alloxan both groups were randomly divided into three subgroups: no operation (NO; N = 15), sham operation (SO; N = 15), and left pneumonectomy (PE; N = 15). The rats were sacrificed 36 days after surgery and their lungs were examined microscopically and macroscopically. The occurrence of thoracic wall infection, thoracic wall abscess, lung abscess and pleural empyema was similar in groups D and C. In...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Diabetes; Alloxan; Pneumonectomy; Rats; Infection.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Effect of methylprednisolone on perivascular pulmonary edema, inflammatory infiltrate, VEGF and TGF-beta immunoexpression in the remaining lungs of rats after left pneumonectomy 56
Guimarães-Fernandes,F.; Samano,M.N.; Vieira,R.P.; Carvalho,C.R.; Pazetti,R.; Moreira,L.F.P.; Pêgo-Fernandes,P.M.; Jatene,F.B..
Pneumonectomy is associated with high rates of morbimortality, with postpneumonectomy pulmonary edema being one of the leading causes. An intrinsic inflammatory process following the operation has been considered in its physiopathology. The use of corticosteroids is related to prevention of this edema, but no experimental data are available to support this hypothesis. We evaluated the effect of methylprednisolone on the remaining lungs of rats submitted to left pneumonectomy concerning edema and inflammatory markers. Forty male Wistar rats weighing 300 g underwent left pneumonectomy and were randomized to receive corticosteroids or not. Methylprednisolone at a dose of 10 mg/kg was given before the surgery. After recovery, the animals were sacrificed at 48...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pneumonectomy; Glucocorticoids; Pulmonary edema; Vascular endothelial growth factor; Transforming growth factor beta; Animal model.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Effects of pneumonectomy on nitric oxide synthase expression and perivascular edema in the remaining lung of rats 56
Samano,M.N.; Pazetti,R.; Prado,C.M.; Tibério,I.C.; Saldiva,P.H.N.; Moreira,L.F.P.; Pêgo-Fernandes,P.M.; Jatene,F.B.; Das-Neves-Pereira,J.C..
Pneumonectomy is associated with high mortality and high rates of complications. Postpneumonectomy pulmonary edema is one of the leading causes of mortality. Little is known about its etiologic factors and its association with the inflammatory process. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the role of pneumonectomy as a cause of pulmonary edema and its association with gas exchange, inflammation, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression and vasoconstriction. Forty-two non-specific pathogen-free Wistar rats were included in the study. Eleven animals died during or after the procedure, 21 were submitted to left pneumonectomy and 10 to sham operation. These animals were sacrificed after 48 or 72 h. Perivascular pulmonary edema was more intense in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pneumonectomy; Pulmonary edema; Nitric oxide synthase; Animal models; NOS.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Response of the lung after pneumonectomy in alloxan diabetic rats 52
Seidel,Amélia Cristina; Fagundes,Djalma José; Novo,Neil Ferreira; Juliano,Yara; Meister,Hugo; Bazotte,Roberto Barbosa.
In order to determine the response of remaining lung after pneumonectomy during diabetes, female Wistar rats that received an intraperitoneal injection of alloxan (D Group) or saline (C Group) were submitted to lung resection. Six days after alloxan injection (45 mg/kg), diabetes was confirmed. The rats were randomized divided in 3 subgroups: non-operated (NO), sham operation (SO) and left pneumonectomy (PE). Thirty days after the surgery all rats were killed and the weight and volume of the lungs were measured. PE-diabetic rats showed smaller lung weight and volume than PE-non-diabetic animals. The results demonstrated that the compensatory lung growth postpneumonectomy were not observed in diabetic rats.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Experimental diabetes; Alloxan; Pneumonectomy; Lung growth; Rats; Surgery.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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