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Aufbau und Anwendung des FAL-Modellverbunds für die Politikberatung AgEcon
Bertelsmeier, Marcus; Kleinhanss, Werner; Offermann, Frank.
The FAL model group combines several market, regional and farm models for comprehensive policy impact assessments. Since 1996, policy impact analyses have been provided at the request of the German Agricultural Ministry with respect to the design of direct payments, the Agenda 2000, the Mid-term Review, the Enlargement of the EU as well as several other policy measures. This article gives an overview of the models available as part of the model group, specifically describes the design of the representative farm group model, and provides results with respect to the impacts of the Midterm Review. The paper ends with a discussion of the experiences gained in model based policy consulting and the implications for future developments.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Policy assessment; Models; Agricultural policy; Midterm review; Policy impact analysis; Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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How appropriate are myopic optimization models to predict decision behaviour: A comparison between agent-based models and business management games AgEcon
Appel, Franziska; Musshoff, Oliver.
Agent-based models (ABM) are used in many cases of policy assessment in agriculture. But the behavioural assumptions of these models consider farmers as myopic optimizing profit maximizers. In this contribution we compare the behaviour of myopic computer agents with the behaviour of students playing a multi period business management game. We aim to answer the question, how far are agent-based models valid to map “real” human behaviour, so that ABM can be used well for policy impact assessment.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agent-based models; Business management games; Policy impact analysis; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; C63; C93; D22; Q18.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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New Developments in Agricultural Policy Modelling and Consequences for Managing the Policy Analysis Systems AgEcon
Van Huylenbroeck, Guido; Lauwers, Ludwig H.; Fernagut, Bruno.
Last decade, the importance of multifunctionality and environmental issues in agricultural policies has been growing. This shift in scope of agricultural policy instruments implies an adjustment of the conventional ex-ante policy analysis systems. New requirements on input and output parameters will be needed. The objective of this paper is to show how the input/output management can be improved. Focus is on how the information management by the system can enhance the policy analysis and decision making and facilitate information flow and social support from the stakeholder debate.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Policy impact analysis; Joint production; Farmers' behaviour; Knowledge flow Organisation; Agricultural and Food Policy; C8; Q18.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Organic Farms in the EU: Status Quo, Development Strategies and Policy Impacts on Selected Arable and Dairy Farms AgEcon
Haring, Anna Maria.
Organic farming is increasingly considered in the European Common Agricultural Policy. Sound evaluations of the effects of policy measures on organic farms in the EU are needed to face the challenges in future policy design. The effects of various policy scenarios on profitability and development strategies of typical organic arable and dairy farms are analysed for the EU countries Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom and Italy. Based on an approach which integrates simulation modelling and focus groups, profitability of model farms is analysed ex-post for year the 1999 and their potential development simulated until 2008 under Agenda 2000 and three alternative policy scenarios. For each policy scenario potential farm adaptation strategies are analysed....
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Typical organic farms; Integrated modelling; Policy impact analysis; Strategic farm development; Livestock Production/Industries.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Policy Impact Analysis on Investments and Disinvestments under Competition: A Real Options Approach AgEcon
Feil, Jan-Henning; Musshoff, Oliver.
In consequence of changes in general conditions, a higher level of investments and disinvestments in agriculture can be expected. To date, however, there are no policy impact analyses on both investments and disinvestments in competitive agricultural markets in a dynamic-stochastic context. This paper aims to develop a conceptual real options market model, which allows the impact assessment of different political schemes on investment and disinvestment thresholds and the sectoral welfare. Exemplarily, the effects of price floors, investment subsidies and production ceilings are analysed. The results show that the consideration of limited reversibility, that is disinvestments, is of relevance as it can impact the assessment of specific policies.
Tipo: Presentation Palavras-chave: Real options; Competition; Policy impact analysis; Genetic algoritms; Marketing; Political Economy.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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