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Borreria apodiensis (Rubiaceae: Spermacoceae), a new species from Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Acta Botanica
Souza,Elnatan Bezerra de; Miguel,Laila Mabel; Cabral,Elsa Leonor; Nepomuceno,Francisco Álvaro Almeida; Loiola,Maria Iracema Bezerra.
ABSTRACT A new species of Borreria (Rubiaceae) from Chapada do Apodi in northeastern Brazil is described and illustrated. A distribution map, illustrations, a conservation assessment, a key to morphologically similar taxa and images of the seeds and pollen grains are provided.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Caatinga; Northeastern Brazil; Pollen grains; Rubioideae; Seeds; Semiarid; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Comparative pollen morphological analysis in the subgenera Passiflora and Decaloba Anais da ABC (AABC)
ABSTRACT The genus Passiflora is the most diversified of the Passifloraceae, and its palynology presents wide morphological variability. The objective of the study was to evaluate the pollen morphology of 18 Passiflora species in order to identify informative pollinic characteristics to contribute to the taxonomic classification of the genus. The morphology of the pollen grains and the exine structure were investigated using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Differences in the pollen morphology were found in the studied species, mainly in terms of shape, pollen aperture and ornamentation pattern of the exine. Most of the species belonging to the subgenus Passiflora presented ornamented 6-syncolpate pollen grains with an oblate-spheroidal...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Passifloraceae; Pollen grains; Scanning electron microscopy; Exine; Morphological characterization.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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First pollen survey of murundus in the Chapada Diamantina region of the state of Bahia, Brazil Acta Botanica
Oliveira,Paulino Pereira; Funch,Roy Richard; Santos,Francisco de Assis Ribeiro dos.
This was a pollen survey, in which we analyzed the sediments and moss polsters of murundus (termite mounds) in the Chapada Diamantina region of the state of Bahia, Brazil. Palynological treatment revealed the presence of 53 pollen types in murundus sediments, of which 23 were related to plants in the semi-arid zone and 30 remained unidentified. In moss polster samples, the pollen assemblage comprised 42 pollen types for which taxonomic affinities were identified and 54 for which they were not. In our comparison of the two pollen assemblages, we found that moss polsters and murundu sediments shared 15 pollen types. For some of the pollen grains in the murundus sediments, it was not possible to make reliable interpretations because of small number of grains...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Palynology; Moss polsters; Pollen trap; Pollen grains.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Human-induced river runoff overlapping natural climate variability over the last 150 years: Palynological evidence (Bay of Brest, NW France) ArchiMer
Lambert, Clement; Penaud, Aurelie; Vidal, Muriel; Klouch, Khadidja; Gregoire, Gwendoline; Ehrhold, Axel; Eynaud, Frederique; Schmidt, Sabine; Ragueneau, Olivier; Siano, Raffaele.
For the first time a very high resolution palynological study (mean resolution of 1 to 5 years) was carried out over the last 150 years in a French estuarine environment (Bay of Brest; NW France), allowing direct comparison between the evolution of landscapes, surface water, and human practices on Bay of Brest watersheds, through continental (especially pollen grains) and marine (phytoplanktonic microalgae: cysts of dinoflagellates or dinocysts) microfossils. Thanks to the small size of the watersheds and the close proximity of the depositional environment to the mainland, the Bay of Brest represents an ideal case study for palynological investigations. Palynological data were then compared to published palaeo-genetic analyses conducted on the same core...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pollen grains; Dinoflagellate cysts; Estuarine dynamics; River runoff; Climate variability.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Monitoreo e impacto del ozono atmosférico en follaje y polen de Pinus hartwegii Lindl. del Valle de México. Colegio de Postgraduados
Hernández Tejeda, Tomás.
Existen diversos factores que pueden influir sobre el deterioro de los ecosistemas forestales del Valle de México y en particular del proceso normal de fecundación y formación de la semilla en los bosques de Pinus hartwegii Lindl., entre los que destacan la contaminación atmosférica por oxidantes fotoquímicos, especialmente el ozono. El objetivo general fue determinar las concentraciones de ozono atmosférico dentro de tres áreas forestales del Valle de México, así como su impacto sobre el follaje y el polen de P. hartwegii. En los bosques de El Ajusco, D. F.; Desierto de los Leones, D. F., y Zoquiapan, Estado de México, se establecieron los nueve sitios de un décimo de hectárea, donde se monitoreo el ozono atmosférico, se realizó la evaluación cualitativa...
Palavras-chave: Daño foliar; Fumigación artificial; Granos de polen; Monitoreo de ozono; Pinus hartwegii; Foliar damage; Artificial fumigation; Pollen grains; Ozone monitoring; Botánica; Doctorado.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Morfologia polínica da tribo Bursereae (Burseraceae) na América do Sul Rev. Bras. Bot.
Aguilar-Sierra,Clara Isabel; Melhem,Therezinha Sant'Anna.
(Morfologia polínica da tribo Bursereae (Burseraceae) na América do Sul). Dentro da tribo Bursereae, Bursera (L.) Jacq. é um gênero neotropical que compreende sete espécies na América do Sul. Commiphora Jacq., distribuído principalmente nas partes menos úmidas dos trópicos e subtrópicos da África e da Ásia, está representado unicamente por Commiphora leptophloeos (Mart.) Gillet. Foram examinados os grãos de pólen de cinco táxons de Bursereae. O material polínico foi acetolisado, medido, descrito e fotografado sob rnicroscopia óptica e, na maioria dos casos, também em microscopia eletrônica de varredura. As medidas receberam tratamento estatístico adequado ao tamanho da amostra. Os grãos de pólen de Bursera são, geralmente, pequenos, prolato-esferoidais,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Burseraceae; Bursera; Commiphora leptophloeos; Pollen grains.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Morfologia polínica da tribo Canarieae (Burseraceae) na América do Sul Rev. Bras. Bot.
Aguilar-Sierra,Clara Isabel; Melhem,Therezinha Sant'Anna.
(Morfologia polínica da tribo Canarieae (Burseraceae) na América do Sul). A tribo Canarieae está representada na América do Sul por dois gêneros, Dacryodes Vahl e Trattinnickia Willd. Foram examinados os grãos de pólen de 27 exsicatas que representam 12 táxons. O material polínico foi acetolisado, medido, descrito e fotografado em microscopia óptica e, na maioria dos casos, também em microscopia eletrônica de varredura. As medidas receberam tratamento estatístico adequado ao tamanho da amostra. Dacryodes e Trattinnickia possuem características palinológicas comuns quanto ao tamanho (médio) e à forma (predominantemente subprolata). Sob microscópio óptico a sexina dos grãos de pólen de Dacryodes é psilada e em Trattinnickia parece ser granulada; não...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Burseraceae; Dacryodes; Trattinnickia; Pollen grains.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Morfologia polínica da tribo Protieae (Burseraceae) na América do Sul Rev. Bras. Bot.
Aguilar-Sierra,Clara Isabel; Melhem,Therezinha Sant'Anna.
(Morfologia polínica da tribo Protieae (Burseraceae) na América do Sul). A tribo Protieae está representada na América do Sul pelos gêneros: Crepidospermum Hook. f., Protium Burm. f. e Tetragastris Gaertn. Crepidospermum compreende cinco espécies distribuídas principalmente na Amazônia. Protium é um gênero neotropical com aproximadamente 146 espécies. Tetragastris encontra-se quase que exclusivamente em altitudes baixas, nas florestas úmidas da América Central, norte da América do Sul e algumas partes do Caribe. Foram examinados os grãos de pólen de 177 exsicatas que representam 51 táxons. O material polínico foi acetolisado, medido, descrito e fotografado sob microscopia óptica e, na maioria dos casos, também em microscopia eletrônica de varredura. As...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Burseraceae; Crepidospermum; Protium; Tetragastris; Pollen grains.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Morfologia polínica de Camarea St.-Hil. (Malpighiaceae) Rev. Bras. Bot.
Makino-Watanabe,Hiroko; Melhem,Therezinha Sant'Anna; Barth,Ortrud Monika.
(Morfologia polínica de Camarea St.-Hil. (Malpighiaceae)). Grãos de pólen de oito espécies de Camarea, incluindo uma espécie híbrida, são descritos e ilustrados. As espécies apresentam grãos de pólen muito semelhantes mostrando algumas diferenças nas aberturas e tipo de ornamentação. Uma chave de identificação das espécies estudadas é também apresentada.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pollen grains; Camarea; Malpighiaceae.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions during the Meso- to Neolithic transition (9.2–5.3 cal. ka BP) in Northwestern France: Palynological evidences ArchiMer
Lambert, Clément; Vidal, Muriel; Penaud, Aurélie; Le Roy, Pascal; Goubert, Evelyne; Pailler, Yvan; Stephan, Pierre; Ehrhold, Axel.
Sedimentological, palynological, and micropalaeontological studies carried out throughout the first half of the Holocene, during the Mesolithic/Neolithic transition in the Bay of Brest (i.e. 9200–9000 and 6600–5300 cal. BP) and in the Bay of Douarnenez (i.e. 9200–8400 cal. BP), allowed characterizing coastal environmental changes under the increasing influence of the relative sea-level rise. The gradual flooding of the two studied sites implied a transition from river valleys to oceanic bays as revealed by the gradual retreat of salt marsh environments, as detected through palynological analysis. In addition, these high-resolution studies highlight the regional imprint of the North Atlantic millennial climate variability in north-western coastal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic foraminifera; Climate variability; Dinoflagellate cysts; Human impacts; Palaeoenvironments reconstructions; Pollen grains.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Pollen diversity in selected species of the tribe Chironieae (Gentianaceae Juss.) that occur in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil Acta Botanica
Sousa,Hian Carlos Ferreira de; Gonçalves-Esteves,Vania; Mendonça,Cláudia Barbieri Ferreira.
ABSTRACT Based on molecular data, the tribe Chironieae (Gentianaceae) is divided into three subtribes. This study aims to describe the pollen morphology of representatives of two of the three subtribes that occur in the Atlantic Forest in order to contribute to a better understanding of the palynology of these taxa and to clarify the taxonomy of the family: subtribe Chironiinae (Centaurium erythraea and Zygostigma australe) and subtribe Coutoubeinae (Coutoubea ramosa, C. spicata, Deianira chiquitiana, D. damazioi, D. erubescens, D. nervosa and D. pallescens). Botanical material was obtained from exsicates and treated by acetolysis for light microscopy. Pollen grains were measured and photomicrographed, and the results statistically analyzed. For SEM study,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chironiinae; Coutoubeinae; Morphology; Palynology; Pollen grains.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Pollen morphology and availability of pollen and stigma in Syzygium (Myrtaceae) Rev. Bras. Frutic.
Nacata,Guilherme; Belonsi,Talita Kely; Gasparino,Eduardo Custódio; Andrade,Renata Aparecida de.
Abstract The present study aimed to describe the pollen morphology in three species of Syzygium, to test pollen availability and stigma receptivity. The pollen was analyzed by light and scanning microscopy to show the detailed ornamentation of the pollen grains. Pollen availability was measured according to two protocols. Stigmatic receptivity was tested at different stages of flower development. There are differences among the pollen morphology for the species studied; when the polar and equatorial diameters are measured in the equatorial view of the pollen grains, it is observed that S. jambos is the largest species concerning the two values of the diameters, S. malaccense is the smallest species and S. aqueum, the largest species in relation to the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Exotic fruit tree; Palynology; Pollen grains; Stigma; Syzygium.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Pollen morphology and exine ultrastructure of Brasiliocroton P.E. Berry & Cordeiro (Euphorbiaceae) Acta Botanica
Souza,Lidian Ribeiro de; Santos,Francisco de Assis Ribeiro dos; Carneiro-Torres,Daniela Santos.
ABSTRACT The present study aimed to morphologically characterize the pollen grains of species of Brasiliocroton mamoninha and B. muricatus in order to expand palynological knowledge of the group and provide additional micromorphological information useful for studies of the relationships within Crotoneae. Polleniferous material was acetolysed and described using light, scanning electron and transmission microscopy. The pollen grains of the two species of Brasiliocroton were apolar, spherical, inaperaturate and medium-sized with a Croton ornamentation pattern. The Croton pattern of B. mamoninha is formed by subtriangular pila, >5-plicate with pointed apices, while for B. muricatus it is formed by subcircular to circular pila, <5-plicate with rounded...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Croton pattern; Crotoneae; Micromorphology; Palynotaxonomy; Pollen grains.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Pollen morphology of Rubiaceae Juss. species occurring in an area of caatinga (dryland) vegetation in Bahia State, Brazil Acta Botanica
Silveira Júnior,Cristiano Eduardo Amaral; Saba,Marileide Dias; Jardim,Jomar Gomes.
The palynology of the following 16 species of Rubiaceae, from Brejinho das Amestistas, was investigated: Coccocypselum hirsutum Bartl. ex DC., Cordiera rigida Kuntze, Coutarea hexandra K.Schum., Declieuxia fruticosa Kuntze, Diodella apiculata (Willd. ex Roem. &amp; Schult.) Delprete, D. radula (Willd. ex Roem. &amp; Schult.) Delprete, D. teres Small., Emmeorhiza umbellata K.Schum., Leptoscela ruellioides Hook. f., Mitracarpus baturitensis Sucre., Mitracarpus villosus Cham. &amp; Schltdl., Palicourea rigida Kunth, Psyllocarpus asparagoides Mart., Richardia grandiflora Steud., Staelia aurea K. Schum., and Staelia galioides DC. The pollen grains were acetolysed to and their morphological characters were analyzed using light and scanning electron...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Gentianales; Pollen grains; Palynology.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Pollen morphology of species of Graphistylis B. Nord. (Asteraceae) of Brazil Acta Botanica
Souza,Mariana Albuquerque de; Mendonça,Claudia Barbieri Ferreira; Esteves,Roberto Lourenço; Gonçalves-Esteves,Vania.
This paper presents the results of a palynological study of the species ofGraphistylis that were segregated fromSenecio (s.l.) (Seneciosect. Dichroa) and that are all endemic of Brazil. These species are found in mountainous regions of the states of Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Santa Catarina. The pollen grains of eight species were acetolyzed and analyzed and photographed using light microscopy. Unacetolyzed pollen grains were analyzed and photomicrographed using scanning electron microscopy. The current study undertook a palynologically analysis of Graphistylis in order to obtain information useful for making a better ranking of these genus. The results show medium-sized pollen grains that were oblate spheroidal or...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cluster analysis; Ordination analysis; Palynology; Pollen grains; Senecioneae.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Pollen morphology of the Brazilian species of Bernardia Houst. ex Mill. and Tragia L. (Euphorbiaceae, Acalyphoideae) Acta Botanica
Santos,Mirane de Oliveira; Lima,Luciene Cristina Lima e; Sales,Margareth Ferreira de; Silva,Juliana Santos.
ABSTRACT Bernardia and Tragia are the largest genera of the tribes Bernardieae and Plukenetieae (Euphorbiaceae,), with 68 and 125 species, respectively. Very few palynological studies have focused specifically on these genera in spite of the great pollen diversity observed in the family. The present study analyzed the pollen morphology of the Brazilian species of Bernardia and Tragia to identify diagnostic characteristics that could aid in their taxonomic circumscription. The pollen grains of 11 species of Bernardia and five of Tragia were obtained from specimens deposited in the HRB, HUEFS, PEUFR, RB and UFP herbaria, and were analyzed using light and scanning electron microscopy. The analyzed species had small- to medium-sized pollen grains in monads,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bernardieae; Pollen grains; Plukenetieae; Plant taxonomy; Tragiinae.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Pollen types of Sapindaceae from Brazilian forest fragments: apertural variation Acta Botanica
Bellonzi,Talita Kely; Dutra,Fernanda Vitorete; Souza,Cintia Neves de; Rezende,Andréia Alves; Gasparino,Eduardo Custódio.
ABSTRACT Morphological variations in angiosperm pollen grains may aid in the differentiation of families, genera and species. Sapindaceae pollen morphology holds promise for the recognition of taxa of this cosmopolitan family, which is well distributed in tropical regions and possesses great morphological diversity. This study presents the pollen morphology of 23 native Brazilian species of Sapindaceae from forest fragments in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The aim was to identify pollen types in order to expand the morphological knowledge of the analyzed species and contribute to the taxonomy and conservation of the family. Pollen grains were acetolysed, measured and photographed using light and scanning electron microscopy. Qualitative data were...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brazil; Eurypalynous; Palynotaxonomy; Pollen grains; Pollen morphology.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Pollen viability of Polygala paniculata L. (Polygalaceae) using different staining methods Biocell
Frescura,Viviane Dal-Souto; Laughinghouse IV,Haywood Dail; Dorow,Thais Scotti do Canto-; Tedesco,Solange Bosio.
Polygala paniculata L. is a medicinal plant that grows in the Brazilian Atlantic coast, known as 'barba-de-São-João', 'barba-de-bode', 'vassourinha branca', and 'mimosa'. In this study, pollen viability was estimated by three different staining methods: 2% acetic orcein, 2% acetic carmine, and Alexander's stain. The young inflorescences of twenty accessions were collected and fixed in a solution of ethanol: acetic acid (3:1) for 24 hours, then stored in ethanol 70% under refrigeration. Six slides per plant, two for each stain, were prepared by squashing, and 300 pollen grains per slide were analyzed. Pollen viability was high (>70%) for most accessions of P. paniculata using the Alexander's stain, which proved the most adequate method to estimate pollen...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Pollen grains; Barba-de-bode; Acetic orcein; Acetic carmine; Alexander's stain.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Relación de la vegeración con los gremios frugívoros y polínivoros (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) en carrizal de Bravo, Guerrero Colegio de Postgraduados
Jiménez Salmerón, Yanet Quintina.
La vegetación en el área de estudio representa una gran riqueza natural para el estado de Guerrero. Las relaciones existentes entre la vegetación y los murciélagos son de tipo mutualista, por lo que al estudiarlas deben considerarse ambos componentes. En este estudio se describieron las características estructurales y diversidad de la vegetación en dos tipos de bosque del ejido Carrizal de Bravo, Guerrero. Se establecieron cuatro unidades de muestreo (UM) de 0.1 ha cada una para medir árboles, 16 subunidades (subUM) de 100 m2 para arbustos y 16 cuadros de 1 m2 para herbáceas. Se determinó el índice de valor de importancia relativo (VIR) para los componentes arbóreo y arbustivo. En cada tipo de bosque, los murciélagos fueron capturados cada dos meses...
Palavras-chave: Estructura de la vegetación; Granos de polen; Chiranthodendron pentadactylon; Sturnira ludovici; Anoura geoffroyi; Leptonycteris nivalis structure of vegetation; Pollen grains; Chiranthodendron pentadactylon; Sturnira ludovici; Anoura geoffroyi; Leptonycteris nivalis.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Relación de la vegeración con los gremios frugívoros y polínivoros (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) en carrizal de Bravo, Guerrero Colegio de Postgraduados
Jiménez Salmerón, Yanet Quintina.
La vegetación en el área de estudio representa una gran riqueza natural para el estado de Guerrero. Las relaciones existentes entre la vegetación y los murciélagos son de tipo mutualista, por lo que al estudiarlas deben considerarse ambos componentes. En este estudio se describieron las características estructurales y diversidad de la vegetación en dos tipos de bosque del ejido Carrizal de Bravo, Guerrero. Se establecieron cuatro unidades de muestreo (UM) de 0.1 ha cada una para medir árboles, 16 subunidades (subUM) de 100 m2 para arbustos y 16 cuadros de 1 m2 para herbáceas. Se determinó el índice de valor de importancia relativo (VIR) para los componentes arbóreo y arbustivo. En cada tipo de bosque, los murciélagos fueron capturados cada dos meses...
Palavras-chave: Estructura de la vegetación; Granos de polen; Chiranthodendron pentadactylon; Sturnira ludovici; Anoura geoffroyi; Leptonycteris nivalis structure of vegetation; Pollen grains; Chiranthodendron pentadactylon; Sturnira ludovici; Anoura geoffroyi; Leptonycteris nivalis.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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