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Joseph,Kuruvilla; Tolêdo Filho,Romildo Dias; James,Beena; Thomas,Sabu; Carvalho,Laura Hecker de.
ABSTRACT The global demand for wood as a building material is steadily growing, while the availability of this natural resource is diminishing. This situation has led to the development of alternative materials. Of the various synthetic materials that have been explored and advocated, polymer composites claim a major participation as building materials. There has been a growing interest in utilizing natural fibres as reinforcement in polymer composite for making low cost construction materials in recent years. Natural fibres are prospective reinforcing materials and their use until now has been more traditional than technical. They have long served many useful purposes but the application of the material technology for the utilization of natural fibres as...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sisal fibre; Polymer; Composites; Structure; Properties.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Adsorption of natural dyes on clay fixed on polymers 52
Lopes,Toni Jefferson; Gonçalves,Odinei Hess; Barros,Ricardo Barbosa; Capelli,Francine Carla Rodrigues; Machado,Ricardo Antonio Francisco; Quadri,Mara Gabriela Novy; Quadri,Marintho Bastos.
The main purpose of this work was to produce a pellet to minimize undesirable effects in fixed beds, such as colmatation, through clay fixation on the surface of polymeric particles. Preliminary experiments were carried out by heating the clay, namely Tonsil Terrana 580FF, in order to observe variations on its capacity to adsorb anthocyanins derived from red cabbage. Clays was fixed on five samples of high density polyethylene (HDPE) at 180°C -210°C for two hours. The morphological analyses of the resulting particles were accomplished through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The experiments demonstrated an increase on clay's adsorptive capacity of 15.65% at 120°C for 30 hours and 16.80% at 170°C for two hours. The SEM analysis showed that the clay...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Adsorption; Clay; Polymer; Anthocyanin/red cabbage.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Compatibility among fungicide treatments on soybean seeds through film coating and inoculation with Bradyrhizobium strains - doi: 10.4025/actasciagron.v32i4.5756 1
Pereira, Carlos Eduardo; Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz; Moreira, Fátima Maria de Souza; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Oliveira, João Almir; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Caldeira, Carla Massimo; Universidade Federal de Lavras.
This research evaluated the development of soybean plants grown in a greenhouse, from seeds that were treated with fungicide, film coated and inoculated with Bradyrhizobium. Seeds from the soybean cultivar ‘Vencedora’ were submitted to treatments disposed in a factorial 5 x 3 x 2 design. The seeds were treated with Derosal Plus® with polymer; Tegran® with polymer; Derosal Plus® without polymer, Tegran® without polymer; and without fungicide and without polymer. After the chemical treatment, the seeds were inoculated with peat or liquid inoculants, and without inoculant. The chemical treatments were used either previous to or after the six months of storage. Seed inoculation was performed with CPAC15 and BR29 strains,...
Palavras-chave:;;;;; Glycine Max; Polymer; Tegran; Derosal Plus; Bradyrhizobium Ciências Agrárias; Agronomia; Microbiologia e Bioquímica do Solo; Defesa Fitossanitária; Fitotecnia; Produção e Beneficiamento de Sementes Glycine Max; Polymer; Tegran; Derosal Plus; Bradyrhizobium.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Design Polysaccharides of Marine Origin: Chemical Modifications to Reach Advanced Versatile Compounds 5
Chopin, Nathalie; Guillory, Xavier; Weiss, Pierre; Le Bideau, Jean; Colliec-jouault, Sylvia.
Polysaccharides are among the most abundant macromolecules on Earth. These polymers are easily obtained from various marine resources such as algae, microorganisms and crustacean shells. The structure of these natural carbohydrates is innovative and quite complex. Marine biopolymers represent key scaffolds toward large challenging fields, such as biomedical applications (glycosaminoglycans, regenerative medicine and drug delivery) and tailored biomaterials. Chemical modifications can be applied to modify their final properties in a specific purpose. New functional glycans are achievable and represent a real potential with their intrinsic biocompatibility and biodegradability. Hydroxyl groups are ubiquitous in polysaccharides structure and involved in most...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alginates; Carrageenans; Chemical modification; Chitin; Chitosan; Grafting; Marine polysaccharide; Polymer.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Effect of priming and seed-coating when associated with Bacillus subtilis in maize seeds 124
Junges,Emanuele; Toebe,Marcos; Santos,Ricardo Feliciano dos; Finger,Geísa; Muniz,Marlove Fátima Brião.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on the physiological performance of maize seeds (Zea mays L.) of micro-priming with Bacillus subtilis associated with techniques of water restriction and seed-coating. The micro-priming of the seeds, without any additional techniques, was carried out using a commercial product, Rhizoliptus ® (Bacillus subtilis). Water restriction was carried out using a PDA medium (Potato - Dextrose - Agar) with mannitol (-0.7 MPa), upon which the culture was grown for 48hours. One hundred sterilized corn seeds were placed in each dish. Once root protrusion occurred in one seed, the rest were removed and kept in a laboratory environment for 48 hours. The coating was carried out by the addition of Seed Polymer Color HE (50 ml...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Polymer; Priming; Initial growth and development; Zea mays L..
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Effects of granule particle size and lubricant concentration on tablet hardness containing large concentration of polymers 60
Rajani,Chauhan; Kumar,Dewangan Devendra; Jaya,Dwivedi; Kumar,Jha Arvind.
ABSTRACT The objective of this research work is to demonstrate the impact of granule size and lubricant concentration on the hardness of tablets in formulations containing higher concentration of polymers and to resolve the hardness issue during compression process. The work involves optimization of a milling process for size reduction of granules and blending process to achieve tablets of good hardness on compression. To optimize the granule size, different sized co-mill screens were used. The different concentration of lubricant were studied on different sized granules to check the effect on hardness of tablets and to obtained the desired hardness of tablets. Compression of lubricated blend in various concentration was performed using the gravity feeder...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Tablet hardness/effects; Granule size; Lubricant concentration; Polymer.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Production, extraction and characterization of exopolysaccharides produced by the native Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides R2 strain 42
Paulo,Elinalva M.; Boffo,Elisangela F.; Branco,Alexsandro; Valente,Ângela M.M.P.; Melo,Itamar S.; Ferreira,Antonio G.; Roque,Milton R.A.; Assis,Sandra A. de.
The genus Leuconostoc belongs to a group of lactic acid bacteria usually isolated from fermented vegetables, which includes species involved in the production of exopolysaccharides (EPS). These biopolymers possess considerable commercial potential. Because of the wide variety of industrial applications of EPS, this study aimed to produce and characterize the native exopolysaccharide strain Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides R2, which was isolated from cabbage collected in a semi-arid region of Bahia. We employed the following conditions for the production of EPS: 10.7% sucrose, pH 8.2, without agitation and incubation at 28ºC for 30 hours. The fermentation broth was treated with ethanol and generated two types of polysaccharide substances (EPS I and EPS II)....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides; Exopolysaccharide; Polymer; Dextran.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Specific features of flax fibres used to manufacture composite materials 5
Baley, Christophe; Gomina, Moussa; Breard, Joel; Bourmaud, Alain; Drapier, Sylvain; Ferreira, Manuela; Le Duigou, Antoine; Liotier, Pierre Jacques; Ouagne, Pierre; Soulat, Damien; Davies, Peter.
The use of composite materials reinforced by flax fibres has been increasing steadily over the last 20 years. These fibres show attractive mechanical properties but also some particularities (naturally limited length, presence of a lumen, fibres grouped in bundles in the plant, complex surface properties and composition). An analysis of the available literature indicates that the quality of the composite materials studied is not always optimal (high porosity, incomplete impregnation, heterogeneous microstructure, variable fibre orientation). This paper reviews published data on the specific nature of flax fibres with respect to manufacturing of biocomposites (defined here as polymers reinforced by natural fibres). All the important steps in the process...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Composite materials; Biocomposite; Flax fibre; Polymer; Processing.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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The use of film coating on the performance of treated corn seed 95
Avelar,Suemar Alexandre Gonçalves; Sousa,Fabianne Valéria de; Fiss,Guilherme; Baudet,Leopoldo; Peske,Silmar Teichert.
The main objective of seed coating technology using polymers is to improve the physical, physiological and sanitary characteristics of seed performance. The objectives of the present study were to determine: the plantability of corn seeds treated with insecticide, fungicide and graphite, covered with a film coating; the dust retention on treated corn seeds; and the leaching of applied products on corn seeds covered by a film coating. Seed plantability was determined by counting the skips and double seeds; dust was determined by using fiberglass paper in mg.100 g-1 of seeds; and the leaching was determined by collecting the material leached in a 10 cm layer of sand after irrigation. The following conclusions were made: seeds covered with film coating...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Polymer; Plantability; Dust; Leaching.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Water absorbent polymer in sugarcane crop 70
Marques,Tadeu A.; Marques,Patricia A. A.; Suriani,Marcos W.; Santos,Arleto T. dos; Mendonça,Fernando C..
The water absorbent polymer effect on vegetative growth and production of Theoretical Recovery Sugar (TRS) of sugarcane cv. RB 86 7515 was evaluated on two field tests installed in randomized blocks, with four treatments and five repetitions. The polymer doses were 0; 4; 8 and 12 g m-1 of furrow (test 1) and 0; 1.4; 2.8 and 4.2 g m-1 of furrow (test 2). Test 1 (dec/2007 to may/2009) was implanted in a Distroferric Red Argisol soil in Presidente Prudente - State of São Paulo (SP), Brazil; and the test 2 (Aug/2008 to Aug/2009) was implanted in a Red Yellow Argisol soil in Lucélia - State of São Paulo (SP), Brazil. In test 2, there were no significant differences for any evaluated parameters. In both tests the polymer doses equal to or less than 4 g m-1 of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Saccharum spp.; Polymer; Water retention; Polyacrylamide.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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การเคลือบเมล็ดพันธุ์ด้วยเพอลิเมอร์ร่วมกับ Rhodamine-B ต่อการเรืองแสงและคุณภาพเมล็ดพันธุ์มะเขือเทศลูกผสม 106
Chanoknet Chaiwicha; Boonmee Siri.
The objective of this experiment was to create identical seed by coating with fluorescent compounds. The experiment was conducted at Seed Technology Section of Seed Processing Plant, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University. The coating formulations were prepared using 1.5 % Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) of fluorescent Rhodamine-B at the rates of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 gram.The tomato seeds were coated by Centri Seed Coater (Model SKK 10). Coated seeds were subsequently divided into two parts. The first part; was used to detect fluorescence performance by hand-UV (Model UVGL-58; λ=365 nm.). The second part was used to evaluate the seed quality after coating and after accelerated aging with 100% relative humidity at 42oC for 74hours. It was found...
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Tomato seeds; Seed coating; Polymer; Rhodamine; Fluorescent compounds; Anti-counterfeiting technology; Seed technology; Seed quality; Label seeds; Germination percentage; Seed vigour; เมล็ดพันธุ์มะเขือเทศ; การเคลือบเมล็ดพันธุ์; สารพอลิเมอร์; สารเรืองแสง; การปลอมปนเมล็ดพันธุ์; เทคโนโลยีทางเมล็ดพันธุ์; คุณภาพเมล็ดพันธุ์; เอกลักษณ์เมล็ดพันธุ์; อัตราการงอกของเมล็ดพันธุ์; ความแข็งแรงของเมล็ดพันธุ์.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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การเปรียบเทียบชนิดของพอลิเมอร์ต่อการเคลือบเมล็ดพันธุ์มะเขือเทศลูกผสม 106
Kittiwan Klarod; Boonmee Siri.
A study of different type and proportion of polymers were investigated on tomato seed quality. This experiment was conducted at seed technology laboratory, Seed Processing Plant, Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University. Using three polymers type polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP-K30), polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP-K90) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). This experiment consisted of 2 parts. The first part of experiment was to study effect of type and proportion of polymers as a film former on viscosity, dissolution of film-sheet. The second part, study the effect of seed coating substances on tomato seed quality. Seven treatments were compared: uncoated seed, seed coating with PVP-K30, PVP-K90 and PVA. The tomato seeds were coated by centri seed coater model SKK 10....
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Tomato seeds; Seed coating; Polymer; Hybrid tomato seed; Seed enhancement; Seed coating method; Seed technology; Seed quality; Intermediate technology; Germination percentage; Seed vigour; เมล็ดพันธุ์มะเขือเทศ; การเคลือบเมล็ดพันธุ์; สารพอลิเมอร์; สารเคลือบ; พันธุ์ลูกผสม; เทคโนโลยีทางเมล็ดพันธุ์; การยกระดับคุณภาพเมล็ดพันธุ์; อัตราการงอกของเมล็ดพันธุ์; ความแข็งแรงของเมล็ดพันธุ์.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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