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Ecophysiological responses to the effect of annual management on an endemic viviparous fish in central plateau of México 83
Garcia-Trejo,Fernando; Hurtado-Gonzalez,Silvia Laura; Soto-Zarazúa,Genaro; Alatorre-Jacome,Oscar; Rico-García,Enrique; Gutiérrez-Yurrita,Pedro Joaquín.
Studies on the biological aspects of fish typically focus on species that currently have commercial value, causing species that lack such market value to be ignored. This is the case of several freshwater fish, specifically of several members of the Goodeidae family. In the State of Querétaro there are several species of this family characterized for being viviparous and having distinctive sexual dimorphism that may have commercial potential. The subject of this study is Girardinichthys multiradiatus, a viviparous fish endemic to the upper-half of the Lerma River basin. The lack of knowledge regarding its biology and ecology has prevented the development of guidelines to manage its habitat and to preserve its population. The objective was to determine the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bioenergetics; Conservation; Deterioration; Population dynamic; Trophic spectrum.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Effects of leaf compounds, climate and natural enemies on the incidence of thrips in cassava 86
Leite,Germano Leão Demolin; Picanço,Marcelo; Jham,Gulab Newandram; Gusmão,Marcos Rafael.
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of rainfall, temperature, sunlight and relative humidity, as well as predators and parasitoids, leaf chemical composition and levels of leaf nitrogen and potassium on the intensity of Scirtothrips manihoti (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) attack on cassava Manihot esculenta Crantz var. Cacau. The leaf compounds (E)-farnesene/trans-farnesol and D-friedoolean-14-en-3-one correlated significantly with the population of S. manihoti. Insect population decreased in the dry and cold season probably due to leaf senescence. Significative correlation was observed between Syrphidae with S. manihoti populations.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Manihot esculenta; Scirtothrips manihoti; Environmental factors; Population dynamic; Pest control.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Elevage de copepodes harpacticoïdes (Tisbe holothuriae) en cycle complet. Rôle des facteurs température et nutrition 5
Gaudy, R.; Guerin, J.p..
Following are results obtained in our laboratory during breeding expe­riments with an harpacticoid copepod, Tisbe holothuriae. In small size volumes (200 ml), the potential production appears to be higher when an artificial compound food of animal substances is used instead of a vegetal diet. In medium volume experiments (100 l) the production is related to the surface available for animals in breeding tanks, Breeding in complete cycles can be obtained using various foods, but the quality of diet may markedly affect the characteristics of the vital cycle, such as the length of the fertility period and fecundity. Temperature has a cru­cial effect, chiefly on dynamic preoccesses, that is to say, developmental rate and average generation time. With different...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Production; Dynamique des populations; Biomasse; Composition chimique élémentaire; Bilan énergétique; Copépodes harparcticoïdes; Production; Population dynamic; Biomass; Chemical elementary composition; Energy balance; Hapacticoïd copepods.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Etude des processus hydrodynamiques et écophysiologiques de la dynamique d'une algue invasive : Valonia aegagropila (C. Agardh) dans la lagune de Salses-Leucate 5
Cesmat, Ludovic.
Since 1980, the expansion of a green macro-alga: Valonia aegagropila (C Agardh) is observed in Salses-Leucate lagoon (France). It is currently distributed in the north of the lagoon with important biomasses (40 gDW/m²) eroding the cover of Zostera noltii. The free form of the alga can be transported with the surface or bottom currents depending on seasons. It multiplies mainly by vegetative reproduction. There are few studies on the ecophysiological capacities of V. aegagropila. This work tries to answer why (physiological adaptation) and how (mechanical process of transport) the alga invaded the lagoon, with an approach including observations, experiments in controlled environment and biological and hydrodynamic models. The growth capacities depend on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Model of alga growth; Invasive alga; Model of Droop; Intern quota model; Hydrodynamic model; Invasive specie; Écophysiology; Population dynamic; Lagoon of Salses Leucate; Green alga; Valonia aegagropila; Modèle à quota interne; Modèle hydrodynamique; Espèce invasive; Écophysiologie; Algue verte; Dynamique des populations; Lagune de Salses Leucate; Valonia aegagropila.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Le stock de Lambi (Strombus gigas, L.) en Martinique : analyse de la situation 1986-1987, modélisation de l'exploitation, options d'aménagement 5
Rathier, I.
The stock of Lambi, Strombus gigas (gastropod: strombidae), coastal benthic resource, has been exploited artisanally since the prehistoric period in Martinique. Nowadays, three lines of work exploit the species: free diving, nets (since the middle of the century) and scuba diving since 1985. This report presents the activity of each line of work, surveyed directly from 1986 to 1987: fishing zones and resource allocation, production, effort and performance, detail of catches (by length). The socio economic characteristics of the lambi fishermen are studied. The significant production of leisure fishing is also estimated. The decrease in the production and performance, as well as the lowering of the size of the first catch for about thirty years show that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Management; Operating system; Aquaculture; Population dynamic; Stock evaluation; Martinique; Strombus gigas; Lambi; Aménagement; Régime d'exploitation; Forçage du recrutement; Aquaculture; Dynamique de population; Évaluation de stock; Martinique; Strombus gigas; Lambi.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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Les Merlus d'Afrique du sud et leur peche 5
Quero, Jean-claude.
This study concerns mainly 2 species Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus; M. polli is a more northern species though the 3 species are known to inhabit the same regions. The life cycle, seasonal migrations geographical distribution and fishing grounds of the 2 main species are discussed in detail. The intensity of fishing in this region, over the past 10 years has increased to such an extent that during 1968 -1970 this production accounted for one half level on a world-wide basis. Attempts have been made by Britain to market this fish as a frozen product.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: South Africa; Fishing; Population dynamic; Ecology; Biology; Gadoide; Hake.
Ano: 1973 URL:
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Seasonal abundance and sexual variation in morphometric traits of Oxelytrum discicolle (Brulle, 1840) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest 49
Ferreira,Paulo Sérgio Fiuza; Pires,Evaldo Martins; Guedes,Raul Narciso Carvalho; Mendes,Márcio; Coelho,Lívia Aguiar.
A total of 293 specimens of Oxelytrum discicolle were sampled weekly over a period of two years using a black light trap. The study took place in an Atlantic Forest reserve located near Viçosa city, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The period of peak abundance of O. discicolle occurred during the wet season between the months of October and March. Statistical analysis showed that the abundance of individuals was significantly and positively correlated with temperature, but not with rainfall or relative humidity. Of 28 morphological measurements taken on each collected specimen, seven were found to be sexually dimorphic; however, neither morphology nor the degree of sexual dimorphism varied significantly among seasons.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oxelytrum discicolle; Population dynamic; Sexual dimorphism; Minas Gerais.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Spatio-temporal differentiation in the population structure of Hydrobia ulvae on an intertidal mudflat (Marennes-Oleron Bay, France) 5
Haubois, Anne-gaelle; Guarini, Jean-marc; Richard, Pierre; Blanchard, Gerard; Sauriau, Pierre-guy.
Spatio-temporal changes in density, breeding cycle, growth and population structure of Hydrobia ulvae (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) were studied by monthly sampling of a wide bare mudflat in Marennes-Oleron Bay. Four stations, located along a cross-shore transect and characterized by different geomorphological structures, were investigated from March 2000 to February 2001. Hydrobia ulvae was mainly distributed in the upper half part of the mudflat and no individuals were found in the lower part. The breeding cycle extended from March to December and showed two annual peaks, in spring and in autumn. Three cohorts were recruited during the year and showed high growth rates during summer; the parameters of the von Bertalanffy model describing the growth curves...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gastropoda; Mudflat; Spatio temporal change; Population dynamic.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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การเปลี่ยนแปลงประชากรและการถูกทำลายของเชื้อ Soft Rot Erwinias ที่ได้จากแปลงปลูกหัวพันธุ์มันฝรั่งในบริเวณดอยอ่างขาง จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ 106
Parinya Jantarasri.
Thesis (M.Sc. in Agriculture)
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Potato; Soft Rot Erwinias; Population dynamic; Bacteriostasis; Seed fields; Doi Ang Khang; Chiang Mai; มันฝรั่ง; หัวพันธุ์; โรคเน่าเละ; เชื้อแบคทีเรีย; แอนทาโกนิสต์; การควบคุมโรค; สารเคมีป้องกันและกำจัดโรค; ดอยอ่างขาง.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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พลวัตประชากรของแมลงกลุ่มมอด (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae, Curculionidea; Scolytinae, Platypodinea) และด้วงกระดูกสัตว์แมลงศัตรูมอด (Coleoptera: Cleridae) ในสวนทุเรียน 106
Sittichaya, W.; Permkam, S..
Tipo: PhysicalObject Palavras-chave: Wood borers; Checkered beetles; Durian; Population dynamic; สวนทุเรียน; ด้วงกระดูกสัตว์; แมลงกลุ่มมอด; พลวัตประชากร; แมลงศัตรูธรรมชาติ; กับดักแมลง; ฤดูกาล.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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