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An Agro-Economic Production Model for a Middle European River Basin - First Results of CAP Reform Scenario Calculations 31
Henseler, Martin; Krimly, Tatjana; Wirsig, Alexander.
ACRE is an Agro-eConomic model for agricultural pRoduction on rEgional level. Based on an extension of Positive Mathematical Programming (PMP) this model was developed as a decision tool for politics with respect to questions of global change- and political scenarios. Currently, ACRE is applied in the RIVERTWIN-Neckar project and politic scenarios of the CAP reform 2003 were calculated. This paper introduces ACRE, its theoretical framework, and the first results of political scenario calculations, which where done for the Neckar river basin.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultural production model; Regional model; Interdisciplinary projects; CAP reform 2003; Positive Mathematical Programming; Agricultural and Food Policy; E23; Q15; Q21; Q18; C61.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Analysis of the Socio-Economic Impact of the Tobacco CMO Reform on Italian Tobacco Sector 31
Arfini, Filippo; Donati, Michele; Menozzi, Davide.
The Tobacco CMO (Common Market Organization) is involved in a intense debate between the European tobacco industry and those who are against to a crop whose transformed product is dangerous to the health. European institutions have shown a strong interest in this complex issue introducing two Reforms (1992 and 1998) and one revision in 2004. This paper aims to analyse and investigate the socio-economic impact of the tobacco CMO Reform of 2004 in Italy, across the scenarios proposed by the EC Commission (2004), both on the tobacco production and processing sector. The considered socio-economic indicators are harvested surfaces, farm income and overall employment, while the sample of farms used in this research belong to the FADN–Italy sample.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Tobacco CMO; CAP reform; Decoupling; Positive Mathematical Programming; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q11; Q12; Q18; J21.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Effects of a flat rate introduction: shifts in farm activity and impact on farmers' income 31
Marchand, Fleur L.; Buysse, Jeroen; Campens, V.; Claeys, Dakerlia; Fernagut, Bruno; Lauwers, Ludwig H.; Van der Straeten, Bart; Van Huylenbroeck, Guido.
Current thoughts on CAP changes, e.g. the "Health Check", emphasize the necessity to move away from payments based on historical receipts towards a "flatter rate" system. The aim of current research is to simulate the impact of a flat rate system (equal payments per hectare of cultivated land) compared to the current historical system (payments based on individual historic entitlements). Impact on production and income of arable, dairy and cattle farms of two different flat rate scenario's, is assessed with a farm-based sector model for Flanders. The model maximizes income at farm level, calibrated to observed farming behavior in 2001-2003. Farm data can be selected by farm type, size and region, simulations could be run for specific sub sectors, size...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Positive Mathematical Programming; Farm model; Common Agricultural Policy; Payment Entitlements.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Agricultural Finance; Farm Management; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Flexible quota constraints in positive mathematical programming models 31
Buysse, Jeroen; Van der Straeten, Bart; Claeys, Dakerlia; Lauwers, Ludwig H.; Marchand, Fleur L.; Van Huylenbroeck, Guido.
To explain over- and underuse of available quota, Buysse et al. (2007) have integrated the shadow cost of the quota constraint in a quota flexibility function in a positive mathematical programming model. This method and central hypothesis, formulated and tested for the case of Belgian sugar beet farms, is in current paper extended and confirmed for the cases of Flemish dairy quota and manure emission rights. Despite the different organisation, objectives and implementations of the diverse quota systems, the results are similar. A higher utilisation of quota is significantly driven by the quota rent, but farm characteristics are also important and the effect declines with increasing quota rent. Regardless the quota, the dairy quota flexibility behaviour of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Quota; Flexibility; Positive Mathematical Programming; Farm model; Common Agricultural Policy; Agricultural and Food Policy; Demand and Price Analysis; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Integrating risk and uncertainty in PMP models 31
Petsakos, Athanasios; Rozakis, Stelios.
Positive Mathematical Programming (PMP) is one of the most commonly used methods of calibrating activity linear programming (LP) models in agriculture. PMP applications published thus far focus on the estimation of a farm’s nonlinear cost or profit function and rely on the recovery of unobserved or implicit information that can explain the initial model’s inability to calibrate. In this paper we use the PMP procedure to calibrate an expected utility model under the assumption that this implicit information can reveal a farmer’s profit expectations and risk attitude. The perfect calibration shows that PMP can be applied not only to LP models, but also to models that incorporate risk and this provides an interesting alternative to the traditional PMP...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: E-V analysis; Expected utility; Farm model; Positive Mathematical Programming; Risk.; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Intervention in Agricultural Systems that Provide Positive Environmental Externalities: an Evaluation of Alternative Instruments 31
Atance Muniz, Ignacio; Bardaji, Isabel; Tio, Carlos.
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) intervenes in most agricultural systems that provide positive environmental externalities using both direct payments and agrienvironmental schemes. In this context, the objective of this paper is to compare the efficiency of the current intervention system versus intervening using agri-environmental payments as a sole instrument. The cereal steppes agroecosystem of Tierra de Campos (Valladolid, Spain) has been selected to develop this comparison. A farm survey and a Positive Mathematical Programming Model have been combined to provide results of both alternative instruments. The farm survey was used to ask the farmers their payments demands to participate in the alternative instrument, supplying also qualitative...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: CAP; Agri-environmental schemes; Policy instruments evaluation; Farm surveys; Positive Mathematical Programming; Cereal steppes; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Bulgheroni, Claudia; Sali, Guido.
This paper presents a regional model, based on Positive Mathematical Programming, which aims to evaluate the consequences of Fischler reform on the agricultural sector of the Lombardy irrigated lowland (Northern Italy). The model main focus is to quantify the agricultural land use changes due to the farmers reaction to the CAP reform main issues, such as single payment, and to simulate possible scenarios for the future. The model takes into account also the Water Frame Directive principles, in order to combine the assessment of both CAP issues and the potential irrigation water supplies reduction, which could deeply affect the area. The model input are obtained by means of the integration between FADN and SIARL (Agricultural Information System of Lombardy...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: CAP modelling; Fischler Reform; Positive Mathematical Programming; Regional model; Water Frame Directive; Agricultural and Food Policy; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Q18; Q15; C61.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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The impact of reforming the Common Agricultural Policy on the sustainability of the irrigated area of Central Italy. An empirical assessment by means of a Positive Mathematical Programming model 31
Cortignani, Raffaele; Severini, Simone.
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a major driver of the environmental and social sustainability of the agriculture in the European Union (EU). Under the 2003 CAP reform, most direct payments to agricultural producers were decoupled from production. This work assesses the possible impact of the CAP reform on the sustainability of an irrigated area of Central Italy with particular attention being paid to decoupling. The analysis has been conducted using the Positive Mathematical Programming (PMP) method that directly estimates the cost function parameters by imposing the first-order conditions of the farm model under consideration. The analysis assesses the impact of the CAP reform on farm cropping patterns, water and chemical use, labour use and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Common Agricultural Policy; Sustainability; Positive Mathematical Programming; Farmers’ behaviour; Irrigated agriculture; Decoupling; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Crop Production/Industries; Demand and Price Analysis; Farm Management; Land Economics/Use.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Barkaoui, Ahmed.
This poster proposes a new procedure in agriculture supply modelling by the positive mathematical programming (PMP) approach. This approach is now widely used in last CAP reform simulations. However, simulation behaviour and performances of PMP procedures depend of the way parameters of the non linear total cost function in the objective function are recovered. We propose a new specification of the total cost function where land is explicitly considered as a fixed input. By using relative parts of land of the different activities this new PMP procedure permits to better capture production behaviour when economic conditions. It also permits to avoid a drawback of the early procedures concerning marginal activities
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Positive Mathematical Programming; CAP; Agricultural and Food Policy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Q10; Q18.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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