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A model analysis on nitrate leaching under different soil and climate conditions and use of catch crops Organic Eprints
Pedersen, Anders; Stoumann Jensen, Lars; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian.
The use of crops and catch crops with deep rooting can strongly improve the possibility of retaining nitrate-N that will otherwise be leached to the deeper soil layers and end up in the surrounding environment. But will it always be an advantage for the farmer to grow a catch crop? This will depend on factors such as soil mineral nitrogen level, soil water holding capacity, winter precipitation, rooting depth and N demand of the scceeding crop. These factors interact, and it can be very difficult for farmers or advisors to use this information to decide whether growing a catch crop will be beneficial. To analyse the effect of catch crops under different Danish soil and precipitation conditions, we used the soil, plant and atmosphere model Daisy.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Nutrient turnover; Post harvest management and techniques; Crop combinations and interactions; Farm nutrient management; Soil quality.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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A Simulation Model of Combined Biogas, Bioethanol and Protein Fodder Co-Production in Organic Farming Organic Eprints
Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr; Thomsen, Mette Hedegaard; Thomsen, Anne Belinda; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye.
In order to evaluate new strategies for the production of renewable energy within sustainable organic agriculture, a process-simulation model for a 100 ha organic farm was developed. Data used for the model was obtained from laboratory trials, literature data, consultancy with experts, and results from the BioConcens project ( Different design approaches were evaluated in order to establish the most suitable configuration. Rye grains, clover grass silage, maize silage, whey and cattle manure were selected as raw materials for co-production of fuels, feed and fertilizer at the organic farm, based on the fact that crops grown in organic agriculture act as key carbon sources whereas manure and whey were applied primarily as the...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Technology assessment; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Ackerbohnenschrot im Vergleich zu Rottemist: Effekte auf Ertrag und Qualitätsparameter von Kartoffeln Organic Eprints
Oltmanns, Meike; Raupp, Joachim.
Ökologische Betriebe ohne eigene Viehhaltung müssen eine Düngungsalternative für Stallmist finden. Im Gemüse- oder Feldgemüseanbau sind dies meist geschrotete, großkörnige Leguminosensamen. Während die Wirkungen des Stallmistes in vielen Feldversuchen bereits belegt worden sind, stehen entsprechende Untersuchungen mit Leguminosenschroten noch aus. Daher werden seit 1996 in einem Feldversuch die Langzeit-Effekte von pflanzlichen organischen Düngern und Stallmist sowie Mineraldüngung (bei gleicher Stickstoff-Aufwandmenge, 100 kg ha-1 N) verglichen. Ergebnisse in 2005: Der Ertrag der marktfähigen Kartoffeln lag bei den Düngungsarten Stallmist und Ackerbohnenschrot mit ca. 230 dt ha-1 gleich hoch. Der Kaliumgehalt der mit Ackerbohnenschrot gedüngten...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Post harvest management and techniques; Root crops; Composting and manuring.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Aufgepasst bei der Karottenernte Organic Eprints
Koller, Martin.
Die Ernte vieler Lagergemüse hat schon begonnen oder steht unmittelbar an. Karotten sind – nicht nur im Bioanbau - das wichtigste Lagergemüse.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Vegetables; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Avaliação da qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de feijão-vagem (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) produzidas sob manejo orgânico e submetidas ao congelamento. Organic Eprints
Brito, Renata; Lopes, Higino Marcos; Fernandes, Maria do Carmo de Araújo; Aguiar, Luiz Augusto de; Ceará, Paula Senna.
Com o avanço da agricultura orgânica, cresce a demanda por sementes de qualidade oriundas desse sistema de produção. A utilização de fungicidas químicos é vetada em todo o manejo do sistema orgânico de produção e tratamentos alternativos devem ser utilizados com eficiência, preservando a qualidade física, fisiológica e sanitária das sementes. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de feijão vagem produzidas sob o cultivo orgânico e submetidas ao congelamento. Os experimentos foram conduzidos no Laboratório de Controle de Qualidade de Sementes, do Instituto de Agronomia da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, e no laboratório de Análises de Sementes do Centro Estadual de Pesquisa em Agricultura...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Crop husbandry; Social aspects; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Bæredygtigt foderprotein fra lokalproducerede grønne biomasser Organic Eprints
Andersen, Kell; Fog, Erik.
Introduktion til innovationsworkshop om bio-raffineret grøn protein.
Tipo: Teaching resource Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth; Produce chain management; Farm nutrient management; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Bæredygtigt foderprotein fra lokalproducerede grønne biomasser - resultat af gruppedrøftelser Organic Eprints
Fog, Erik.
Opsamling på gruppedrøftelser på innovationsworkshop
Tipo: Teaching resource Palavras-chave: Farm economics; Feeding and growth; Farm nutrient management; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Bioecologia e manejo de Gyropsylla spegazziniana em erva-mate. Organic Eprints
Barzotto, Ionete Lúcia Milani; Alves, Luis Francisco Angeli.
A erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.) compõe um dos segmentos agroindustriais mais antigos e característicos da região Sul do Brasil, caracterizando-se como uma importante atividade socioeconômica. Para abastecer o mercado consumidor de derivadsupos da erva-mate, foi necessário reflorestar áreas com essa planta, o que simplificou o ecossistema e favoreceu algumas espécies de insetos fitófagos, os quais adquiriram status de praga. Nesse contexto, destaca-se a "ampola" da erva-mate Gyropsylla spegazziniana (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) (Lizer e Treles) pela severidade de danos. Não existem inseticidas registrados para o controle dessa praga no Brasil, e diversos estudos apontam para o manejo populacional da praga. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão é reunir...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Crop husbandry; Markets and trade; Food systems; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Bioenergy for farms - turnip rape oil, biodiesel and biogas Organic Eprints
Kuisma, Miia.
One research and one development project concerning production and processing technique of organic turnip rape is going on in Finland in 2006-2008. The development project concerns also biogas production from biomass.
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Bioenergy in organic farming. Consequences for soil fertility, environment, spread of animal parasites and socio-economy Organic Eprints
Schmidt, Jens Ejbye; Thomsen, Anne Belinda; Thomsen, Mette Hedegaard; Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø; Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr.
Bioenergy in organic farming
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Composting and manuring; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Bioethanol production by inherent enzymes from rye and wheat with addition of organic farming cheese whey Organic Eprints
Kádár, Zsófia; Christensen, Anne Deen; Thomsen, Mette Hedegaard; Bjerre, Anne Belinda.
In organic farming, there is a strong effort to minimize the share of non-renewable resources (e.g. fossil fuels) and use only (preferably on-farm produced) bio-based energy and renewable raw materials, with the aim of achieving sustainable production systems and to become self-sufficient in energy. Throughout our studies, wheat and rye grain was used as raw material in bioethanol production with the purpose of producing in situ enzymes (during germination) for the hydrolysis of starch in the grains and compared with commercial amylase enzyme preparations. Whey permeate was incorporated into the grain in Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF) process to use a cheap nutrient and water source. The ethanol fermentations were completed by 190...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2011 URL:[1].pdf
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Bioethanol production from germinated grain by inherent enzymes Organic Eprints
Kádár, Zsófia; Christensen, Anne Deen; Thomsen, Mette Hedegaard; Thomsen, Anne Belinda.
The malting in brewing process develops enzymes that are required to hydrolyze the complex starch in grain into simple fermentable sugars. These proceed the three following steps: Steeping encourages germination to start, germination prepares the conversion of the starch to sugars, and kilning stops the germination. In this study, a method for bioethanol production from rye grain was developed by utilizing the inherent amylase activity from germination of the seed. Grain germination was performed in two steps (steeping, germination) under different conditions, where the effect of temperature, duration and humidity was examined on amylase activity and final ethanol yield. Commercial enzymes were used for reference experiments. Simultaneous...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Biofuels on organic farming Organic Eprints
Kádár, Zsófia; Christensen , Anne Deen; Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr; Heiske, Stefan; Thomsen , Mette Hedegaard; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye.
Organic agriculture is one sustainable alternative to avoid negative environmental effects often caused by conventional agriculture. The area for organic farming in Europe is increased rapidly in the last decades and Denmark is one of the top-ten countries in Europe as regards the organic share of the total cultivated area. The production of bioenergy from local biological resources and the maintenance of soil fertility seem to have been opposing aims in organic agriculture. In organic farming, there is a strong effort to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions in organic agriculture. Cheese whey is a by-product from the dairy industry, which has the highest market share of organic foods in Denmark. It generates...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Technology assessment; Composting and manuring; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Biogas and ethanol potentials in selected biomasses for organic farming Organic Eprints
Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr; Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø; Thomsen, Anne Belinda; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye.
The production of bioenergy in organic agriculture (OA) can reduce its dependency on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse‐gases (GHG) emissions; consequently increasing the sustainability of organic farming. Different biomasses were characterized biologically and chemically for their biogas and bioethanol potential at organic farms in Denmark. Batch experiments indicated methane yield [GJ/ha]: 260.7 (fresh maize), 272.7 (maize silage), 127.1 (fresh rye), 169.7 (rye silage), 161.7 (dried rye), 110.5 (fresh clover), 117.8 (clover silage), 72.3 (dried clover), and 41.1 (dried vetch). Theoretical ethanol yield [GJ/ha] showed: 119.8 (fresh maize), 109.2 (maize silage), 36.9 (fresh rye), 39.9 (rye silage), 84.7 (dried rye), 28.9 (fresh clover), 24.4 (clover...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Biogaspotentialet i græspulp og restvæske fra et grønt bioraffinaderi Organic Eprints
Uellendahl, Hinrich.
Biogasudbytte af pressekage og brunsaft fra forsøg med bioraffinering af græs. Indhold af næringsstoffer i pressekage og brunsaft.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Farm nutrient management; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Bioraffinering af græs til proteinfoder er i rivende udvikling Organic Eprints
Ambye-Jensen, Morten.
Beskrivelse af erfaringerne med teknisk optimering af bioraffineringsprocessen på pilotanlægget i Foulum.
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article Palavras-chave: Pigs; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Bioraffinering af grøn biomasse til protein, gødning og energi Organic Eprints
Fog, Erik.
Præsentation af OrganoFinery-projektet til det danske bioøkonomi-panel.
Tipo: Teaching resource Palavras-chave: Technology assessment; Feeding and growth; Produce chain management; Farm nutrient management; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Bioraffinering - et moderne kick til det naturvenlige landbrug Organic Eprints
Fog, Erik.
Indlæg på møde i Danmarks Naturfredningsforenings landbrugsudvalg.
Tipo: Teaching resource Palavras-chave: Technology assessment; Feeding and growth; Produce chain management; Farm nutrient management; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Bioraffinering som svar på udfordringer i økologisk produktion Organic Eprints
Fog, Erik.
Betydning og perspektiver i økologisk bioraffinering og resultater fra OrganoFinery-projektet.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Technology assessment; Feeding and growth; Produce chain management; Farm nutrient management; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Bioraffineringsteknologien Organic Eprints
Ambye-Jensen, Morten.
Præsentation af bioraffineringsteknologien. Erfaringer fra bioraffinerings-pilotanlægget ved Aarhus Universitet, Foulum.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Buildings and machinery; Post harvest management and techniques.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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