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Cost-effective Sampling Design Applied to Large-scale Monitoring of Boreal Birds 7
Carlson, Matthew; University of Alberta;; Schmiegelow, Fiona; University of Alberta;
Despite their important roles in biodiversity conservation, large-scale ecological monitoring programs are scarce, in large part due to the difficulty of achieving an effective design under fiscal constraints. Using long-term avian monitoring in the boreal forest of Alberta, Canada as an example, we present a methodology that uses power analysis, statistical modeling, and partial derivatives to identify cost-effective sampling strategies for ecological monitoring programs. Empirical parameter estimates were used in simulations that estimated the power of sampling designs to detect trend in a variety of species’ populations and community metrics. The ability to detect trend with increased sample effort depended on the monitoring target’s...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Allocation of sample effort; Boreal birds; Community metrics; Cost-effective sample design; Forest bird populations; Long-term monitoring; Partial derivatives; Power analysis; Sample error; Temporal and spatial variation; Trend detection.
Ano: 2002
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Design considerations for community-based stream monitoring to detect changes in Pacific salmon habitats 7
Lagasse, Cory R.; School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University;; Ou, Wanli; School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University;; Honka, Leah D.; School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University;; Atlas, William I.; Qqs Projects Society;; Hutton, Claire N.; Independent Resource Management Consultant; TNC Canada;; Kotaska, Jana; Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia;; Hocking, Morgan D.; Hakai Network for Coastal People, Ecosystems and Management, Simon Fraser University; School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria;
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Adaptive governance; Ecosystem-based management; First Nations management; Great Bear Rainforest; Pacific salmon; Power analysis; Stream monitoring.
Ano: 2014
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