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From Risk Assessment to Knowledge Mapping: Science, Precaution, and Participation in Disease Ecology 7
Stirling, Andy C.; Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex;; Scoones, Ian; Institute for Development Studies, University of Sussex;
Governance of infectious disease risks requires understanding of often indeterminate interactions between diverse, complex, open, and dynamic human and natural systems. In the face of these challenges, worldwide policy making affords disproportionate status to “ science-based” risk-assessment methods. These reduce multiple, complex dimensions to simple quantitative parameters of “outcomes” and “probabilities,” and then re-aggregate across diverse metrics, contexts, and perspectives to yield a single ostensibly definitive picture of risk. In contrast, more precautionary or participatory approaches are routinely portrayed as less rigorous, complete, or robust. Yet, although conventional...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Ambiguity; Ignorance; Participation; Precaution; Risk; Uncertainty..
Ano: 2009
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Political Precaution, Pandemics and Protectionism 31
Kerr, William A..
Despite strong scientific evidence and representations made by international scientific organizations, a considerable number of countries have imposed import bans on pork in response to the H1N1 pandemic. The imposition of these barriers is contrary to WTO rules. The motivation for the imposition of these barriers does not appear to have arisen from producers’ requests or consumer lobbying – political precaution provides the motivation. There appears to be little control over political precaution in the rules of international trade. Hence, the balance between the strong rules of trade desired by firms wishing to engage in international commerce and the need, at times, for politicians to respond to requests for protection may be changing in favour of more...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: H1N1; Import bans; Pork; Precaution; Protection; Swine; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Health Economics and Policy; International Relations/Trade; Livestock Production/Industries; Political Economy; Public Economics; Risk and Uncertainty.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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